jadawin 2010-12-07 09:04:48 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
security/p5-IO-Socket-SSL Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
- Update to 1.35
- Changelog: http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-1.35/Changes
Revision ChangesPath
1.43 +6 -2
avilla 2010-12-07 12:16:25 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
net-im/telepathy-qt4 Makefile
- Do not build tests.
- Fix build on amd64.
Reported by:pointyhat via pav
Approved by:tabthorpe (mentor, implicit)
Revision ChangesPath
mandree 2010-12-07 12:58:06 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
news/newsstarMakefile distinfo pkg-plist
Removed files:
news/newsstar/files patch-Makefile.am patch-configure.in
- Update to upstream release
wen 2010-12-07 13:04:06 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
databases/py-dbf Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
- Update to 0.88.16
Revision ChangesPath
1.4 +1 -1 ports/databases/py-dbf/Makefile
1.2 +2 -3 ports/databases/py-dbf/d
mandree 2010-12-07 13:04:38 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
Add LICENSE=GPLv3 line.
Feature safe: yes
Revision ChangesPath
1.21 +2 -0 ports/news/newsstar/Makefile
wen 2010-12-07 13:07:08 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/ruby-flexmock Makefile distinfo
- Update to 0.8.11
Revision ChangesPath
1.8 +2 -2 ports/devel/ruby-flexmock/Makefile
1.5 +2 -3 ports/devel/ruby-flexmock/distin
wen 2010-12-07 13:15:37 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/p5-POE-Test-Loops Makefile distinfo
- Update to 1.036
- Pass maintainership to submitter
PR: ports/152504
Submitted by: Jase Thew
Revision ChangesPath
wen 2010-12-07 13:19:09 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/p5-POE Makefile distinfo
- Update to 1.294
PR: ports/152505
Submitted by: Jase Thew
Revision ChangesPath
1.57 +2 -2 ports/devel/p5-POE/Makefile
On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 01:04:38PM +, Matthias Andree wrote:
> mandree 2010-12-07 13:04:38 UTC
> FreeBSD ports repository
> Modified files:
> news/newsstarMakefile
> Log:
> Add LICENSE=GPLv3 line.
> Feature safe: yes
Care to elaborate why did you use FS ta
wen 2010-12-07 13:48:51 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
graphics/qgisMakefile distinfo pkg-plist
- Update to 1.6.0
- Unbreak the build with Python
- Add option for build with MapServer
- Sort plist
Revision Changes Path
1.41 +1
ryusuke 2010-12-07 14:23:08 UTC
FreeBSD doc repository
Modified files:
ja index.xsl
ja/news Makefile
Added files:
- Generate translated rss.xml.
(new) -> 1.3www/ja/share/s
mandree 2010-12-07 14:33:24 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
print/py-reportlab Makefile distinfo
Update MASTER_SITES/DISTFILES, remove BROKEN=does not fetch.
Revision ChangesPath
1.34 +2 -5 ports/print/py-reportlab/Makefile
1.20 +2
ume 2010-12-07 15:46:54 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
textproc/ibus-el Makefile distinfo
Update to 0.2.1.
Revision ChangesPath
1.3 +7 -10 ports/textproc/ibus-el/Makefile
1.3 +2 -3 ports/textproc/ibus-el/distinfo
fjoe2010-12-07 17:20:41 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
Please welcome Florian Smeets (flo@) to the ranks of ports committers.
Revision ChangesPath
1.941 +1 -0 CVSROOT/access
dinoex 2010-12-07 17:41:23 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
graphics/png Makefile
distribution subdirs has changed
Revision ChangesPath
1.114 +1 -1 ports/graphics/png/Makefile
rene2010-12-07 18:02:47 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
security/vuxml vuln.xml
Document the known vulnerabilities for www/chromium.
The [numbers] in the entry represent bug numbers which are clickable at
the referenced site, but most of them gi
dougb 2010-12-07 18:18:15 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
ports-mgmt/portmaster Makefile distinfo
Fix a minor bug:
When specifying 'portmaster port-1.23 dependency-of-port-2.34'
the dependency would be built twice because the PM_NEEDS_UPDATE
list is kept
thierry 2010-12-07 18:53:24 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
cad/opencascade Makefile distinfo
cad/opencascade/files patch-ros_env.csh patch-ros_env.ksh
Chase Tix upgrade and fix Tclx dependency.
Revision ChangesPath
1.29 +9 -8 por
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:18:08 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
Added files:
devel/p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple Makefile distinfo
pkg-descr pkg-plist
The main purpose of this module is t
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:18:29 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www Makefile
Added files:
www/p5-FCGI-Engine Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist
This module helps manage FCGI based web applications by providing a wrapper
which handles
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:18:48 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
Added files:
devel/rubygem-image_science Makefile distinfo pkg-descr
ImageScience is a Ruby library that generates
thumbnails. Supports square and proportional
linimon 2010-12-07 19:19:15 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/rubygem-abstract Makefile
devel/rubygem-gdata Makefile
devel/rubygem-inline Makefile
devel/rubygem-json Makefile
devel/rubygem-mocha Makefile
devel/rubygem-parsetree Makefile
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:24:17 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www Makefile
Added files:
www/apache22-prefork-mpm Makefile pkg-descr
Apache 2.2 with the prefork MPM enabled.
