Cygwin BASH prompt a little weird?

2002-05-06 Thread perlspinr
Hello, In Cygwin using this version of BASH, my attempts to get a simple name of the shell interpreter into my prompt (PS1) using escaped-s ('\s'), which should work accoding to HOWTO/bash-prompt-escape-sequences.html does not give the basename o

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: pkgconfig-0.12.0-1

2002-05-01 Thread perlspinr
Hello Charles, I'll just mention, since I've been thinking a lot about pkg-config lately, that I wondered whether the buggy m4 macro code that makes it work (theoretically) with autoconf, has been fixed. I'll download the source along with the updated package and look for a changelog or some

Re: Building ImageMagick on Cygwin

2002-05-01 Thread perlspinr
The URL I promised (as the o.p. who started this thread): That page will give some background information, as well as I am able at this time. Hope it helps those who might want the help. I am sure that many readers of this List don't want my

Building ImageMagick on Cygwin

2002-04-29 Thread perlspinr
Hello, Heads up. Some persons reading this List might want to know this information. ImageMagick is not yet available as a binary Cygwin package. I have no way of knowing what the likelihood is of it becoming such a supported Cygwin package at any time in the future. Thus for now building Im