cvs commit: ports/textproc/p5-XML-Compile Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 07:09:34 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/p5-XML-Compile Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.06 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.33 +1 -1 ports/textproc/p5-

cvs commit: ports/textproc/p5-Net-YASA Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 07:10:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/p5-Net-YASA Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.03 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -1 ports/textproc/p5-Net-YASA

cvs commit: ports/textproc/metaf2xml Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 07:10:23 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/metaf2xml Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.35 Revision ChangesPath 1.23 +1 -1 ports/textproc/metaf2xml/Makefile 1.21 +3 -3 ports/textproc/metaf2xml/distinfo _

cvs commit: ports/textproc/makepatch Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 07:55:02 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/makepatch Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 2.04 Revision ChangesPath 1.8 +1 -1 ports/textproc/makepatch/Makefile 1.5 +3 -3 ports/textproc/makepatch/distinfo _

cvs commit: ports/textproc/utf8proc Makefile distinfo ports/textproc/utf8proc/files patch-Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 08:00:22 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/utf8procMakefile distinfo Removed files: textproc/utf8proc/files patch-Makefile Log: - Update to 1.1.3 Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -1 ports/textproc/utf8proc/Makefi

cvs commit: ports/net/p5-XML-Compile-SOAP Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 08:28:15 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/p5-XML-Compile-SOAP Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: - Update to 2.07 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.13 +4 -3 por

cvs commit: ports/textproc/dict Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 08:30:46 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/dictMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.11.1 Revision ChangesPath 1.51 +1 -1 ports/textproc/dict/Makefile 1.21 +3 -3 ports/textproc/dict/distinfo _

cvs commit: ports/textproc/dictfmt Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 08:30:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/dictfmt Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.11.1 Revision ChangesPath 1.32 +1 -1 ports/textproc/dictfmt/Makefile 1.23 +3 -3 ports/textproc/dictfmt/distinfo ___

cvs commit: ports/net/p5-Net-Amazon Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 08:55:34 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/p5-Net-AmazonMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.53 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.27 +1 -1 ports/net/p5-Net-Amazon/

cvs commit: ports/net/dictd Makefile distinfo ports/net/dictd/files

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 08:55:57 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/dictdMakefile distinfo net/dictd/files Log: - Update to 1.11.1 Revision ChangesPath 1.44 +1 -1 ports/net/dictd/Makefile 1.17 +3 -3

cvs commit: ports/dns/powerdns-devel Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
itetcu 2009-06-17 09:18:57 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: dns/powerdns-devel Makefile Log: Fix build with with custom LOCALBASE. Submitted by: Sahil Tandon Reported by:QATty Approved by:portmgr (itetcu@) No cookie for: maintainer Revisi

cvs commit: ports/net/p5-Net-GitHub Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-17 09:31:44 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/p5-Net-GitHubMakefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: - Update to 0.18 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +5 -3 ports/net/p5-N

Re: cvs commit: ports/net/p5-Net-GitHub Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread QAT
The Restless Daemon identified a patch error while trying to build: p5-Net-GitHub-0.18 maintained by Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/net/p5-Net-GitHub/Makefile,v 1.2 2009/06/17 09:31:44 clsung Exp $ Excerpt from

cvs commit: ports/ftp/uftp Makefile distinfo ports/ftp/uftp/files patch-Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Sivachenko
demon 2009-06-17 10:01:22 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: ftp/uftp Makefile distinfo ftp/uftp/files patch-Makefile Log: Update to 2.9.1. Revision ChangesPath 1.12 +3 -1 ports/ftp/uftp/Makefile 1.10 +3 -3 port

cvs commit: ports/accessibility/eflite Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
itetcu 2009-06-17 10:07:51 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: accessibility/eflite Makefile Log: Fix build with custom LOCALBASE Submitted by: Sahil Tandon Reported by:QATty Approved by:portmgr (itetcu@) No cookie for: maintainer Revision Ch

cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/ruby-fastri Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/devel/ruby-fastri/files patch-lib_fastri_util.rb

