ipad 2 de aparador
precio 1600 pesos
nuevas en caja abierta
originales de apple 32 gb
4 ultimas piezas
pida informes por favor
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Ryan Johnson cs.utoronto.ca> writes:
> On 03/11/2011 8:54 AM, Jorge wrote:
> > Hi all, I hope I am posting in the right location.
> This has nothing whatsoever to do with cygwin.
In fact, for what I originally asked, it does have to do with cygwin, it's
called opti
s svn site instead of
using the cygwin sources.
My OS is Windows XP SP3
Thanks in advance for your replies.
PS, when/if I have some success with this, I am willing to rebuild and package
the entire cygwin distribution with some guidance from some experienced builders
if it will help in an
Hi all.
I have a question regarding bash. The "wall" command is missing? If so, can I
install it?
All I get is "bash: wall: missing command". "which wall" returns nothing after
searching in various directories.
Thanks in advance. Regards,
Ing. Jorge Peñ
On Wed, Dec 29 2010 01:34:18 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 03:47:42AM +0100, Jorge D?az wrote:
> >I am working with cygwin environment (Cygwin 1.7.7 + Newlib 1.18)
> >where drand48 function returns always zero values.
> >
> >The problem was rep
) windows account, should I
understand (from http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html) that all
cygwin asks for is that I should get things right in /etc/passwd and
Please take a look at what I've tried so far:
in /etc/passwd:
Hi all!
Can gcc-generated, cygwin-based dlls be loaded by native win32
applications? If so, is there anything special (flags, etc.) about the
build (or load) procedure in that case?
Thanks in advance. Cheers,
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Thanks in advance. Cheers,
Jorge M. Pelizzoni
ICMC - Universidade de São Paulo
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ation or if
I made a mistake, thnx a lot
Greetings from Mexico
Jorge Soto
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I´m developing a Xerces 2.1.0 mingw port but when I try to
compile a small example the references of static const members
of several classes cannot be resolved by the gcc.
I think that the Import library of the DLL don´t export
references of static const class members and the gcc cannot
resolve t
Hi, I have a threeial boot (NT, W2K, XP).
I successfully ran ftpd via inetd on Winnt and W2K but On windows Xp
professionnal) it fails i have this :530 Login incorect
Login failed althought the etc/passwd and etc/group seemed to be correct and the
patch ntsec is here .
Is there something speci
Hi folks,
I used by default the Cygwin tftpd server and it works rather fine but
unfortunetly i must now use a tftpd server which understands the option "tsize"
and the Cygwin tftpd don't so I tried the last version of tftpd-hpa 0.29 which
includes a port on
Win32 with cygwin and know tsi
Hi, I use cygwin setup on Both Windows NT Workstation and Server
I create ftp and anonymous users but I didn't put them in a group.
It works on Nt workstation but it fails on NT server (Login failed).
I wonder if there is a way to know the Nt group with for exemple the registry to
add by code ftp
Hi, I wanted to run an dhcpd server from inetd.
I put on usr/sbin a exe dhcpd.exe but when i ran inetd i have :
Inetd : Win32 Process Id = 0xFFC4180D : Cygwin Process Id = 0x3BE7F3 : LOG_ERR :
bootps/udp: unknown service
althought i put
bootps dgram udp waitroot/usr/sbin/dhcpd eth0
Hi, I have ported a Unix dhcpd server in WIndows NT thanks to Cygwin gcc and it
works good.I have made a dual boot on my pC WIndows Nt and WIn98 SE.
but It fails on Windows 98 SE.
My server never replies unless if i start it with the option -d (debug mode)so
with this option it works but i wnat
Hi, i use and enjoy Cygwin in multiple windows platforms to run a linux
application on windows.
But i have a lot of times not enough space to install cygwin in the hard disk of
my Pc's.
I would make a cygwin CD with all the cygwin arborescence and to store only conf
files in my hard disk.
I won
Hi, i tried to modified a C program running on linux and make it running on
windows with gcc for cygwin:
like this:
sprintf(arpbuf, "arp -s %s `echo %s | sed -e s/:/-/g`"
piaddr (lease -> ip_addr),
print_hw_addr (lease -> hardware_addr.htype,
lease -> ha
Hi, I wonder how i can anonymous ftp enable under Win9x, do i must add a line
with ftp in the passwd file?
In winnt, the set up programs create a user ftp in the passwd allowing anonymous
ftp based by the nt box user, how can i do to declare a ftp user in Win 9x to
make cygwin setup automatical
It didn't work but i tried this that worked from hand in the bash cygwin:
ps |awk '/INETD/{print $1}'|xargs kill
but unfortunately by Perl code it didn't:
I tried:
system(" c:\\cygwin\\bin\\bash.exe('ps |awk '/INETD$/{print $1}|xargs kill')")
system("c:\\cygwin\\bin\\ps.exe |c:\\cygwin\\bin\\a
hi, I wonder how to stop Inetd in Win 9x by perl code:
In WiNNT, I have :
my $cmd="net stop inetd";
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Thanks all it works now.
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Hi, I have made a symlink with the cygwin command ln -s and i wanted to remove
it by Perl code:
I have this:
$PROG2 = "C:\\cygwin\\bootp\\linux\\install ";
if (-l $PROG2)
system "rm $PROG2";
print "popo";
The problem is that the symlink install it isn't removed althoug
Hi, I wonder if there is a way to remove automatically Cygwin Solutions entry
with the setup.exe ?
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Hi, i have this perl script but it seems returning always 0
use IO::Socket;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr =>'localhost',
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp') ;
die &inetdconf unless ($sock);
my $
hi, I wanted to stop ftp cygwin if there is already a ftp server running but if
not i wnat to start ftp cygwin .
How can I know by code if there is already a ftp server running?
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Hi, I use Cygwin and I wonder if it would be possible to run Cygwin environment
without installing it in hard disk, by running it from a CD for exemple, I know
that some Linux distribution can be run without installing them(no special
partition needed) in hard disk and running them from a CD.
Actually i wanted to make a self extractive executable Archive with Cygwin Zip.
How can I do this? I tried to use -A option but it didn't make an Win32 exe.
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Hi, I wonder if it is possible to make an excutable (Win32 exe ) with zip.
I tried with th eoption -A but it didn't make an exe.
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So, I would like to install by default inetutils without going to Net And
specify the version of inetutils because by defaut when I ran Setup.exe
Inetutils are Skip.
How can i do?Thanks
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Hi, I wonder if in the set up.exe we can add field in setup.ini to specify
whether package is installed by default, or not.
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HI, I am under Nt and I wonder if it is possible to add PATH =c:\cygwin\bin to
the default PATH without tne NT Box sytem with a script(Perl for exemple).???
How can I do this?
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Hi, I wonder if it is possible when I ran set up for the first time to install
the package Inetutils automatically because now it is Skip by default, and I
must change it to the last version.
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Hi, Is there a way to have the setup sources of cygwin?
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Hi, I have this :
system("perl -i.orig -pe 's!/home/ftp!/!g' c:/cygwin/etc/passwd") or die;
And it dies always althought it works if I run it by Hand in the cygwin bash.
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I have this Perl script under Cygwin
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
my $cmd="c:/cygwin/bin/iu-config";
it fails iu-config is the cygwin script shell(/bin/sh).
Why?Althought It works when i type iu-config from the bash Cygwin
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