how to port cygwin to vmware ?

2011-07-05 Thread abhishek srivastava
hi all i want to interface(port) cygwin to VMware (ubuntu installed). i want to take cygwin as server and VMware as client; connecting them via 'named pipes'  or virtual serial port. i dont have serial port present on my laptop. could any one tell me procedure how to do so?any documents relating

how to connect cygwin using named pipes or virtual serial port from vmware

2011-07-04 Thread abhishek srivastava
hi i want to make cygwin connection with VMware using named pipes or virtual serial  port. so,i need to know the process to do so. kindly help with it. TCP/IP doesnt really helps. thank you Abhishek Greetings, abhishek srivastava! > i had installed cygwin on windows 7 on which i

how to connect cygwin using named pipes or virtual serial port from vmware

2011-06-30 Thread abhishek srivastava
hi all i had installed cygwin on windows 7 on which i am planning to run ecos. i am also having vmware onto which ubuntu is installed. now i want to connect both using "named pipes".i have configured vmware and created named pipes but i could not find one in cygwin. how and where to find it.,my