Cygwin and gtk+ compiling problems still

2010-01-22 Thread Richard Dickinson
Hi I am still not able to compile gtk+ or gtkmm programs in cygwin on my Vista machine & I would appreciate some advice on how to do this. I have already posted recently about this and I had a reply but as yet no further help to my follow up ( I

Re: Gtk+ & cygwin problem

2010-01-21 Thread Richard Dickinson
Yaakov (Cygwin/X> writes: > > On 20/01/2010 16:36, Richard Dickinson wrote: > > Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: > > Some googling would have shown you what this means. You need to be > running an X server and set the DISPLAY variable in

Gtk+ & cygwin problem

2010-01-20 Thread Richard Dickinson
Hi I am trying to compile & run gtk+ code/apps on my Vista computer with ho success so far. I have compiled a gtk+ c code simple helloworld app(exe) but it won't run-here is the error: d...@dad-pc /cygdrive/c/RPD_Programming/RPD_Gtk+Gimp_toolkit/Gtk+_www.gtk.org_tut orial/Gtk+_tutorial_ww