Did a default update of all selected files under experimental.
When it finished None of the post-install scripts ran. Bash
was missing an entry point, __something (had it typed in a
window, but closed it by accident).
Did file search on cygwin1.dll to see if there were any
duplicates: nope, but,
Is there a changelog?...(good example from kernel at end of message (long/detailed)
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Elfyn McBratney
> Sent: Thu, Aug 21, 2003 7:41p
> Subject: 1.5 is coming... please test away!
> -Original Message-
> From: Larry Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sun, Jun 22, 2003 11:39a
> I don't know what you mean by "beta". If you mean packages installed
> when you press the "Exp" radio button in setup, then that's
> how it works.
> You pick "Exp" to install any experime
law> find / -name \*.lnk -exec grep -is "Documents and Settings" {} \; -print
find: /pagefile.sys: No such file or directory
C:\bin\find.exe: *** WFSO timed out for after longjmp.
I was trying to find all links that referenced "Documents and Settings", since
I moved users to 'home'
When went to the software list (mirror kernel.org), I saw several pieces of
software that I was a rev or so behind on.
Out of curiosity, I thought I might also see what the newest beta's were.
Problem is that it deselected all of the regular versions that needed
I would have expected t
Often, after transfering a large number of files, rsync will hang when
done (src + dst on same machine). I remember this being mentioned ages
ago as a problem.
It seems to still be around. Same as it ever was -- all files seem
to be transferred, it just doesn't want to exit when done.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randall R Schulz
> TAM,
> Cygwin includes ash, BASH and pdksh (as well as zsh and tcsh), so the
> answer is pretty much "yes," though with BASH you might want to
> investigate its Bourne shell compat
I may be mis-understanding your question, but you have to be sure
history is enabled on bash and you have HISTFILE set.
CMD.EXE is a different shell with different history semantics.
Under bash, I set 'vi' to 'on' to get get 'vi' compatible editing, but
up/down arrow still work. You also have to
tc/passwd...?? Or does it switch UID's?
> -Original Message-
> From: Harig, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tue, May 27, 2003 3:03p
> To: linda w (cyg); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: getting cron to work -> status too large for sendmail
I was trying to get cron to work -- it looks like it is
invoking something on a regular basis, however, it is also
trying to send the 1 line of output of cron job to the owner.
In the process it includes the entire environment (in this case
of the user who started cron, me). It includes the envir
Following, is the output. So since cygwin is trying to support a Posixy-
linuxy-gnuy type environment, does that mean Win32 shouldn't work under
Cygwin? Or should it, since Win32 underlies Cygwin?
cpan> install Win32
Running install for module Win32
Running make for G/GS/GSAR/libwin32-0.191
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
> Sent: Sun, Mar 30, 2003 12:26p
> To: linda w (cyg)
> Subject: RE: bash bug report? Minor border case:
> Linda,
> I shan't delve into the
Is bash a cygwin app or a central part of the cygwin DLL?
Guess bash must be part of cygwin. I always thought it was
an app. Silly me.
> -Original Message-
> From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sat, Mar 29, 2003 5:22p
> To: linda w (cyg)
Valid filename created by app:
\Documents and Settings\law\My
exactly 255
how is this different that 'ccache'?
Has something changed in how exe files are looked up? I thought I
used to be able to do a
'file /usr/bin/ccache' and have it work, but now it needs the ".exe" --
was I just confused in a linux kinda way?
> -Original Message-
> Fr
> From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Linux, /bin/sh == bash.
On my system, at least, it's not dependant on bash -- they
show up as softlinks to /proc/self/fd/{0|1|2}.
> > Maybe Cygwin should be renamed "CyNUX": "Cygwin is Not
> > Unix or Linux"? :-)
> Pronoun
> Replies inline below. Incidentally, why did your message arrive twice
> from two different "From:" addresses? And which should the
> replies go to?
One address is subscribed to the list, the other is not.
Normally, if one responds to 'all', it goes to the OP and the list.
If one ju
> Igor
So I take it that it doesn't give bogus output on your system...
it's probably some file munged on my system somewhere...I'm alwayws
messing something up ... always using things in ways they were
never "intended" to be used...
