> I think Corinna's efforts for all of the work that went into getting
> autorebase working in setup.exe deserve a gold star. Could she get
> one please?
Awarded: http://cygwin.com/goldstars/#CV
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/f
> Gmane still has cygwin-apps read-only, so I hope it is acceptable if I post it
> here until that is resolved...
An email reply to cygwin-apps_at_cygwin.com will get your message posted.
It is a little more work, but Forte Agent for example allows you to reply
by email to a Usenet post.
A new version of atool, 0.39.0-1, is available in the Cygwin distribution.
This is a new upstream release, that adds support for plzip, lbzip2, and
pigz compression. You can read the upstream changelog at
atool is a script for managing file archives of various ty
A new version of lftp, 4.3.6-1, is now available in the Cygwin
distribution. This is a new upstream release, that adds some minor
features and fixes several bugs since the previous Cygwin release, version
4.3.4-1. You can read the full changelog at http://lftp.yar.ru/news.html.
lftp is a sophist
A new version of stow, 2.2.0-1, is available in the Cygwin distribution.
This is a new upstream release, with many new features and bug fixes since
the last Cygwin release, version 1.3.3-1. You can read the upstream
changelog at http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/stow.git/tree/NEWS.
stow manages th
> Achim Gratz NexGo.DE> writes:
> > I've compiled both the 4.3.3 and 4.3.6 version using the same settings, so
> > they
> > have the same libraries etc. -- 4.3.3 is still good and 4.3.6 has the bug.
> > Let's see what upstream has to say about it, meanwhile I'd think that 4.3.6
> > should be pul
> Andrew Schulman writes:
> >> Upstream has released 4.3.7 which fixes the bug. Yay!
> >
> > Thanks for chasing that down. I'll package and release 4.3.7 shortly.
> > Andrew.
> Thank you. When you're at it, please remove the README~ from the
> Andrew Schulman writes:
> > Thanks for chasing that down. I'll package and release 4.3.7 shortly.
> > Andrew.
> I just see your RFU over in cygwin apps... Please leave 4.3.3 as
> previous and remove 4.3.6, thanks.
Problem reports: http:/
A new version of lftp, 4.3.7-1, is now available in the Cygwin
distribution. This is a new upstream release, that fixes a few bugs since the
previous Cygwin release, version 4.3.6-1. You can read the full changelog at
lftp is a sophisticated file transfer program an
Two new versions of socat are available in the Cygwin distribution: - current
2.0.0b5-1 - test
These are new upstream releases, that address a security vulnerability in
previous versions. You can read the upstream changelog at
http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/doc/CHANGES. Because
My cygport is 0.10.11-1. I haven't run cygport in a while, and now I'm trying
to compile a new package. When I do, by default it seems that I get
CC = "gcc -c -ggdb -O2 -pipe
> On 2012-07-18 17:07, Ken Brown wrote:
> > On 7/18/2012 4:57 PM, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> My cygport is 0.10.11-1. I haven't run cygport in a while, and now
> >> I'm trying
> >> to compile a new package. When I do, by default it seems tha
> Debuginfo is not "junk". Like most Linux binary distros, these files
> are automatically packed into a ${PN}-debuginfo package and excluded
> from other (sub)packages without further intervention by the maintainer.
> Users can then install gdb and these debuginfo packages to debug
> softwa
Has anyone taken over maintainership of ocaml? I seem to remember that we
had a volunteer a few months back...
ocaml needs to be updated. The current version (3.08.1) is several years
old. I'm currently trying to build the latest version of Unison, and the
build is failing. There are changes i
Please update the unison* packages as follows:
- Add the new unison2.40 package (new beta release)
- Update unison2.27, unison2.32
cd release/unison
wget -x -nH --cut-dirs=3 \
${B}/unison2.40/setup.hint \
> Please update the unison* packages as follows:
Sorry, wrong list. Please ignore.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-
There are several updates to the Unison packages for Cygwin:
* unison2.40 - New Cygwin package. Current beta release upstream.
* unison2.32 - Updated; documentation updates only. Current stable release
* unison2.27 - Updated; documentation updates only. Although officially
It would be great to have a recursive (-R) option for regtool list.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
> On Jul 20 13:25, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > It would be great to have a recursive (-R) option for regtool list.
