cvs commit: src/sys/fs/udf ecma167-udf.h udf_vfsops.c udf_vnops.c

2006-02-03 Thread Will Andrews
will2006-02-03 15:25:52 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: sys/fs/udf ecma167-udf.h udf_vfsops.c udf_vnops.c Log: Make UDF endian-safe. Submitted by: Pedro Martelletto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (via scottl) Tested on: sparc64 Revision Changes

cvs commit: src/usr.bin/make job.c

2007-04-13 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-04-14 05:04:10 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) usr.bin/make job.c Log: MFC: r1.125: Fix -j with Makefiles specified via stdin. Requested by: Ulrich Spoerlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Revision ChangesPath 1.1

cvs commit: src/bin/df df.c

2007-03-07 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-08 06:10:17 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: bin/df df.c Log: Fix a bug where the mutual exclusivity of the -l and -t options is not recognized properly if -l is specified first. PR: bin/105721 MFC after: 1

cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/cron/lib entry.c

2007-03-07 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-08 07:00:42 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: usr.sbin/cron/libentry.c Log: Fix a bug where HOME was not allowed to be overridden by an user's crontab as crontab(5) states it can be. This is supported by all vixie-cron derived implementations; no

cvs commit: src/usr.bin/make job.c

2007-03-08 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-08 07:57:43 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: usr.bin/make job.c Log: Fix a bug where the standard input (fifoFd == 0) was confused with an error return from open(2), leading to an erroneous value of maxJobs and a hung make when -f is standard

cvs commit: src/bin/df df.c

2007-03-16 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-17 02:10:14 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) bin/df df.c Log: MFC: r1.67: Make error messages regarding -t and -l consistent. Revision ChangesPath +4 -1 src/bin/df/df.c __

cvs commit: ports/astro/xearth/files freebsd.committers.markers

2007-03-16 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-17 02:11:34 UTC FreeBSD ports repository (src committer) Modified files: astro/xearth/files freebsd.committers.markers Log: Update my location: I moved about 15 miles closer to Denver a while ago. Pestered by:brd Revision ChangesPath 1.354

cvs commit: ports/games/xkobo Makefile ports/games/xkobo/files patch-af

2007-03-20 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-20 20:11:49 UTC FreeBSD ports repository (src committer) Modified files: games/xkobo Makefile games/xkobo/filespatch-af Log: Fix compilation when using gcc 4.1 due to attempting to cast a pointer to an int, which may lose precision on platforms

cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/cron/lib entry.c

2007-03-20 Thread Will Andrews
will2007-03-20 20:22:18 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) usr.sbin/cron/libentry.c Log: MFC: r1.18: Allow overriding the HOME environment as per the man page. Revision ChangesPath +10 -8 src/usr.sbin/cron/lib/en