Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ImageMagick-

2018-09-09 Thread Marco Atzeri
Am 09.09.2018 um 11:48 schrieb Lemures Lemniscati: Thank you for maintainers. I apologize for bothering you. Reporting about cases: ImageMagick 6.9.9-11 has an issue, ImageMagick 6.9.10-11 resolves it, I can confirm this at least for x86_64, but the annoying thing is that it will cause a

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ImageMagick-

2018-09-09 Thread Lemures Lemniscati
Thank you for maintainers. I apologize for bothering you. Reporting about cases: ImageMagick 6.9.9-11 has an issue, ImageMagick 6.9.10-11 resolves it, ImageMagick 7.0.8-11 resolves it, and hoping the current package ImageMagick- will be updated. Tested by building from the sources