> > Andrew.
> I don't like working on regtool or the registry in general at all.
> Maybe you would like to create a patch yourself?
Understood. I
> > > > It would be great to have a recursive (-R) option for regtool list.
> > > > Andrew.
> > >
> > > I don't like working on regtool or the registry in general at all.
> > > Maybe you would like to create a patch yourself?
> >
> > Understood. I'll put it on the old to-do list.
> > Andrew.
> Hi, i'm new with mailing-lists use!
> i'd like to re-talk about a feature with cygwin screen! How can we add
> the marvellous "Vertical split in GNU screen" with cygwin?
> I know there were a talk about that between Jeenu V dot com> and Andrew Schulman do
> Please don't...
> ... waste peoples time with meaningless acronyms.
The meaning is perfectly clear, and posted on cygwin.com. Corinna even
kindly provided the link, to make it trivial for you to go and find out
what it meant.
The meaning expresses one of the standard requirements of the Cygwin
> Yes, go & waste someone elses time instead.
So your time was wasted, and yet ...
> I got exactly the information I needed for my meeting tomorrow.
... with never a word of thanks, only insults.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com
> It might be helpful if I could be clear what the reasons for not having
> a bug tracker are.
> I could take a stab as:
> 1. It is not the feeling of the Cygwin maintainers that a bug tracker
> would provide a significantly better solution than the current mailing
> list solution
> 2.
> The question is if the maintainers really want that, and cgf and I are
> just 2 out of ~60 maintainers, maintaining over 1400 packages. From
> these ~60 maintainers we have quite a few who either don't reply to any
> mail about their package, or who only reply after some nudging.
Agreed, but OT
a bug tracker?
Would package maintainers use it? Would the cygwin and setup.exe
maintainers use it?
Andrew Schulman and Bill Blunn would find a bug tracker useful, but that's
not enough reason to build one. There has to be significant community
buy-in, or it's not worth doing.
(2) What
What is the status of http://cygwin.com/bugzilla? It appears to have been
in use at least last year.
Provisional effort? Occasionally used? Useful, not useful?
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http:/
> On Aug 19 11:23, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > What is the status of http://cygwin.com/bugzilla? It appears to have been
> > in use at least last year.
> >
> > Provisional effort? Occasionally used? Useful, not useful?
> Not used for Cygwin, right now.
> Executive summary: unison 2.40.16 (cygwin) freezes upon exit of a merge
> command, but only when one root is ssh. Works fine when both are local.
> Testing the MSVC build of 2.40.16 also works fine with a ssh-root.
strace can probably help - you can see which system call is hanging, or
maybe l
The Unison packages for Cygwin have been updated. This is a minor update.
A small patch was applied to the source of each package to allow them to
build correctly with OCaml 3.12.0, the current release of OCaml in Cygwin.
There should be no change to the operation of any of the unison packages.
> We just started a Cygwin based forum in an attempt to build the Cygwin users
> community support for newer users. We need some forum mods to assist in the
> everyday tasks, as well as provide support for our users.
We support Cygwin users here, on this list. What exactly does your forum
> I designed our forum to help users that are *NEW* to Cygwin, more for
> discussion of the programs uses and empowering users, rather that direct
> support of issues.
OK. I can see that there would be a place for that. And no doubt many
users are put off by the sometimes harsh tone of conversat
> Initially SHELL=/bin/bash when using a link in start menu.From initial bash
> prompt, i start screen, fresh session. There all kinds of bash misbehavior
> occur, including ~/.bashrc having no effect. Apparent reason for that is that
> $SHELL becomes /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash within screen.
> On 12/10/2010 18:00, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> Initially SHELL=/bin/bash when using a link in start menu.From initial
> >> bash prompt, i start screen, fresh session. There all kinds of bash
> >> misbehavior occur, including ~/.bashrc having no effect. Apparent
The unison2.40 package for Cygwin has been updated. This is a new upstream
release, with minor new features; see
Unison is a file synchronizer for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas
> I've been using unison to sync files via ssh without problems.
> Unison 2.40.16-2 works fine for me, but 2.40.61-1 fails.
