erous, actually...
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
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Problem reports:
he Windows-native Python 2.4
(Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
win32) gives the same result.
I suspect the tempfile module's docs are misleading... it you look at
the code, the returned object is an instance of
Chris H
Any hint is appreciated. Thanks,
You could probably dig it out of the registry, but 'uname -s' will give
you something useful. On my XP Pro system, I get CYGWIN_NT-5.1 (XP is
"Windows NT 5.1"), for example.
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do
paces in the default $USERPROFILE?
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
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Problem reports:
Chuck wrote:
Christopher Faylor wrote:
| On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 04:52:31PM -0500, Chuck wrote:
|>I don't know if this has been reported before
| It has.
| The conclusion?
| Don't use find on /proc.
ls -lR /proc works. :-)
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a
This is an undocumented feature ever since DOS implemented directories.
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
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Problem reports:
the second one is my home system without Momentics.
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Fri Aug 06 11:28:26 2004
Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Path: c:\
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [508]: cygcheck -c troff groff man
Cygwin Package Information
Package VersionStatus
groff1.18.1-2 OK
man 1.5k-3 OK
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster
ies/ATI Control Panel:/cygdrive/c/Program
Files/Common File
Files/QNX Software Systems/bin groff -mtty-char -Tascii -P-c -mandoc
troff: fatal error: can't open ` -P-c -mandoc': No such file or directo
le or directory
I've tried tracking down this problem, presumably in one of the shell
scripts (such as /usr/bin/nroff), without luck.
Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
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Chris Herborth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
Unsubscribe info:
Problem reports:
FAQ: http
't sounding too snippy in this message, I've actually had to
explain this several times this week. Must be related to the change in
seasons. ;-)
Chris Herborth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.
chine, or nothing.
import socket
print socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() )
Perl's probably just as easy.
Chris Herborth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.
Never send
23:05 i686 unknown
unknown Cygwin
- residential cable modem connection (3MBit)
- accepting ssh connections through inetd; ssh, scp, sftp work perfectly
I've attached the core dump, and the output of "cygcheck -s -v -r" from both
Clues appreciated, thanks!
al error: can't open ` -P-c -mandoc': No such file or directory
Looks a bit like a script somewhere has gotten hosed or something... any clues?
Chris Herborth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.
hd and lftp) is the domain; at work, my system is part
of domain, at home, I don't have one.
I made sure the SYSTEM account (which is what inetd is starting sshd as) had
access to my directories, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
Chris Herborth
I wasn't able to find anything about this in the online docs, FAQ, or
mailing list archives... any clues?
Chris Herborth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.
Never send a monster to do the work of
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