On Apr 15, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 04:59:53AM -0700, Chet wrote:
I recently starting moving a project over from Redhat 7.x to Cygwin and found a
slight problem using poll() and a set of descriptor structs with POLLIN,
POLLOUT, and POLLPRI set. Using this combination or any
00 or so.
- Dan
Copyright 1999,2000, Dan Kegel http://www.kegel.com/
See the file COPYING
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at y
ox when I tried running /usr/sbin/httpd under gdb.
Suggestions welcome... I did search google and the cygwin archives,
but didn't find anything obvious.
- Dan
Dan Kegel
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Short story: make is dumping core on me repeatably under cygwin-1.5.9-1.
Things seem a bit unstable.
Should I roll back to an older version of cygwin? If so,
which packages should I roll back?
Long story:
I've been adding cygwin support to http://kegel.com/crosstool
so I can build hetrogenous dist
Dan Kegel wrote:
Short story: make is dumping core on me repeatably under cygwin-1.5.9-1.
Things seem a bit unstable.
Should I roll back to an older version of cygwin? If so,
which packages should I roll back?
Long story:
I've been adding cygwin support to http://kegel.com/crosstool
Dan Kegel wrote:
I've been adding cygwin support to http://kegel.com/crosstool
so I can build hetrogenous distcc clusters targeting e.g. Red Hat 6.2.
I have a nice automated shell script to do this;
works great under Linux, and I'm slowly chipping away at the problems
under Cygwin. The
Brian wrote:
I've not much experience with distcc, but it looks like you're trying to
use gcc 2.95. This version of gcc is known to be broken with Cygwin and
is not supported -- it has been removed from the Cygwin mirrors.
Apologies if this does not apply to your circumstance...
Right, doesn't ap
Dan Kegel wrote:
Aha. Using 'make -d' shows more detail:
so the recursion in extra-module.mk (which is expected, though
I don't know how many repeats are normal) is going awry somehow.
Got it. I'm attaching a minimal test case. glibc's makefile
requires that M
Dan Kegel wrote:
Got it. I'm attaching a minimal test case. glibc's makefile
requires that Make be able to handle 140 levels of include recursion,
but cygwin Make crashes after about 130 -- unless you're running
under gdb or strace, in which case it works fine.
To repeat the bug,
Dan Kegel wrote:
Sadly, error_start didn't seem to be able to start gdb:
Thanks to Igor for pointing out that error_start must be a
DOS path. Here's what I see once I correct that:
$ export CYGWIN=error_start:C:\\cygwin\\bin\\gdb.exe
$ make
(gdb) bt
#0 0x77f75a59 in ntdll!DbgUiCo
Dan Kegel wrote:
Got it. I'm attaching a minimal test case. glibc's makefile
requires that Make be able to handle 140 levels of include recursion,
but cygwin Make crashes after about 130 -- unless you're running
under gdb or strace, in which case it works fine.
Turns out the sma
Dan Kegel wrote:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
for (i=0; ; i++) {
int fd = open("foo.c", O_RDONLY);
printf("fd #%d is %d\n", i, fd);
This crashes for me at the 133rd fd unless I run it under gdb ...
I just reproduced the crash on a second system, this time on
a WinME box, where my foo.c open-lots-of-fds program
made it up to 180 or so fds before crashing.
Before I updated from ftp.lug.udel.edu, I tried the
(six-month-old?) cygwin that was already on the WinME box;
it worked fine with foo.c. T
I'm having trouble on both my recently-updated cygwin
machines. They crash after opening 130 to 180 fds.
Here's a little program that just counts how many
fds it can open for /dev/null. I suspect a few of
you will also have my problem. Could you run this
and report back how many fds it reports,
cgf wrote:
OK, I built a debugging version of cygwin1.dll and dropped it on top of
the normal one, then ran my test program with
export CYGWIN=error_start:C:\\cygwin\\bin\\gdb.exe
and hit 'c' and then 'bt' as suggested. Looks like the debugger is a
bit happier with the debugging build. I
Hannu wrote:
FWIW; using the previously posted fds.c, slightly modified:
I can reproduce this with 1.5.9-1 (ususally 133 iterations and a core
Switching to 1.5.8-1 cygwin1.dll rasies the limit to some 3200 iterations
(no dump).
Excellent, thanks for the info.
I just downloaded
cgf wrote:
On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 11:04:29AM -0800, Dan Kegel wrote:
Here's the gdb stuff you asked for;
(gdb) p alloc_sz
$3 = 0
Bingo. That's the problem. I've checked in a fix for this and have
uploaded a new snapshot. Can you confirm that it fixes the problem?
