Re: WISH8.3 instead of WISH 8.0

2002-04-11 Thread Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
At 03:45 AM 4/11/2002, Gaethofs, Danny wrote: >Especially how can I remove the older >version. Run setup and uninstall it. Larry Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] RFK Partners, Inc. 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9779

WISH8.3 instead of WISH 8.0

2002-04-11 Thread Gaethofs, Danny
Dear all, While trying to solve my problem with PGACCES, I found that TCL/TK 8.0 has a problem with dynamic loading and the problem should be solved in a newer version 8.3. My problem with PGACCESS has, from what I believe after searching several mailing lists and reading manuals and mails, nothi