> Using 2.40.16-2 the sequence is:
> 0) Start mintty with a bash shell
> 1) run "unison ssh-home" to use profile "~/.unison/ssh-home.prf"
> 2) unison connects to the ssh
> On Thu 21 Oct 2010, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> I've been using unison to sync files via ssh without problems.
> >> Unison 2.40.16-2 works fine for me, but 2.40.61-1 fails.
> >
> > Thanks for reporting that. I've uploaded a new test release. Wo
A new version of lftp, 4.0.7-1, is now available in the Cygwin
This is a new upstream release. It fixes a few bugs and adds a few new
minor features. Please see http://lftp.yar.ru/news.html for the full
lftp is a sophisticated file transfer program and ftp/http/bittorre
A new version of lftp, 4.0.10-1, is now available in the Cygwin
This is a new upstream release. It fixes a few bugs and adds a few new
minor features. Please see http://lftp.yar.ru/news.html for the full
lftp is a sophisticated file transfer program and ftp/http/bittorr
The unison2.40 package for Cygwin has been updated.
This is a Cygwin-only update. The main unison-2.40 executable was broken
in the previous release (2.40.61-1). Sorry about that. This release fixes
the problem.
About Unison
Unison is a file synchronizer for Unix and Windows. It
> Is the vertical split feature of screen already integrated or has it
> been abandoned? I found some discussion about it on the mailing list,
> but it was never mentioned if the patch was stable or applied. When I
> tried the key combination with | and V nothing happened. I would
> appreciate
A new version of screen, 4.0.3-6, is available in the Cygwin distribution.
This is a test release, that includes the experimental vertical split
feature (http://fungi.yuggoth.org/vsp4s/). Because this is a test release,
you'll have to click through the list of available versions of screen in
Johannes, thanks for trying it out.
> (1) It works. But it was awkward at first, since I cannot see the line
> splitting the screen.
Yes, that was my problem with it. Too confusing without a visible divider.
I just tried the same feature on Ubuntu, and it works very differently
* There
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 07:01:56PM +0100, auto18565...@hushmail.com wrote:
> >...setup, for removing the shortcut to mintty in my "Start Menu".
> >
> >Retards.
> My, my, aren't we very brave?
As Bugs Bunny used to say: What a maroon.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.htm
> Has anyone written anything into their bash profile or whatever that goes
> through each windows environment variable currently extant, and resets them
> e.g.
> Before, @ start of .bashrc
> After run of .bashrc
> ETC=`$(cygpath -u '$ETC')`; EXPORT ETC
> I have Cygwin mounted conventionally under Q:\cygwin.
> I would like to access files under Q:\else.
> But (for example) ls ../../.. only ever attains \cygwin (and lower).
> I can use ls /cygdrive/q/else/ (and lower) but this means knowing the
> drive name (in this case Q:)
Well at some level yo
> Bengt Larsson sent the following at Wednesday, February 23, 2011 3:58 AM
> >
> >As I mentioned in an earlier message I have been developing UTF-8
> >support for an editor, Mg2a. I chose to call it Mg3a.
> >
> >You can fetch it here: http://www.bengtl.net/files/mg3a/
> >
> >Or directly here: http:
> I just installed unison 2.32 and I am a bit doubtful because
> 'unison', 'unison -version' and 'unison -help' don't print
> anything at all (they do on my Linux box). Is it expected?
No, on my host I get
$ unison -version
unison version 2.32.52
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/prob
> On 2/28/2011 7:06 AM, René Berber wrote:
> > Use cygcheck `which unison` to see what's missing.
> Thanks, I didn't know that command. cygcheck says:
> "C:\cygwin/bin\unison - Cannot open" Still in the
> dark...
Try `cygcheck /usr/bin/unison-2.32`. /usr/bin/unison should be just a
symlink to
> > Try `cygcheck /usr/bin/unison-2.32`.
> Now I get:
> C:\cygwin/bin\unison-2.32.exe
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
> C:\WI
> >> Which is the problem: the unison command was compiled against a newer
> >> cygwin1.dll than yours.
> >
> > To be fair, setup.exe ought to be able to resolve or warn about such
> > version dependencies. Unfortunately the infrastructure for that isn't
> > in place, as it would require version r
> Anyway I upgraded everything and now I am fine.
That's good.