Dan Kegel wrote:
(gdb) p alloc_sz
$3 = 0
Bingo. That's the problem. I've checked in a fix for this and have
uploaded a new snapshot. Can you confirm that it fixes the problem?
Yep, fixes my little test case.
I'll run more exhaustive tests tomorrow.
It handled my real-world case
Kyle Unice wrote:
If I do anything with a pipe the command will never return to the shell
$ ls | more
bash: more: command not found
Please follow the guidelines at http://cygwin.com/problems.html
when reporting problems. We need a bit m
Larry Hall wrote:
mv foo.sh foo.exe
The first foo.sh works fine. The second... well, it's entertaining.
I have to kill the window, ^C is ignored.
Well, ^C worked for me, though the terminal then would not respond to
any other input. Maybe that's what you meant by "it's enterta
Rainer Hochreiter wrote:
now my problem:
i created a main program and a shared library, both written in c++, where
the source is parially taken from the "c++ dlopen mini howto".
find the sources in the attachments!
throwing an exception in the shared library results in a core dump of the
binary exe
The last company I worked for tried bundling Cygwin (with sources, natch)
as part of a product. Predictably (to those who have tried this),
this caused big problems because it conflicted with any Cygwin
installed on customers' machines.
Looking at the archives, I see at least a couple other peopl
> You somehow managed to get part of the message while tanking on the rest.
OK, how's this look:
Q. I want to bundle Cygwin with a product, and ship it to customer
sites. How can I do this without conflicting with any Cygwin
installed by the user?
A. Cygwin is not d
OK, third draft:
Q. I want to bundle Cygwin with a product, and ship it to customer
sites. How can I do this without conflicting with any Cygwin
installed by the user?
A. Third party developers who wish to use Cygwin should check if
there is a version of cygwin installed and use the installed
Seriously, though, something belongs in the FAQ
about this stuff, doesn't it?My third draft was
only one quarter satire; most of it was pretty straight
up. I can redraft it without the satire if you like.
Don't assume that everyone who asks the question
is trying to cheat or bend the rule
Christopher Faylor wrote:
> I assume that they are either trying to 1) cheat, 2) bend the rules, 3)
> not spend any time whatsoever worrying about the problem, or 4) become
> annoyed because they have thought about it for thirty seconds and it
> seems like we're purposely trying to punish them.
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Corinna Vinschen
> That's quite close, especially the answer to 9.3 :)
> Care to create a matching docbook entry for the FAQ?
I can give it a whirl. Might take me a while, though... where
is the FAQ source, again?
Unsubscribe info:
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Christopher Faylor
> Actually, I think 9.3 suggests a disagreement
Yes, it accurately captures the disagreement that
the Cygwin maintainers have with users that want to do this.
Your replacement text isn't clear enough about
the fact th
On 5 Aug 2013, Corinna wrote:
> below's the latest list of packages yet mssing in the 64 bit distro
> ...
> Reini Urban
> ...
> perl-libwin32
I just ran into this while following
I probably don't need it myself, but was curious whether there were
Congratulations on releasing 1.7!
Is there any way to install the old version of Cygwin?
Wine explodes with 1.7, and while we're debugging it,
it'd be nice to be able to try the old version.
The FAQ says how to get old versions of individual
packages, but not how to go back a major version
on eve
> On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Dan Kegel wrote:
>> Congratulations on releasing 1.7!
>> Is there any way to install the old version of Cygwin?
>> Wine explodes with 1.7, and while we're debugging it,
>> it'
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Christopher Faylor
> On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 10:37:00PM -0800, Dan Kegel wrote:
>>Sadly, that seems to grab an up to date setup.
>>http://www.fruitbat.org/Cygwin/ pointed me to
Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Yes, and that points you at setup-legacy.exe. So if you want to run a
> legacy version of Cygwin you now know what to do.
Except that setup-legacy.exe doesn't run on Wine yet.
I think I have a workaround, though, which I'll bake into winetricks
until we've fixed the
People seem to have trouble getting sshd running.
Here's my flavor of the problem, with recipe to repeat:
Fresh install of Vista Home SP1 64 bit.
Try and fail to install cygwin sshd, then
completely uninstall cygwin according to the FAQ here:
Followup: I tried again, with
cygrunsrv --stop sshd
cygrunsvr --remove sshd
and then saying yes to everything except "do you want to use a different name".
This time configuration succeeded, net start sshd succeeded,
and ssh localhost succeeded!
