Re: Postgres and CYGWIN environment variable

2010-04-13 Thread Reini Urban
2010/4/9 Gary Non-kook (allegedly): >"cygserver must run as service, CYGWIN must contain server." I vaguely >remembered seeing something about that environment variable recently, >and sure enough in > >I see "(no)serv

Re: Postgres and CYGWIN environment variable

2010-04-09 Thread Gary .
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/postgresql-8.2.11.README also says "cygrunsrv is not required anymore, pg_ctl has now the service functions included. cygserver must run as service" Then at the end "For the impatient: install as user (easy) cygrunsrv -S cygserver initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data

Postgres and CYGWIN environment variable

2010-04-09 Thread Gary .
Today I made on of my irregular install and "play" with postgres. I noticed in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/postgresql-8.2.11.README that it says "cygserver must run as service, CYGWIN must contain server." I vaguely remembered seeing something about that environment variable recently, and sure enough in