2009-06-17 Thread Stanislav Sedov
stas2009-06-17 12:18:48 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: develMakefile Added files: devel/ruby-fastriMakefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist devel/ruby-fastri/files patch-lib_fastri_util.rb Log: - Add ruby-fastri, a fast RDoc ri brows

cvs commit: ports/comms/trustedqsl pkg-descr ports/comms/trustedqsl/files Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Diane Bruce
db 2009-06-17 12:19:35 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: comms/trustedqsl pkg-descr comms/trustedqsl/files Makefile Log: - Fix LOCALBASE [1] - Fix dead link in pkg-descr Reported by:itetcu [1] Revision ChangesPath 1.6 +4 -1

Re: cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/ruby-fastri Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/devel/ruby-fastri/files patch-lib_fastri_util.rb

2009-06-17 Thread QAT
The Restless Daemon identified a PLIST error while trying to build: ruby18-fastri-0.3.1 maintained by Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/devel/ruby-fastri/Makefile,v 1.1 2009/06/17 12:18:47 stas Exp $ Excerpt from

cvs commit: ports/graphics/ivtools Makefile pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Marcelo Araujo
araujo 2009-06-17 12:40:44 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/ivtools Makefile pkg-plist Log: - Mark as unbroken. - Fix plist. PR: ports/135599 Submitted by: Sylvio Cesar Revision ChangesPath 1.37 +0 -4 ports/g

Re: cvs commit: ports/graphics/ivtools Makefile pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread QAT
The Restless Daemon identified a bad_C++_code error while trying to build: ivtools-1.2.6_1 maintained by Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/graphics/ivtools/Makefile,v 1.37 2009/06/17 12:40:44 araujo Exp $ Excerpt from

cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/ri-emacs Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/devel/ri-emacs/files

2009-06-17 Thread Stanislav Sedov
stas2009-06-17 12:50:27 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: develMakefile Added files: devel/ri-emacs Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist devel/ri-emacs/files Log: - Add ri-emacs, an Emacs extension to work with ruby

cvs commit: ports/devel/ruby-fastri pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Stanislav Sedov
stas2009-06-17 12:52:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/ruby-fastripkg-plist Log: - Fix plist for NOPORTDOCS case. Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +4 -4 ports/devel/ruby-fastri/pkg-plist ___ cv

cvs commit: ports/net/dhcprelya Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Sergey Matveychuk
sem 2009-06-17 12:57:04 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/dhcprelyaMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 4.0 Revision ChangesPath 1.11 +13 -2 ports/net/dhcprelya/Makefile 1.9 +3 -3 ports/net/dhcprelya/distinfo

cvs commit: ports/www Makefile ports/www/blogd Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Thomas Abthorpe
tabthorpe2009-06-17 13:02:23 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www Makefile Added files: www/blogdMakefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist Log: Blogd is an SCGI application server dedicated to serving-up a single blog, implemented in

cvs commit: ports/net-mgmt/wdiag Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Wesley Shields
wxs 2009-06-17 13:13:06 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net-mgmt/wdiag Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.10.2 which now works on -current. PR: ports/135595 Submitted by: Josh Carroll (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.4

cvs commit: ports/mail/squirrelmail Makefile pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Thomas Abthorpe
tabthorpe2009-06-17 13:21:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: mail/squirrelmailMakefile pkg-plist Log: - Preserve config_local.php - Bump PORTREVISION PR: ports/134771 Submitted by: Marcin Gryszkalis Revision ChangesPath 1.58

cvs commit: ports/net/ruby-net-geoip Makefile ports/net/rubygem-geoip Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Renato Botelho
garga 2009-06-17 13:29:35 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/ruby-net-geoip Makefile net/rubygem-geoipMakefile Log: Remove CONFLICTS added on last commit, those ports doesn't conflict, they install different things Revision ChangesPath 1.1

Re: cvs commit: ports/net/rubygem-geoip Makefile ports/net/ruby-net-geoip Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Renato Botelho
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:03:54PM -0400, Philip M. Gollucci wrote: > Oops, sorry, I meant they are the same thing, we only need one. It's not correct, try to install both and take a look at pkg_info -L output, you will see they install completly diff

cvs commit: ports/graphics Makefile ports/graphics/rubygem-rmagick Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

2009-06-17 Thread Renato Botelho
garga 2009-06-17 14:03:46 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics Makefile Added files: graphics/rubygem-rmagick Makefile distinfo pkg-descr Log: RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the ImageMagick and GraphicsMag

cvs commit: ports/databases/couchdb Makefile pkg-install pkg-message ports/databases/couchdb/files