I then added an exception for port
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> I will have to revive this topic...
> It still does not work: namely used ssh-user-config
> it created 3 keys: SSH1 RSA, SSH2 RSA, SSH2 DSA.
> But it fails in similar way with:
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote ho
Although it seems strange to run cygwin on top of wine,
doing so would make it possible to run a lot of build
scripts for windows apps unchanged, which would be
very handy in verifying that wine works properly
(see http://wiki.winehq.org/UnitTestSuites ).
The problem is, wine doesn't support the s
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Larry Hall
(Cygwin) wrote:
> This leads me to believe the best course of action is to solve this problem
> in Wine and/or through Unix/Linux means, rather than relying on patches
> to the apps running in Wine.
I tend to agree. I'm going to have a look at using xa
Hi folks,
I'm adding support for hidden and system attributes to Wine
to support cygwin's symlinks. The following questions
are not wine-related; I'm doing my testing on vista.
If I look at /bin/vi with both dir in cmd and ls -l in cygwin, I see
that it's a non-.lnk symlink, i.e. dir shows it as
If you're used to
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv foo
working, but it recently started failing with
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/virtualenv.py", line 1506, in
raise e
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
you may be suffering from
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 1:30 PM, V.99 wrote:
> [root@backup domain_backup]# ssh bkp@builder find
> /cygdrive/d/Backups/Data -printf "\"%f (%s)\n\""
> FIND: Invalid switch
It's picking up the windows find.exe instead of the cygwin one. What
echo $PATH
- Dan
Problem reports:
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 7:55 PM, YZFury wrote:
> int *ptr = malloc(sizeof(*ptr));
> int x = 87;
> ptr = &x;
> printf("%d", *ptr);
> free(ptr);//it goes wrong here
As you probably know, you can't call free() on a pointer
that didn't come from malloc(). ptr's first
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Orourke, Robert B CIV (US)
> Certificate of Networthiness
Cygwin is a very large collection of software, rather like Red Hat Linux.
Does Red Hat Linux have such a certificate?
If so, or if they've applied for one, you might be able to use that as
an example
It seems that if a zipfile includes both foo.exe and foo/, unzipping
the zipfile fails like this:
inflating: /cygdrive/c/yobuild/src/gtest/msvc/gtest/Debug/gtest_prod_test.exe
checkdir error:
/cygdrive/c/yobuild/src/gtest/msvc/gtest/Debug/gtest_prod_test exists
but is not directory
If you're just looking for any old way to do it, as opposed to using cygwin,
Me, I just install WinCDEmu from
and then do
cygstart foo.iso
- Dan
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:20 PM, John Oliver wrote:
> $ mount -o loop -t iso9660 /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\
> Sett
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> Cygwin != Linux
/proc/cpuinfo begs to differ :-)
For what it's worth, windows 8 now includes a way to mount iso,
and it seems to have been backported to older windows as an addon
( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Warren Young wrote:
>>> Cygwin != Linux
>> /proc/cpuinfo begs to differ :-)
> $ grep -i linux /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
> 0
Wrong test. I think you were looking for
$ test -f /proc/cpuinfo && echo "looks like linux"
See also http://www.sourceware.org/ml/cygwin-p
On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Warren Young wrote:
> $ test -f /etc/termcap && echo "looks like BSD"
That's why I had the smiley.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Microsoft has a utility called EMET which allows ASLR to be forced on
>> for each and every process(AlwaysOn) . Unfortunately, this breaks
>> cygwin.
> -unfortunately
> +unsurprisingly
> This is to be expected, due to the very definition o
On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Fedin Pavel wrote:
> I decided to pay attention to one more problem. Lots of not very well
> written configure scripts and makefiles like to access things like
> '//usr/bin'. Under Cygwin this causes problem because Cygwin treats '//' in
> Windows-style as access t
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> I'm confused. Let me ask a different way - why not fix such scripts instead?
> That's all I'm asking.
He's probably daunted by the thought.
If he really wants to change the world here, he should
consider writing a tool that scanned for such problems,
and lobbying to get it
On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Chloe wrote:
> But it will run if I double click it from Explorer. I have execute
> permissions. What is wrong?
cmd /c setup.exe
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>> I'm confused. Let me ask a different way - why not fix such scripts
>>> instead?
>> He's probably daunted by the thought.
>>[snipped description of how to approach this huge task]
> Doesn't really address the question.
Armed with the tool I outlined, one could have a
Ariel Burbaickij wrote:
> Uhm, may I ask for some pointers to Altera/Stawberry cygwins -- what is it?
