Re: I sent in a bug report and never heard anything back

2016-08-28 Thread Brian Inglis
On 2016-08-27 22:57, Brian Inglis wrote: On 2016-08-27 10:27, jeff wrote: Brian Inglis wrote: Apparently it's a mobile Broadwell without AVX or AVX2, which might be assumed present in gcc as compiled, requiring a custom gcc build to run on that cpu. My reply: You are correct. The gcc people repl

Re: I sent in a bug report and never heard anything back

2016-08-28 Thread Achim Gratz
jeff writes: > You are correct. The gcc people replied to my bug report with: > > "So the problem is your GMP/MPFR are compiled for one type of CPU and cannot > be > copied to other type." > > They closed it as a resolved issue. Correct, since it's not their bug. > So the problem is that gcc now

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gnupg-1.4.21-1

2016-08-28 Thread Marco Atzeri
New version 1.4.21-1 of gnupg is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES It is a security bug fix update DESCRIPTION The GNU Privacy Guard GnuPG is the GNU complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standa

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ImageMagick-

2016-08-28 Thread Marco Atzeri
New version of ImageMagick ImageMagick-doc libMagickCore6_2 libMagickC++6_6 libMagickWand6_2 libMagick-devel perl-Image-Magick have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Latest 6.9.x upstream release. DESCRIPTION ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, compos

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mutt-1.7.0-1

2016-08-28 Thread Marco Atzeri
New versions 1.7.0-1 of mutt is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. Full details on: DESCRIPTION The Mutt E-Mail Client "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks l

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gmp-6.1.1-1

2016-08-28 Thread Achim Gratz
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library = GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by the ava

Re: gmp-6.1.1-1

2016-08-28 Thread jeff
On 8/28/2016 9:48 AM, Achim Gratz wrote: > GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library > = > > This is a new upstream release which contains fixes for some newer Intel > processors. > > Hopefully this solves the problem reported in: >

Re: The Cygwin User Guide on path names

2016-08-28 Thread Linda Walsh
Andrey Repin wrote: Also, @ Linda, the string escaping is done by the shell before passing arguments to the command, as I understand. If I'm starting an application not from shell, the app, being a good citizen, should not second-guess the arguments it is given. --- Absolutely. Don't get me wr

Re: bash: igncr shell option breaks my PS1 prompt

2016-08-28 Thread Gene Pavlovsky
Re-posting a reply I got from Henri (aka Houder) His letter follows: Hi Gene, Reread your entry to the mailing list ... > Apparently the latest bash in Cygwin modified the read builtin to use > Cygwin-specific shell option igncr to control ignoring \r characters > in the input (

Re: The Cygwin User Guide on path names

2016-08-28 Thread Mark Hansen
On 8/28/2016 12:57 PM, Linda Walsh wrote: Andrey Repin wrote: Also, @ Linda, the string escaping is done by the shell before passing arguments to the command, as I understand. If I'm starting an application not from shell, the app, being a good citizen, should not second-guess the arguments it i

x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld lib dir configuration issue

2016-08-28 Thread Whek rin
The utility x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld from package mingw-x86_64-binutils cannot by default find libraries from the path /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sysroot/mingw/lib, where the package mingw64-x86_64-runtime installs them. I believe this is a build configuration issue. I've attached a zip file which contai

Re: Extreme Slowness of cygwin commands [SOLVED?]

2016-08-28 Thread Ben Altman
On 5/27/2016 4:13 PM, Ben Altman wrote: On 5/27/2016 3:58 PM, wrote: As I said the slowdown was intermittant, Rapport had been running at least a week or so before the slowdown started which didn't affect for example cmd or power shell only cygwin that I noticed. But when I st