> From: Gary R. Van Sickle
> "%Program Files% => /usr/local/bin" would be a disaster
> wrapped in a tragedy
> wrapped in a thin candy shell. You'd have .exe's from Hell
> to breakfast in
> "Program Files",
which is pretty contrary to normal Windows
> practice.
Well, "/opt" was my
I normally use bash and this works in bash:
echo "hello stderr" >/dev/stderr
echo "hello stdout" >/dev/stdout
But in /bin/sh:
$ echo hello stderr >/dev/stderr
cannot create /dev/stderr: directory nonexistent
$ echo hello stdout >/dev/stdout
cannot create /dev/stdout: directory nonexistent
I really _think_ (maybe I don't know what I want), but I think I
want to setup my cygroot -> c:\.
Now I know this isn't recommended, but why/whynot? The
only reason I heard, which sounded a bit weak, was, "Well what if
some new program comes in and creates a /usr, /var, /tmp...etc
TLD? Then it
> -Original Message-
> Subject: Re: setup.exe is too small
> >It is indeed a natural assumption that the phrase "to demand that
> >something be done" is addressed to me, that I was demanding that
> >something be done.
> , relax. And pay attention. The whole thread was
> about people w
> bash-2.05b$ find /cygdrive/d -name 'find.exe'
> /cygdrive/d/cygwin/bin/find.exe
> What were you trying to find under your cygwin dir?
Hmmmnow I'm not getting a duplication of the error...
But i've seen updatedb terminate, *seemingly*, prematurely with a
/usr/bin/find: . changed d
I notice that when I do a "find C:\\", or a find "/cygdrive/c",
I don't get files under my cygwin dir. Why is that? I could
imagine that it might judge them as separate file systems and might
exclude them if I used "find -xdev...", but seems that /cygdrive/c
or C:\\ should give whole disk?
> Job control and signals for Cygwin processes are areas pretty
> internal to Cygwin. they are also pretty complex. IMO, it's
> hard to talk much about adding some feature to them without the
> context of what's already there. If you can put your suggestions
> in that context, I expect you'
> Sure, but those programs hook the key(s) in a global fashion,
> not just
> from individual programs. So, Cygwin could hook the Ctrl+Z key, but
> what would it do then, how would it know which process to suspend?
> I'm not sure that cygwin could 'suspend' a non-cygwin process
> even if it
I stumbled onto this trying to rename a dir from
"Mydir" to "mydir" (w/o capital "M")
> mv Mydir mydir
starts copying "Mydir" into Mydir/mydir.
But it's not just the 'caps' that are the issue since:
> mv mydir mydir
will start copying mydir into itself
On lnx, I get:
Perhaps silly question, but, why not?
> Cygwin cannot control how windows programs handle CTRL+Z.
I have programs that seem to intercept keyboard keys for use as "hotkeys".
Couldn't cygwin do something similar?
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> From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > The TTY's have gotten fancier, but its still mostly ascii text in terminal windows
>though it could be mean if it was a
conspiracy...) :-)
> It is. Pblblblblt!
> Igor
--- originally it was "designed to be a perfect hu
> From: Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I've found that it's always easy to look back at a previously
> made design decision and question it, especially when one
> wasn't involved in the
> design discussion that weighed the current needs with the
> benefits and de
Interesting...wonder why they wouldn't just create pseudo devices in /dev and do the
normal unix mount thing? Seems odd to complicate the simple namespace model
needlessly by adding a special syntax.
Even still, just because one wants to have more traditional unix names doesn't
preclude the po
> Cygwin targets POSIX compatibility wherever possible. Any
> discussion about paths that ignores the POSIX standards will
> need to be reviewed with POSIX in mind. It's easier to do
> that up front.
What were the _original_ design goals of Cygwin -- i.e. as
sponsored by "RedHat"?
> Cygwin's primary purpose is to provide a UNIX environment for
> Windows. Although it can be used in other ways, the basic
> purpose is not to provide a stepping stone to helping port
> programs to native Windows. Things like Win32 path names and
> accommodating pure-win32 processes are
> *
> From: Christopher Faylor
> I am not clear on why we are devoting so much time to what is
> required for a straight win32 environment in a cygwin mailing
> list. As odd as it sounds, this seems somewhat off-topic to
> me. Or at least uninteresting.
