Issues with Cygwin64 on Windows11

2022-07-30 Thread Dimax
Hello. I've never had much luck with Cygwin64 and used the 32 bit version before. Today I have no choice and I've installed Cyg64 on my new Win11 PC. Here is the first major issue I faced. I can not create symbolic links: Alex@Alexo ~ $ ls /cygdrive/C/XOL/ Alex@Alexo ~ $ ln -s /cygdrive/C/XOL/ w

DOS pause command hangs in batch files

2022-07-30 Thread Kamran via Cygwin
Hi all I use some batch (*.bat/*.cmd) files for my work. I usually work from within cygwin/mintty Last year (i.e. from June 2021), "pause" command (from DOS era) hangs the batch file, until ^C is pressed. Lately pressing ^C does nothing, and I have to kill the mintty process from task-manager.

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tesseract-ocr-5.2.0-1

2022-07-30 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 5.2.0-1 of packages libtesseract-ocr_5 tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-devel tesseract-training-util are available in the Cygwin distribution: Other language specific data are available upstream while training data for building new l

Village Mart: Payroll Quotation

2022-07-30 Thread Willie Cole
Hi there, Decided to shoot you a quick note: Would like to show you how I can work with Village Mart to process payroll 10x more seamlessly than today. Ever heard of a platform that delivers everything from direct deposit, withholding taxes, & boasts world-class help for upto 31% less? If more s

Updated: coreutils 9.1

2022-07-30 Thread Fergus Daly
Brian Inglis wrote: >> Setup still shows 9.1 as test, but it should not be installed by anyone. >> Setup now also shows 9.0 in test, and it can and should be installed by >> anyone who experienced issues with 9.1. Jim Reisert wrote: > 9.0 (test) is working for me now, whereas 9.1 did not work. >