Re:anonymous ftp on WIn9x

2002-02-13 Thread Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
At 07:55 AM 2/13/2002, Jorge Goncalvez wrote: >Hi, I wonder how i can anonymous ftp enable under Win9x, do i must add a line >with ftp in the passwd file? >In winnt, the set up programs create a user ftp in the passwd allowing anonymous >ftp based by the nt box user, how can i do to declare a ft

Re:anonymous ftp on WIn9x

2002-02-13 Thread Jorge Goncalvez
Hi, I wonder how i can anonymous ftp enable under Win9x, do i must add a line with ftp in the passwd file? In winnt, the set up programs create a user ftp in the passwd allowing anonymous ftp based by the nt box user, how can i do to declare a ftp user in Win 9x to make cygwin setup automatical