2009-06-17 Thread Wesley Shields
wxs 2009-06-17 14:10:30 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: databases/couchdbMakefile Added files: databases/couchdbpkg-install pkg-message databases/couchdb/files Log: - Add an RC script. - Cleanup messasges displayed by the port.

cvs commit: ports GIDs UIDs

2009-06-17 Thread Wesley Shields
wxs 2009-06-17 14:11:00 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .GIDs UIDs Log: - Add couchdb user and group. PR: ports/135259 Submitted by: Till Klampaeckel Revision ChangesPath 1.72 +2 -1 ports/GIDs 1.83

cvs commit: ports/editors/vim Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread David E. O'Brien
obrien 2009-06-17 14:50:27 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: editors/vim Makefile distinfo Log: Update to Vim 7.2 patchlevel 209. Revision ChangesPath 1.344 +15 -6 ports/editors/vim/Makefile 1.201 +108 -0ports/editors/vim/distinf

cvs commit: ports/security/gnupg Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Jun Kuriyama
kuriyama2009-06-17 14:59:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: security/gnupg Makefile distinfo Log: - Upgrade to 2.0.12. - Turn on Camellia option (rfc5581 published). PR: ports/135668 Submitted by: Hirohisa Yamaguchi Revision Change

cvs commit: ports/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4 Makefile pkg-plist ports/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/files patch-CMakeLists.txt

2009-06-17 Thread Kris Moore
kmoore 2009-06-17 15:02:19 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4 Makefile pkg-plist graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/files patch-CMakeLists.txt Log: - Fix building of kipi-plugins-kde4 if QT3 / KDE3 versions of kipi are installed - Fix dete

cvs commit: ports/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/files patch-cmake__modules__FindGdk.cmake patch-cmake__modules__FindGpod.cmake qt3to4headers.txt

2009-06-17 Thread Kris Moore
kmoore 2009-06-17 15:06:49 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Added files: graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/files patch-cmake__modules__FindGdk.cmake patch-cmake__modules__FindGpod.cmake

cvs commit: ports/net-p2p/py-bittorrent Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Wesley Shields
wxs 2009-06-17 15:08:37 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net-p2p/py-bittorrent Makefile Log: - Pass back to the pool as I don't use this anymore. Revision ChangesPath 1.60 +1 -1 ports/net-p2p/py-bittorrent/Makefile ___

cvs commit: ports/games/numptyphysics Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 15:19:15 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/numptyphysics Makefile Log: - Add more mirrors Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +3 -1 ports/games/numptyphysics/Makefile ___ cvs-all@freebsd.

cvs commit: ports/x11-wm/musca Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 16:17:28 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: x11-wm/musca Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.9.23 Revision ChangesPath 1.9 +2 -2 ports/x11-wm/musca/Makefile 1.9 +3 -3 ports/x11-wm/musca/distinfo ___

cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/rubygem-stomp Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

2009-06-17 Thread Renato Botelho
garga 2009-06-17 16:17:47 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: develMakefile Added files: devel/rubygem-stomp Makefile distinfo pkg-descr Log: The Stomp project is the Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol site (or the Protocol Briefly K

cvs commit: ports/x11-fm/gentoo Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 16:19:29 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: x11-fm/gentooMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.15.5 PR: ports/135646 Submitted by: KATO Tsuguru Revision ChangesPath 1.59 +1 -1 ports/x11-fm/gentoo/Make

cvs commit: ports/x11-wm/pekwm Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 16:35:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: x11-wm/pekwm Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.1.11 PR: ports/135215 Submitted by: Bapt Approved by:maintainer timeout (two weeks) Revision ChangesPath 1.32

cvs commit: ports/games/palomino Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 16:43:28 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/palomino Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: - Update to 20090615 Revision ChangesPath 1.30 +2 -2 ports/games/palomino/Makefile 1.17 +6 -6 ports/games/palomino/dist

cvs commit: ports/chinese/acroread8-zh_CN distinfo ports/chinese/acroread8-zh_TW distinfo ports/french/acroread8 distinfo ports/french/acroread9 distinfo ports/german/acroread8 distinfo ports/german/a