I'm sorry. I thought the cygwin
> >So I think a fix could to change F::S::Win32 to convert all win32
> >pathseperators to unix pathseperators, and hand it off to F::S::Unix
> >to do the actual catfile(), etc calls...
> Sounds fine, as long as we still do the right thing when
> handed paths with backslashes in them (i.e. resul
A bit late to the party, I know, but wanted to chime in on the Cygwin
File::Spec discussion. I'm 'cc'ing the cygwin list as a "heads up" for any
interested parties.
A more satisfactory mapping is to base "Cygwin" on Win32, not Unix.
Cygwin, as an "OS interface" _partially_ supports posix mapping
full range of cygwin-supported filenames.
> -Original Message-
> From: Gerrit P. Haase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: January 03, 2003 02:40a
> To: linda w (cyg)
> Subject: Re: Perl pathname parsing, File::Spec, proposed fix
Does anyone see a problem with the following proposed change in the
Perl lib dir?
It seems the Win32 handles both forward and backward slashes and
no special module for Cygwin is needed.
--- File/Spec.pm2001-08-21 17:16:14.0 -0700
+++ File/Spec.pm2002-12-30 18:08:
> -Original Message-
> From: Max Bowsher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > 5.8? Is that available in cygwin-x86? I don't recall it being an
> > option on recent downloads, but I may have missed it. I do
> have it on
> > my gnunix systems though.
> As a test version. It will show in
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Greg Matheson
> Sent: December 30, 2002 04:01p
> Subject: Re: 2 copies of perl includes?
> On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, linda w (cyg) wrote:
I was searching for a perl module. "Locate" turned up 2 copies in:
There are 469 identical objects between the two directories, 75 extra objects
in "cygwin-multi", with only the parent's "pod" directory missing from the
cygwin-multi dir.
Hello Sören,
> From Soren A
> What you expected File::Spec to do perhaps seemed intuitive and
> natural,
"Least surprise' is a valuable design principle. I try to design things
knowing that 2-3 months from now I'll likely have forgotten all the details of
why I did something a certai
This may be somewhat arcane/tedious, but...
> > But Unix does have a concept of a mount point (device) and
> > path from the mount point. Conceivably, one could view the mount
> > point itself as a local host name for the "volume" (local,
> remote or a
> > device) with path being loca
> Note that Cygwin, like Unix, doesn't have a concept of
> volume. Everything except network paths (//host/dir) are
> based on a single root directory.
But Unix does have a concept of a mount point (device) and
path from the mount point. Conceivably, one could view the
mount poi
File::Spec is supposed to provide a OS independent way of parsing and
creating pathnames. For example, a 'splitpath' can product a volume
$dir and $file.
I'm not sure what constitutes a volume but I'd think C: D: would count
as separate.
Under cygwin, it only handles/parses unix pathnames but
> The documentation was incorrect. Cygwin honors most of the
> stty settings, even with CYGWIN=notty.
Now about those other problems. Am I the only one that has
this problem? or does no one try using remote displays or local
combo of X and MS-Win Windows.
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I seem to have run into a problem.
I have been trying to chase down a case where when I use
'ssh' from bash from cygwin (98 or XP), when I was pressing
control-c, I lost the ssh session and ended back up at the local
cygwin prompt. It's as if though the ssh session didn't trap the
A problem, I notice with xterm's, I notice that if I start 'xterm&', then any
control-c I press in the base window (running bash) is sent to all xterm children (but
not grandchildren). Control-c _in_ an xterm seems to only be sent to the window one
typed control-c into (as would be normally exp
A bit weird, but the CYGWIN env var says that if it doesn't
contain "TTY", it will default to MS-DOS defaults of control-z for end
of file yet I don't have CYGWIN set and control-d seems to work
as my end-of-file while control-z does not.
Is the documentation correct, or does the "
Somehow, something I've done in my environment seems to cause a problem
with control-c handling.
A control-c gets sent to any sub-shells and right through 'ssh' -- very
I tried the cygwin X server, but at the time it wanted to own the whole desktop and
didn't behave in a civilized mann
Hi, pretty new to the list though have been using cygwin for several months
now, first under win98, and now under XP.
This may have been covered elsewhere -- sorry, but I
doubt I will have enough time to read all the archives of
all the lists despite what the warnings say a
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