Different Result using ps -efW (Manual & Cron)

2013-06-20 Thread Jun Iriola
Hi, I made a simple script that should detect if a certain service is running or not.  Said script will run via cron. When I tested it and executed it manually in the command prompt, it list all Cygwin and Windows processes. But when I put it in cron, the number of services detected were not t

Executing a script on Cron and produces ctrl-m

2013-06-11 Thread Jun Iriola
Hi, I would like to seek your help regarding the behavior of running a shell script manually and via cron in Cygwin. I made a simple bash script that execute hostname command, assign it to a variable and write it on the logfile.      xhostname=`hostname`      echo "`date`| ${xhostname}*" >> /so

Cron Service Cannot Start: System error 1069 has occurred.

2013-04-10 Thread Jun Iriola
Hi, I would like to seek your help on how to execute again the cron in my pc.  I've manage to configure and run the cron last week by reading the step by step procedure and also by running cygwin as an Administrator.  Then last weekend, I shutdown my desktop.  Unfortunately, when I went to work