WWW: http://httpd.apache.org/
PR: ports/1519
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:24:30 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www Makefile
Added files:
www/apache22-worker-mpm Makefile pkg-descr
Apache 2.2 with the worker MPM enabled.
WWW: http://httpd.apache.org/
PR: ports/151969
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:24:44 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www Makefile
Added files:
www/apache22-event-mpm Makefile pkg-descr
Apache 2.2 with the event MPM enabled.
WWW: http://httpd.apache.org/
PR: ports/151969
pgollucci2010-12-07 19:25:09 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www Makefile
Added files:
www/apache22-itk-mpm Makefile pkg-descr
Apache 2.2 with the itk MPM enabled.
WWW: http://httpd.apache.org/
WWW: http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/
linimon 2010-12-07 19:35:25 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
converters/p5-JSON-Any Makefile
converters/p5-JSON-XS Makefile
databases/p5-BerkeleyDB Makefile pkg-descr
databases/p5-DBD-SQLite Makefile
databases/p5-Jifty-DBI Makefile
linimon 2010-12-07 19:47:56 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www/p5-HTML-Tree Makefile pkg-descr
net/p5-XML-Compile-SOAP Makefile
With portmgr hat, reassign some ports from clsung to perl, since clsung
is apparently h
cy 2010-12-07 20:19:41 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
security/libfwbuilder-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
Update 4.0.1 --> 4.1.3
Revision ChangesPath
1.75 +4 -5 ports/security/libfwbuilder-devel/Makefile
1.37 +2 -3 por
cy 2010-12-07 20:20:32 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
security/fwbuilder-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
security/fwbuilder-devel/files patch-aa
Update 4.0.1 --> 4.1.3
Revision ChangesPath
1.79 +4 -5 ports/security/fwbuilder-de
pgollucci2010-12-07 20:37:26 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www Makefile
Removed files:
www/apache22-prefork-mpm Makefile pkg-descr
That was a bad idea b/c of conflicts with the master www/apache22 port.
Revision ChangesPath
pgollucci2010-12-07 20:38:17 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www/apache22 Makefile
- update conflicts
Revision ChangesPath
1.285 +2 -1 ports/www/apache22/Makefile
cvs-all@freebsd.org ma
ohauer 2010-12-07 21:04:39 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
sysutils/abgx360 Makefile distinfo
- update to version 1.0.5
Changelog: http://abgx360.net/
PR: 152897
Submitted by: Nicole Reid (maintainer)
Revision ChangesP
The Restless Daemon identified a mtree error while trying to build:
alpine-2.00_2 maintained by do...@freebsd.org
Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/mail/alpine/Makefile,v 1.11 2010/12/05
07:51:49 dougb Exp $
Excerpt from http://QAT.TecNik93.com/logs/8-STABLE-NPD/alpine-2.00_2.log :
pgollucci2010-12-07 21:24:30 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www/mod_tsa Makefile
- with AP_FAST_BUILD / AP_GENPLIST, SRC_FILE is required if there is >1 .c
that needs to be linked in.
PR: ports/152746
Reported by:Dmitry
pgollucci2010-12-07 21:29:34 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
www/mod_log_mysqlMakefile distinfo
Added files:
www/mod_log_mysql/files patch-mod_log_mysql.c
- enable auto-reconnect support
PR: ports/152644
Submitted by: Alex Samoruk
ohauer 2010-12-07 21:46:51 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
shells/scponly Makefile distinfo
shells/scponly/files patch-helper.c
Added files:
shells/scponly/files patch-scponly.c
- Fix support for rsync 3.0
Rsync 3 needs the "-e" option,
I got the same error from pointyhat, but I can't figure out why. The
script has a line to exit when it's called by pkg_add unless "$2" =
'POST-INSTALL', and the files that QAT and pointyhat are complaining
about are created by the pkg-install file.
If anyone can shed light on this, I'd appreci
pgollucci2010-12-07 21:48:45 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
lang/parrot Makefile Makefile.common distinfo
- Update to 2.10.1
PR: ports/152799
Submitted by: Aliaksandr Zahatski
With Hat:
pgollucci2010-12-07 21:49:08 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
lang/rakudo Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
- update to November 2010 release of "Rakudo Star"
PR: ports/152800
Submitted by: Aliaksandr Zahatski
With Hat: perl@
Possibly pico-alpine package is executing that pkg-install script too?