2009-06-17 Thread Hiroki Sato
hrs 2009-06-17 16:56:15 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: chinese/acroread8-zh_CN distinfo chinese/acroread8-zh_TW distinfo french/acroread8 distinfo french/acroread9 distinfo german/acroread8 distinfo german/acroread9 distinfo

cvs commit: ports/x11-themes/linux-gtk-bluecurve-theme Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Boris Samorodov
bsam2009-06-17 16:57:42 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: x11-themes/linux-gtk-bluecurve-theme Makefile Log: Add an explicit LINUX_DIST_VER. The fix is needed for the upcomming change of the default linux ports at 8-CURRENT. Reported by:exp-run (pav)

cvs commit: doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/desktop chapter.sgml

2009-06-17 Thread Hiroki Sato
hrs 2009-06-17 16:59:34 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/desktop chapter.sgml Log: Merge the following from the English version: 1.84 -> 1.87handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml Submitted by: Ryusuke Suzuki References:

cvs commit: ports/emulators/open-vm-tools Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Martin Blapp
mbr 2009-06-17 17:00:21 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: emulators/open-vm-tools Makefile Log: Fix dependency on gtkmm PR: ports/135672 Submitted by: Katsuyoshi OHARA Revision ChangesPath 1.31 +2 -1 ports/emulators/open-

cvs commit: ports/devel/hgview Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 17:20:43 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/hgview Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist Log: - Update to 1.0.1 Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +22 -17ports/devel/hgview/Makefile 1.7 +3 -3 ports/devel/hgview/d

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/conky Makefile ports/sysutils/conky/files patch-data-conky_no_x11.conf

2009-06-17 Thread Pav Lucistnik
pav 2009-06-17 17:29:41 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/conky Makefile Added files: sysutils/conky/files patch-data-conky_no_x11.conf Log: - Hide irrelevant options from awesome slave, and fix his install Submitted by: Nikos Ntarmos

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/conky-awesome Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Adam Weinberger
adamw 2009-06-17 17:56:41 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/conky-awesome Makefile Log: Transfer maintainership over to Nikos Ntarmos, the maintainer of conky proper, who has agreed to take on this port as well. Thanks, Nikos! Revision ChangesP

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml

2009-06-17 Thread Benedict Reuschling
bcr 2009-06-17 18:01:54 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml Log: Fix the section about MP3 audio: - use for /dev/dsp1.0 - wrap the FooBar-GreatestHits.mp3 example in - move the explanation before the sam

cvs commit: ports/misc/since Makefile distinfo pkg-descr ports/misc/since/files patch-Makefile patch-since.1

2009-06-17 Thread Thomas Abthorpe
tabthorpe2009-06-17 18:20:23 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: misc/since Makefile distinfo pkg-descr misc/since/files patch-Makefile Added files: misc/since/files patch-since.1 Log: - Update to 0.9 Revision ChangesPath 1.12

cvs commit: ports/devel/pkg-config Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Ed Schouten
ed 2009-06-17 18:32:30 UTC FreeBSD ports repository (src committer) Modified files: devel/pkg-config Makefile Log: pkg-config requires -std=gnu89 to build with Clang properly. Approved by:marcus Revision ChangesPath 1.54 +1 -0 ports/devel/p

cvs commit: ports/www/p5-libwww Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Philippe Audeoud
jadawin 2009-06-17 18:59:46 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/p5-libwwwMakefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: - Update to 5.827 Revision ChangesPath 1.89 +3 -2 ports/www/p5-libwww/Makefile 1.42 +3 -3 ports/www/p5-libwww/distinfo

cvs commit: ports/net/p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6 Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 19:10:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6 Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.02 PR: 135654 Submitted by: Mars G Miro (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -1 ports/net/p

cvs commit: ports/net/p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6 Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 19:10:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6 Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.02 PR: 135655 Submitted by: Mars G Miro (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -1 ports/net/p5-

cvs commit: ports/net-im/libmsn Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 19:10:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net-im/libmsnMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 4.0-beta6 PR: 135666 Submitted by: Shane Bell (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.16 +1 -1 ports/net-im/lib

cvs commit: ports/Mk

2009-06-17 Thread Boris Samorodov
bsam2009-06-17 18:53:57 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: Mk Log: Switch default LINUX_DIST_VER to 4. This change was part of an exp-run and only one application was affected and is fixed now (x11-themes/linux-gtk-bluecurve-th

