On 27 March 2007 05:05, seema r j wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have an application which uses IPC functionalities for sending and
> receiving messages from other application. I have made the following
> configuration for message queue, shared memory and semaphore  
> MSGMAX:    4096
> MSGMNI:    50
> MSGTQL:    400
> MSGMAP:    402
> MSGMNB:    16384
> SEMMNI:    200
> SEMMNS:    128
> SEMMNU:    150
> SHMMNI:    100
> SHMMAX:    2000000
> When I run through my application, it will give successful response for  3
> messages out 5 messages and my client application hangs. My Error log file
> has recorded the following statements:  
> CU-E-3404(3196):Unable to Send Communication Packet (CUP) on Queue.
> msgsnd-E-3011(3196):EAGAIN No more processes.
> So please... can any one suggest where m going wrong and please give me the
> possible solutions for it. 
  Well, it should be completely obvious from all that information to anyone
but a fool that the bug is on line 4373 of your application, where you have
mistyped a semi-colon as a commma, thus turning a statement into a
comma-series expression and thereby extending the scope of the preceding 'if'
to encompass the following subroutine call.

  Either that, or a hippo ate it.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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