Does it have something to do with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strawberry_Perl ?
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:07 AM, René Berber wrote:
> Here's another: http://atratus.org/
Aha. That's by Mike McCormack, a Codeweavers/Wine alum, who also did
I wonder how far atratus is from running wine.
At which point one could try running cygwin on wine on atratus on win
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 2:34 PM, markov wrote:
> I am trying to connect a client program running on unix to a server
> program running on cygwin without success. I also tried to connect from
> unix to cygwin with ssh, ftp, ... but without success as well. When I
> looked on net, it says that I firs
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> If you've followed this mailing list for any length of time you'd notice
> that we don't really endorse the instructions from random other web
> sites. They are often out-of-date and contain needless instructions.
What's the prevailing t
Hi folks,
I've had a buildbot worker running on cygwin for the last few
years. The python program occasionally appears to busy-hang
after forking a git, regardless of version of windows or
up-to-dateness or 32/64 bitness of cygwin.
More details at http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/3670
Today it happ
On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 5:46 AM, Leif W wrote:
> Click a category to expand it, now what you want is several screens down.
Generally these days users expect to type a bit into a search
box to filter the display, and cygwin setup supports that well.
When you use it that way, no scrolling is needed
On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 2:10 PM, Tanya Sandoval
> I recently had to reinstall Cygwin and in doing so, I have ran into a
> problem with some application because Cygwin seems to be appended to
> my PATH environment variable. I have tried to remove this by following
> these instructions https:
That probably just means there have been updates since
last time you installed, and it's trying to update things
you installed before (or that get installed by default).
Try running setup, don't change anything, and let it finish.
That will grab all the updates you need. After that, it'll
On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 8:58 AM, Brian Inglis
> A Cygwin package is available for expect and the repo is on SF at:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/expect/code/
> which gives the CVSROOT:
> :pserver:anonym...@expect.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/expect
> and links to:
> ht
On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> http://wiki.tcl.tk/201
> name
> Expect
> website
> http://expect.sf.net
> website
> http://expect.nist.gov
Accurate, but it's still a bit surprising that expect's
source repo is unlike the rest of tcl's
(i.e. expect is still cv
>> For the second time this week my /bin/ folder gets obliterated on an
>> error during normal usage. It is equivalent of doing the infamous "rm
>> -rf /bin" .
What were you doing immediately before the directory disappeared?
I have only had things like this happen from user error,
e.g. scriptin
Everybody who uses cygwin knows that if foo and foo.exe exist, you can do
cp foo bar
cp foo.exe bar.exe
but not
cp foo.exe bar.exe
cp foo bar
because of the unavoidable magic in cygwin that lets you execute foo
when you really mean foo.exe.
Well, it just bit me again during a buildbot try
On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 5:03 AM Eric Blake wrote:
> whether someone patches the cygwin dll or cp, it seems like some rather
> hairy code for what is normally a rare corner case, so it probably won't
> happen unless someone actually contributes a patch.
Right. Here's a completely untested guess pa
Right. My thinking was that the auto-suffix probing makes
sense when running or checking for a program, but
not when creating a program. (I could be wrong, and I imagine
if I actually compiled and tested the hack I'd find out pretty quickly
if it was at least obviously wrong.)
O_BINARY doesn't n
I don't have any dll for you, but I did scare up some source code, maybe.
leads me to believe that the source code is part of freecell, i.e.
Hey all,
looking at
I see that there is a ruby-json package:
@ ruby-json
sdesc: "Ruby JSON module"
but ruby does not currently depend on ruby-json:
@ ruby
sdesc: "Interpreted object-oriented scripting language"
requires: cygwin
For what it's worth:
Vista does not even rise above the noise at
and is just barely present at
If I were still supportin
On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 6:42 AM Ken Brown wrote:
> > Very tricky problem. The FIFO code falls over its own feet trying to
> > handle more than one writer (exec 7> is the first, echo blah is the
> > second writer). Sigh. This code needs a thorough rewrite...
> I'm coming back to this thread af
Hi all,
Where did script.exe go? It's not in util-linux anymore...?
Using setup.exe to install the older version of util-linux brings it back,
but I'd like to know where's it's gone to.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/
That same executable behaves properly when built with cl.exe *or* run from cmd.
Only when built with cygwin gcc *and* run from cygwin shell does it
not show the full string,
and bonus, in that case does not set szCmdLine properly?
Did you try
chmod 755 foo.dat
on the file (assuming it's named foo.dat)?
umask 002 would have done that for you if you'd done it before
creating the file.
