Re: Providing cygwin1.dll in both 32- and 64-bit versions

2017-02-10 Thread Thomas Nilefalk
Hans-Bernhard Bröker skrev: Am 03.02.2017 um 12:49 schrieb Thomas Nilefalk: Hans-Bernhard Bröker skrev: Am 02.02.2017 um 22:12 schrieb Thomas Nilefalk: 'how can I make a 32-bit compiled cygwin program run under cygwin64'? You can't. Nor can anybody else. For a Cygwin6

Re: Providing cygwin1.dll in both 32- and 64-bit versions

2017-02-03 Thread Thomas Nilefalk
Hans-Bernhard Bröker skrev: Am 02.02.2017 um 22:12 schrieb Thomas Nilefalk: Using 'i686-pc-cygwin-gcc' creates an executable but that is un-runnable in a Cygwin64 environment because the cygwin1.dll is a 64-bit version and not compatible with the produced executable. A cygwin32 DL

Providing cygwin1.dll in both 32- and 64-bit versions

2017-02-02 Thread Thomas Nilefalk
I'm cross-compiling on Cygwin64 to 32-bit. Or rather I'm trying to figure out what compiling to 32-bits on a Cygwin64 actually means. Using 'gcc -m32' causes a lot of "skipping incompatible ..." for a lot of libraries, so obviously ld then looks for the 32-bit libraries in the "wrong" place.