hey friends,

I have installed cygwin 1.5.19-4 on a Windows XP Pro SP2 PC that is
part of a Network Domain.The problem is that one of the user is not
able to use cygwin. When this user clicks on the cygwin icon on the
desktop the following errors shows up:
mkdir cannot create directory //fileserver no such host or network path
Copying skeleton files
These files are for the user to personalize their cygwin experience
These will never be overwritten.

/usr/bin/install: cannot create directory '//fileserver': no such host
or network path
bash:cd: //fileserver/raju/:No such host or network path
bash://fileserver/raju/: .bash_profile: No such host or network path

I don't know what is the reason for this user not able to access the
cygwin whereas other users are able to access cygwin on the same
desktop without any problem.

Please let me know if you need any further inputs.

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover

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