It's a bit odd to have +x set on a data file, so if it's not a dll or
exe, you might
want to make it chmod 644 instead.
- Dan
On Tue, May
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Alex wrote:
>> Did you try
>> chmod 755 foo.dat
>> on the file (assuming it's named foo.dat)?
> Yes I did , but I can access only the current files. If they send new file
> next time, it won't get this setup so not possible to open.
Just add the chmod in you
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 4:27 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> # uname -a; screen --version; screen -admS mc-server-session
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1 daemon2 2.8.0(0.309/5/3) 2017-04-01 20:47 x86_64 Cygwin
> Screen version 4.05.01 (GNU) 25-Feb-17
> # screen -S mc-server-session -Q windows
I see something simi
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Michele wrote:
>>I'm running Linux Debian as host and i would like to create a
>>cross-compiler like mingw that uses cygwin.dll as libc, so I can
>>compile software with POSIX support such as bash..is this possible?
> the target of course is a WINDOWS (XP) syste
On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 6:46 AM, Michele wrote:
> I know Windows XP it is now unsupported by cygwin and I apoligize for making
> such a question, but let's suppose I want to make a cross-compiler targeting
> a newer supported version of windows what should i do? Let's remember that
> I'm using
On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 8:31 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Soegtrop, Michael!
>>> alias sed='sed -b -e '\''s/\r$//'\'''
>> thanks, an interesting idea! Putting this into something like .bashrc might
>> have a similar effect as having a special sed build with CR stripping built
>> in.
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 3:02 PM, wrote:
> I would also think about X11 permissions. Someone might be scanning
> for activity on port 6000 (&c) and if they find something and it's not
> locked down (see for example 'xhost(1)') it's trivial to just launch
> X11 apps on your system which can cause a
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 5:44 AM, Richard Z wrote:
>> read in various places that it should work, but I get
>> "Cygwin is not supported on this Windows version" running
>> from both wineconsole or bash.
> got somewhat farther with "--allow-unsupported-windows"
> and also need "--site" because mir
On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 4:31 AM, Richard Z wrote:
> strangely WINEDEBUG does nothing for me.
Did you remember to export it?
- Dan
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 6:07 AM, TANNHAUSER Falk
> The following C++ program crashes when compiled with GCC (both 5.4 and 6.3)
> under Cygwin, when compiled with both an optimization level higher than -O0
> (i.e. -O1, -O2 or -O3) and the C++ standard set to -std=c++nn (for any
> supported
On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 4:38 AM, Irfan Adilovic wrote:
> I am reproducing here a bug report I filed to gcc's bugzilla against
> gcc-7.1.0: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=81522
> The bug only appears on Cygwin and only in c++17 mode with the old ABI.
Pedantic automated response:
I hadn't heard the name 'interleaved' style, I think that used to be
called top-posting plus appropriate trimming.
I sympathize with folks who are frustrated with whippersnappers not
knowing email conventions.
(It's almost as bad as not knowing how to use a manual gearshift :-)
- Dan
Problem r
Dear Cygwin heros,
I've been happily using cygwin to run buildbot slaves for several
years. However,
periodically they hang at the end of executing git. It kind of smells like
SIGCHLD isn't delivered somehow.
I shrugged it off as 'I'm using an ancient copy of twisted, it's my fault' for a
On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 11:54 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Well, with the sporadic hanging/defunct processes at work my routine is
> to send CONT to all Cygwin processes, then HUP/KILL to anything that's
> still not live or gone and then another round of CONT. This works
> _most_ of the time, anythin
On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 11:40 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> KARL BOTTS writes:
>> I have no intention to use GFW myself: I use Cygwin git. But now other
>> people
>> around here are discovering GitHub, MSysGit and or GitForWindows. Pretty
>> soon, we are going to wind up with multiple git flavors in
On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Corinna Vinschen
> I guess we can simply remove /dev/kmsg support completely and drop
> the mailslot code. I'm pretty sure nobody would miss it. Hardly
> anybody knows it exists...
I'd be happy to test (though building cygwin is not in the cards for
me fo
Is that 19! ? Probably doesn't fit precisely into a double. Does strtold
behave better?
Some implementations throw on unrepresentable numbers, e.g.
Ken Brown schrieb am Sa., 7. Apr. 2018, 10:40:
> $ cat strtod_test.c
> #includ
(Oh, and running du sometimes causes the delete to emit warnings like
- The directory is not empty.
Evidently du holds the directory open, or something. )
On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 7:58 PM, Dan Kegel wrote:
> Hi! Give
91 matches
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