As I commented in the other thread, I don't really know which versions of
Cygwin or other libraries will work with Unison, or any of my other
packages. I just compile and release them. For the most part that seems
to work - yours is
> > I generally set most of my environment variables in the System control
> > panel for my user, instead of in my .bashrc/.zshrc
> >
> > I noticed that when I log in to Cygwin via ssh, these environment
> > variables are not available.
> >
> > Would this be considered a misfeature?
> No, it's c
> I think it would be entirely reasonable to record the version you
> built against as the minimum requirement, as you couldn't be expected
> to test against older libraries as well. Wanting to use latest Unison
> with an old Cygwin DLL is a case of having your cake and eating it,
> it's just that
I just stopped in at cygwin.com for the first time in a month or two. Whoa.
Guess I missed the announcement of the facelift.
Anyway, nice work.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com
> I just stopped in at cygwin.com for the first time in a month or two. Whoa.
> Guess I missed the announcement of the facelift.
Question: On the gold stars page, we had retired the old headings of
About, Current, and Past awardees. Is there a particular reason you
restored them, or was that an
> On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 11:03:10AM -0500, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> I just stopped in at cygwin.com for the first time in a month or two. Whoa.
> >> Guess I missed the announcement of the facelift.
> >
> >Question: On the gold stars page, we had retired the
> Moved to main cygwin list for more feedback.
> Background: currently the following utilities
> unix2dos
> dos2unix
> u2d
> d2u
> are all provided by the cygutils package. They are, in fact, all
> hardlinks/copies of the same 'conv.exe' program, developed specifically
> On 13 March 2011 11:36, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On Mar 12 23:37, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> >> In response to recent inquiries, I have created a repository of
> >> Linux-to-Cygwin cross-compilers for Fedora 14 i686 and x86_64 which
> >> include GCC, Cygwin, and a handful of libraries. Also i
> I would greatly appreciate it lftp was updated to the 4.2.2 release.
OK, I'm building it now. If there are no problems, I'll have it out in the
next day or so. Andrew.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
> On 26 April 2011 08:56, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> I would greatly appreciate it lftp was updated to the 4.2.2 release.
> >
> > OK, I'm building it now. If there are no problems, I'll have it out in the
> > next day or so. Andrew.
> I saw the
> On 26 April 2011 21:52, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> > Seems like this build is broken, no matter what I try with it, I get
> > the results similar to the following:
> >
> > 493 [main] lftp 4024 exception::handle: Exception:
> > 1453 [main] lftp 4024 open_stackdumpfi
A new version of lftp, 4.2.2-1, is now available in the Cygwin
This is a new upstream release, including bug fixes and new features.
Please see http://lftp.yar.ru/news.html for the full changelog. The
previous Cygwin release was 4.0.10-1.
lftp is a sophisticated file transfer progr
> On 29 April 2011 14:10, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> > I'm still getting the error and I've attached my cygcheck.out. I've
> > tried uninstalling my anti-virus software and that didn't help either.
> > I'm at a loss as to what else to check. Everything else Cygwin
> > related seems to be working O
> Hi Andrew,
> Sorry to bug you again so soon after releasing 4.2.2 but there is an
> important fix from a security perspective in lftp-4.2.3:
> Version 4.2.3 - 2011-04-29
> don't write passwords to transfer_log.
> Would it be possible for you to make a new release?
No problem, thanks
A new version of lftp, 4.2.3-1, is now available in the Cygwin
distribution. This release includes the following SECURITY UPDATE from
* don't write passwords to transfer_log.
As always see http://lftp.yar.ru/news.html for the full changelog.
All lftp users are encouraged to upgrade.
Hi Doug.
> Thanks so much for your efforts to port and maintain the GNU screen
> program to Cygwin! I used to use screen all the in the pre-GUI days,
> and now I use ssh regularly for the occasions I need to run something on
> a real win32 or win64 platform. Being able to use screen again wo
> Chris and I are wondering how many people are using the Windows console
> as local console window in CYGWIN=tty mode and why.
/usr/share/doc/screen/README.Cygwin says:
"In a DOS console, screen works, but in order to be able to reattach
detached sessions, you must set "tty" in the CYGWIN enviro
> 1. Output of 'cygcheck -svr' appended to the end of this message.
Thanks, looks okay.
