
Whenever I execute run.exe, it generates run.exe.stackdump.
At line 370 in run.c, run2_freeargv() tries to free newargv, and
run2_freeqrgv() expects that newargv is terminated by NULL. However,
in shifting newargv at line 253-256, it fails to shift NULL
terminator. Therefore, run2_freeargv() frees memory illegally.
The following patch is a workaround.

--- run.c.old
+++ run.c.new
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
       newargv = run2_dupargv (argv);
       /* discard newargv[0] and shift up */
       free (newargv[0]);
-      for (newargc = 1; newargc < argc; newargc++)
+      for (newargc = 1; newargv[newargc-1] != NULL; newargc++)
          newargv[newargc-1] = newargv[newargc];
       newargc = argc - 1;



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