Re: Replicate packages from 32-bit machine on 64-bit machine

2014-08-17 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, paul! > When I wanted to replicate my cygwin installation from a 32-bit machine to > another 32-bit machine, it was straightforward. I would simply reinstall > all installed packages, but have the downloaded packages got to a folder > which I then burn to CD. > However, my next machin

Re: Bash uses lseek while reading from serial device

2014-08-17 Thread Linda Walsh
Being a bit of a busybody... I forwarded this to the bash list and chet responded there... so forwarding it back here... not sure what isatty is supposed to do with a serial line, let alone one on windows... Original Message Subject: Re: Fwd: Bash uses lseek while reading fr

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: dos2unix 6.0.6-1 & man-db limitation

2014-08-17 Thread waterlan
Marco Atzeri schreef op 2014-08-16 17:44: On 16/08/2014 15:26, Marco Atzeri wrote: 3rd and final (I hope), the reason way only u2d man page has problem mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/u2d.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request it is because it has a double redirection while all the o

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: arpack-3.1.5-1

2014-08-17 Thread Marco Atzeri
New versions 3.1.5-1 of arpack (source) libarpack-devel libarpack0 libparpack-devel libparpack0 for cygwin are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES It is a upstream bugfix release. CYGWIN CHANGES Parallel ARPACK with OpenMPI support has been added DESCRIPTION ARPACK is a co

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: octave-3.8.2-1

2014-08-17 Thread Marco Atzeri
New versions 3.8.2-1 of octave, octave-devel, octave-doc are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES This is a mainstream bugfix release of 3.8.x The FLTK Graphics toolkit crash on cygwin has been solved Full changes: GENERAL 3.8

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gcc-4.8.3-3 (x86/x86_64)

2014-08-17 Thread JonY
gcc-4.8.3-3 has been uploaded for 32bit and 64bit Cygwin. This rebuild now uses __cxa_atexit for better C++ standards compliance. Note that any C++ code built with this version WILL NOT RUN on earlier versions of Cygwin (1.7.32-1). *** CYGWIN-ANNOUNCE UNSUBSCRIBE INFO *** If you

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: postgresql-9.3.5-2

2014-08-17 Thread Marco Atzeri
Version 9.3.5-2 of packages libecpg-compat3 libecpg-devel libecpg6 libpgtypes3 libpq-devel libpq5 postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel postgresql-doc postgresql-plperl postgresql-plpython are available in the Cygwin distribution: KNOWN BUG

Re: Replicate packages from 32-bit machine on 64-bit machine

2014-08-17 Thread Eliot Moss
On 8/17/2014 2:41 AM, paul wrote: When I wanted to replicate my cygwin installation from a 32-bit machine to another 32-bit machine, it was straightforward. I would simply reinstall all installed packages, but have the downloaded packages got to a folder which I then burn to CD. However, my nex

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: GraphicsMagick-1.3.20-1

2014-08-17 Thread Marco Atzeri
Version 1.3.20-1 of GraphicsMagick libGraphicsMagick-devel libGraphicsMagick3 perl-Graphics-Magick have been uploaded for cygwin DESCRIPTION GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing. It provides a robust and efficient collection of tools and libraries which support