> 2. I have the problem whether I run GNU screen from a cmd.exe prompt or
> under rxvt. I tried Peter Li's suggestion of trying to run screen under
> mintty -- still no joy. It does not matter if I running
> On May 10 15:07, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > > a session that I detached on the same tty just seconds before.
> > >
> > > 3. chmod 666 on the socket file did not work (its permissions were
> > > already 644, owned my 'morse', as shown in my orig
> Hi Andrew and Corinna,
> Yep, something about FAT32 appears to be the problem. As Corinna correctly
> notes, permissions are faked on FAT32. Doesn't matter what chmod I run, it's
> all 644 or 755. Apparently, GNU screen does not like this, but apparently it
> also doesn't give any error mes
> I have these two lines in my .screenr:
> backtick 0 0 0 echo $LOGNAME
> caption always "%{= c}[%0`@%H:%n%f %{w}%t %{r}loadavg: %l %=%{g}%Y-%
> m-%d %0c:%s]%{d}"
> Screen always displayed this until cygwin1-20110520.dll as
> [thorsten@hombre:0$loadavg: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2011-05-30
> Am I right that bzr is just completely broken in Cygwin? If so, is there
> an ETA to get it fixed?
Per Eliot Moss's suggestion, I ran rebaseall, and the problem is now
solved. Thanks Eliot.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq
> On 14 June 2011 13:12, Eric Pruitt wrote:
> > Outside of screen, TERM=xterm. Inside of screen, well here is the relevant
> > line from my bashrc; my screenrc doesn't have anything that would affect
> > colors:
> >
> > TERM=screen-256color GNU_SCREEN="active" screen -a -A -RR -T "$TERM" && \
> > My host got reimaged, and I reinstalled Cygwin. Now bzr is broken again:
> >
> > $ bzr st
> > 11 [main] python 4024 C:\cygwin\bin\python.exe: *** fatal error -
> > unable to remap \\?\C:\cygwin\lib\python2.6\lib-dynload\time.dll to same
> > address as parent: 0xDC != 0xFD
> >
> >> > $ rebaseall
> >> > ReBaseImage (/usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll) failed with last error = 6
> >>
> >> Something still using cygcrypt-0.dll?
> >
> >Good thought, but no. I stopped all Cygwin processes, since rebaseall
> >wouldn't run with them running. Also TaskInfo confirms that no Cygwin
> >proc
> On Aug 2 10:07, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > > >> > $ rebaseall
> > > >> > ReBaseImage (/usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll) failed with last error = 6
> > > >>
> > > >> Something still using cygcrypt-0.dll?
> > > &
> On Aug 3 10:48, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> > Corinna Vinschen writes:
> >
> > > . . .
> >
> > > We're working on a new release of rebase anyway. This new release
> > > checks for writability and prints just a warning without stopping
> > > dead in its track:
> > >
> > > /usr/bin/foo.dll: sk
> On 6/6/2011 9:01 AM, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > Am I right that bzr is just completely broken in Cygwin? If so, is there
> > an ETA to get it fixed?
> >
> > My bzr is 2.3.1-1, in Cygwin 1.7.9. No matter what bzr command I run, I
> > always get the same result
I just had to reinstall Cygwin on a reimaged computer, and decided to finally
tackle the automated
installation. I didn't find any recent posts on the topic, so here's my
In a new installation, we have to write an (ugh) MSDOS CMD script, since bash
isn't available. One
way around th
> > setup.exe ^
> > --no-shortcuts ^
> > --quiet-mode ^
> > --disable-buggy-antivirus ^
> > --packages ^
> > aria2,^
> > atool,^
> > autoconf,^
> > automake,^
> > autossh,^
> Step 2: A script that can write out such a script to clone an existing
> installation. Just translate the contents of /
When a user with administrative privileges logs in to sshd, it seems that the
user is only granted
standard user privileges for that session. Is there a way around that? How
can I get the admin
privileges for that session?
Cygwin 1.7.9, Windows 7 Home Premium. I've created a user account in W
> When a user with administrative privileges logs in to sshd, it seems that the
> user is only granted
> standard user privileges for that session. Is there a way around that? How
> can I get the admin
> privileges for that session?
