how to enlarge the font in rxvt

2007-08-23 Thread William Xue
Hi all, I use rxvt to run cygwin under windows xp. For the font is a litter small for me, I used following command to start the rxvt: F:\cygwin\bin>rxvt -fn "Courier New-22" -fb 0 -fg White -bg black -e bash -login -i the result is attached. it seems that only the error message used the

Re: emacs and cc-mode

2006-10-23 Thread William Xue
On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 12:46:54 +0800, Wynfield Henman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: William Xue, do you get this problem when you open up a new cpp file? e.g. $ emacs new-file.cpp Yes, the message is in *Messages* buffer. ---8<->

Which newest version of emacs could be compiled in cygwin?

2006-10-23 Thread William Xue
Hi, I want to compile an own version of emacs in cygwin without X. Until now, which version could be compiled in cygwin? I have tried the newest cvs version of emacs 22 and emacs-unicode-2, both them are failed. Advance thanks! -- Sincerely yours, William -- Unsubscribe info: http://cy

Re: emacs and cc-mode

2006-10-20 Thread William Xue
On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 15:24:35 +0800, René Berber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: william xue wrote: It's annoying. Anybody could tell me how to workaround it? Read the manual... hint: emacs -nw at least -nw was not useful. About the manual, C-h f could not find the x-popup-menu.

Re: tail after tab completion in prompt

2006-10-20 Thread william xue
Hi, I noticed there was a new version of readline. Does it fix this issue? On 3/31/06, Eric Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 According to William Xue on 3/29/2006 11:06 PM: > Hi, > Please let me describe the issue for you: Issues li

Re: emacs and cc-mode

2006-10-19 Thread william xue
It's annoying. Anybody could tell me how to workaround it? P.S.: I did not install any X libs. The console satisfied me. Thanks! On 10/19/06, William Xue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, I installed the cygwin today and the emacs' version is when I open cpp files, t

emacs and cc-mode

2006-10-19 Thread William Xue
Hi, I installed the cygwin today and the emacs' version is when I open cpp files, there is an error: File mode specification error: (void-function x-popup-menu) are there something I missed? How can I fix this issue? Andvance thanks! -- Sincerely yours, William -- Unsubscribe in

tail after tab completion in prompt

2006-03-29 Thread William Xue
Hi, Please let me describe the issue for you: After set the PS1 in .bashrc to : ---8<->8--- PS1="\[\e]2;\w -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]@\H hangsps:\j\d \t\a\]\[\e[31;1m\][\[\e[36;[EMAIL PROTECTED] \[\e[33;1m\]\W\[\e[31;1m\]]\[\e[34;1m\]\[\e[32;1m\]\$