Re: date command hangs sometimes (coreutils 8.26-2) on cygwin 3.1.4 x86-64

2020-06-29 Thread Gruff Hacker via Cygwin
On Thu Jun 25 11:50:15 GMT 2020, Ken Brown wrote: >Can you show us a gdb backtrace of all threads when this happens?  You'll need  >to install gdb and coreutils-debuginfo.  When date hangs, attach gdb by giving  >the command > >   gdb -p > >where is the pid of the hanging date process.  At the

Re: date command hangs sometimes (coreutils 8.26-2) on cygwin 3.1.4 x86-64

2020-06-24 Thread Gruff Hacker via Cygwin
This happens more frequently for me now. Another example of thread stacks below: Thread 1: ntoskrnl.exe!KiSwapContext+0x76 ntoskrnl.exe!KiSwapThread+0xbfd ntoskrnl.exe!KiCommitThreadWait+0x144 ntoskrnl.exe!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x255 ntoskrnl.exe!KiSchedulerApc+0x397 ntoskrnl.exe!KiDeliverApc+0x2e8