Nevermind. I found the answer from Corinna way back in 2004:
> > When a user with administrative privileges logs in to sshd, it seems that
> > the user is only granted
> > standard user privileges for that session. Is there a way around that?
> > How can I get the admin
> > privileges for that session?
> Nevermind. I found the answer from Corinna way
> When a user with administrative privileges logs in to sshd, it seems that the
> user is only granted
> standard user privileges for that session. Is there a way around that? How
> can I get the admin
> privileges for that session?
Winding this up:
Password authentication to sshd is all that
I'd like to provide a 'nosleep' command for Cygwin, that will prevent the host
from sleeping or
hibernating while a command executes. I haven't seen anything in Cygwin that
currently does this,
but please enlighten me if I'm wrong.
Looking around for how to do this, I see two basic approaches:
> OK , I was wrong. I removed bash completion / git completion and on a
> Virtual Box VM (windows xp pro x32 with cygwin installed)
> /usr/bin/ls and most other commands take more than 30 seconds to complete.
> The box is a quad core with 8GB ram and no other VM is running (host OS
> is win 7
I'd like to use argp[1] in a Cygwin program, but I see that it's not
implemented in Cygwin. The catgets and cpio packages have apparently
imported it statically into their source, and advice on the net is to
import their implementations.
Is there a particular reason that argp isn't available in C
I'm trying to compile a program that calls the win32 function
SetThreadExecutionState, in kernel32.dll [1]. The link step fails:
$ gcc -c nosleep.c
$ gcc -o nosleep nosleep.o -lkernel32
nosleep.o:nosleep.c:(.text+0x1f): undefined reference to
> On 2011-09-20 PM 6:12, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile a program that calls the win32 function
> > SetThreadExecutionState, in kernel32.dll [1]. The link step fails:
> please define WINVER so that you can get definition what you want
> (gcc -
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 04:43:45AM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >I'd like to use argp[1] in a Cygwin program, but I see that it's not
> >implemented in Cygwin. The catgets and cpio packages have apparently
> >imported it statically into their source, and ad
> LGPLed code is fine. It just can't be built into the Cygwin DLL. So,
> if you're looking into packaging anything, I'd use the latest you can
> find.
> Or, if you can find an implementation with a "better" license, I'll
> happily pull it into Cygwin itself.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 01:20:10PM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> LGPLed code is fine. It just can't be built into the Cygwin DLL. So,
> >> if you're looking into packaging anything, I'd use the latest you can
> >> find.
> >>
> On 09/20/2011 11:59 AM, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >>>
> >>> http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/cpio/cpio-2.11.tar.gz
> >>>
> >>> See gnu/argp* . Looks like a complete implementation, all GPL.
> cpio borrows argp from gnulib, and in gnulib, argp is
A new version of atool, 0.38.0-1, is now available in the Cygwin
This is a new upstream release, with bug fixes. Please see
http://www.nongnu.org/atool/NEWS for the full changelog.
atool is a script for managing file archives of various types (tar,
tar+gzip, zip, bzip2, rar, 7zip, .
This is a strange one. Cygwin 1.7.9-1, coreutils 8.10-1.
Both 'date' and 'ls' show times that are ahead of the system clock by about 9
minutes, 24 seconds. For example, at the moment my system clock shows 10:05
AM. This agrees with the 'time' command in CMD:
C:\Documents and Settings\aschulma>
> Both 'date' and 'ls' show times that are ahead of the system clock by about 9
> minutes, 24 seconds.
I just ran rebaseall for other reasons (bzr again), and now the problem has
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
> Andrew Schulman writes:
> > > Both 'date' and 'ls' show times that are ahead of the system clock by
> > > about 9
> > > minutes, 24 seconds.
> >
> > I just ran rebaseall for other reasons (bzr again), and now the problem has
> Somebody already created Cygwin packages. See the URL at fd0.x0.to. But
> I don't see who's behind it.
Anyone can create a package and post it on the net, but if you want the package
to become available through setup, you'll have to find someone (e.g. you) who's
willing to propose the package f
A new package, libargp, is now available in the Cygwin distribution. argp is a
C interface for processing command line arguments.
Documentation: http://www.gnu.org/s/hello/manual/libc/Argp.html
Source home page: http://www.gnu.org/s/gnulib/MODULES.html
License: LGPL
Andrew E. Schu
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