Doug Barton píše v út 07. 12. 2010 v 13:48 -0800:
> I got the same error from pointyhat, but I can't figure out why. The
> script has a line to exit when it's called by pkg_add unless "$2" =
> 'POST-INSTALL', and the files th
The Restless Daemon identified a mtree error while trying to build:
dbf2mysql-1.14_2 maintained by po...@freebsd.org
Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/databases/dbf2mysql/Makefile,v 1.16 2010/12/04
21:21:14 beech Exp $
Excerpt from http://QAT.TecNik93.com/logs/8-STABLE-NPD/dbf2mysql-1.14_2.log :
On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 23:17:24 +0100
Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> Possibly pico-alpine package is executing that pkg-install script too?
> Doug Barton píše v út 07. 12. 2010 v 13:48 -0800:
> > I got the same error from pointyhat, but I can't figure out why.
> > The script has a line to exit when it's
flo 2010-12-07 23:00:16 UTC
FreeBSD doc repository (ports committer)
Modified files:
en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors contrib.committers.sgml
en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml authors.ent
share/pgpkeyspgpkeys-developers.sgml pgpkeys.ent
Added files:
brooks 2010-12-07 23:00:44 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/llvm Makefile distinfo
Added files:
devel/llvm/files patch-lib_Target_X86_X86ISelLowering.cpp
Fix LLVM Bug 8381 - Incorrect x86/SSE code generation involving
<<8 x i16>> vec
flo 2010-12-07 23:09:19 UTC
FreeBSD doc repository (ports committer)
Modified files:
en developers.sgml
share/sgml news.xml
Add myself to news.xml
Approved by:fjoe (mentor)
Revision ChangesPath
1.275 +2 -1 ww
pgollucci2010-12-07 23:11:52 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/p5-indirectMakefile distinfo
- Update to 0.23
PR: ports/152880
Submitted by: Dan Rench (maintainer)
pgollucci2010-12-07 23:12:05 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/p5-DateTime-Format-RFC3339 Makefile distinfo
- Update to v1.0.4
PR: ports/152881
Submitted by: Dan Rench (maintainer)
pgollucci2010-12-07 23:13:07 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
devel/p5-AnyEventMakefile distinfo pkg-plist
- Update to 5.28
PR: ports/152357
Submitted by: Mikhail T.
With Hat: perl@
pgollucci2010-12-07 23:13:25 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
textproc/p5-XML-Compile Makefile distinfo
- Update to 1.19
PR: ports/152655
Submitted by: Patrick Powell
With Hat: perl@
pgollucci2010-12-07 23:29:47 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
mail/rubygem-mailMakefile distinfo
- Update to 2.2.12
PR: ports/152906
Submitted by: Eric Freeman (maintainer)
Sponsored by: RideCharge Inc. / TaxiMagic
Revision Cha
edwin 2010-12-08 00:09:08 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
Ports modules update at Wednesday 08 December 2010 at 00:09
Feature safe: yes
Revision ChangesPath
1.20994 +0 -0 CVSROOT/modules
wen 2010-12-08 00:12:00 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
- Fix fetch error
Reported by:Rainer Hurling
Revision ChangesPath
1.42 +2 -1 ports/graphics/qgis/Makefile
danfe 2010-12-08 03:28:28 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
x11/nvidia-driver/files pkg-message.in
Non-functional changes (mostly cleanups).
Revision ChangesPath
1.102 +14 -14ports/x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile
hrs 2010-12-08 06:26:00 UTC
FreeBSD doc repository
Modified files:
da_DK.ISO8859-1/share/sgml freebsd.dsl
de_DE.ISO8859-1/share/sgml freebsd.dsl
el_GR.ISO8859-7/share/sgml freebsd.dsl
en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml freebsd.dsl
es_ES.ISO8859-1/share/sgml freebsd.dsl
hrs 2010-12-08 06:39:19 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
japanese/font-umeMakefile pkg-plist
japanese/font-vlgothic Makefile pkg-plist
japanese/font-migmix Makefile pkg-plist
PR: ports/146247
dougb 2010-12-08 06:46:47 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
editors/pico-alpine Makefile
mail/alpine pkg-install
There is no need to include PKGINSTALL in the pico package
Give the alpine/pkg-install script triple protection against
being r
On 12/07/2010 14:17, Pav Lucistnik wrote:
Possibly pico-alpine package is executing that pkg-install script too?
Bingo! Thanks.
Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
-- OK Go
Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge i
net-im/prosody, which was previously failing is OK after this commit.
Thanks for fixing it!
A description of the testing process can be found here:
Thanks for your work on making FreeBSD better,
QAT - your friendly neighborhood Daemon,
preparing a
hrs 2010-12-08 06:53:30 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
japanese/font-ipaex Makefile distinfo
Update to ver.001.03. The release note can be found at:
Revision ChangesPath
1.3 +1 -1
danfe 2010-12-08 07:37:22 UTC
FreeBSD ports repository
Modified files:
x11/nvidia-driver-173 Makefile
x11/nvidia-driver-96 Makefile
- Update legacy drivers (new versions: 96.43.19 and 173.14.28)
- Remove MD5 hashes from distinfo (h
61 matches
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