cvs commit: ports/deskutils/gtg Makefile ports/deskutils/gtg/files

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 19:20:33 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: deskutils/gtgMakefile deskutils/gtg/files Log: - Fix localization - Bump portrevision - While here, make it respect PREFIX PR: 135661 Submitted by:

cvs commit: ports/audio/pacpl Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Max Brazhnikov
makc2009-06-17 19:26:01 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: audio/pacpl Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: Update to 4.05 PR: ports/135605 Submitted by: maintainer Revision ChangesPath 1.19 +25 -79ports/audio/pacpl/Mak

cvs commit: ports/x11/yakuake-kde4 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Max Brazhnikov
makc2009-06-17 19:29:02 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: x11/yakuake-kde4 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: Update to 2.9.6 PR: based on ports/135308 Submitted by: Shane Bell (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.14 +3 -3

cvs commit: ports/math/fftw3 Makefile ports/math/fftw3-float Makefile ports/math/fftw3-float-fortran Makefile ports/math/fftw3-fortran Makefile ports/math/fftw3-long Makefile ports/math/fftw3-long-for

2009-06-17 Thread Diane Bruce
db 2009-06-17 19:29:52 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: math/fftw3 Makefile math/fftw3-float Makefile math/fftw3-long Makefile Added files: math/fftw3-float-fortran Makefile math/fftw3-fortran Makefile math/fftw3-long-fo

cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/devel/avr-gcc-42/files patch-0b-constants patch-bug11259 patch-bug25672 patch-bug30243 patch-constra

2009-06-17 Thread Joerg Wunsch
joerg 2009-06-17 19:33:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: develMakefile Added files: devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist devel/avr-gcc-42/files patch-0b-constants patch-bug11259 patch-bug2567

cvs commit: ports UPDATING

2009-06-17 Thread Diane Bruce
db 2009-06-17 19:35:49 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .UPDATING Log: - Note the changes to fftw3, splitting FORTRAN into slave ports. Revision ChangesPath 1.819 +8 -1 ports/UPDATING __

cvs commit: doc/el_GR.ISO8859-7/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml

2009-06-17 Thread Manolis Kiagias
manolis 2009-06-17 20:26:41 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: el_GR.ISO8859-7/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml Log: MFen: 1.131 -> 1.132 en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml Obtained from: FreeBSD Greek Documentation Project Revision C

cvs commit: ports GIDs UIDs UPDATING ports/emulators/virtualbox Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Beat Gaetzi
beat2009-06-17 20:52:53 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .UIDs GIDs UPDATING emulators/virtualbox Makefile Log: - Add GID and UID for emulators/virtualbox. - Change virtualbox GID in port Makefile due to a conflict with databases/cou

cvs commit: doc/nl_NL.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml

2009-06-17 Thread Rene Ladan
rene2009-06-17 21:00:17 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: nl_NL.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml Log: MFen 1.131 -> 1.132 (plus local fixes) Revision ChangesPath 1.16 +8 -9 doc/nl_NL.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.s

Re: cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/devel/avr-gcc-42/files patch-0b-constants patch-bug11259 patch-bug25672 patch-bug30243 patch-con

2009-06-17 Thread QAT
The Restless Daemon identified a mtree error while trying to build: avr-gcc-42-4.2.4 maintained by Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/devel/avr-gcc-42/Makefile,v 1.1 2009/06/17 19:33:59 joerg Exp $ Excerpt from :

cvs commit: ports/ports-mgmt Makefile ports/ports-mgmt/pver Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-message

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 21:21:19 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: ports-mgmt Makefile Added files: ports-mgmt/pver Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-message Log: A simple utility to show the package name and version whose port version is different fro

cvs commit: ports/devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Joerg Wunsch
joerg 2009-06-17 21:21:30 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile pkg-plist Log: Cr*p. When "last-minute" upgrading the old port from GCC 4.2.2 to 4.2.4, I forgot to synch the plist. Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -0 por

cvs commit: ports/security/dirmngr Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 21:29:22 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: security/dirmngr Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.0.3 PR: ports/135671 Submitted by: Hirohisa Yamaguchi (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.39 +1 -2 ports/

Re: cvs commit: ports/devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread QAT
The Restless Daemon identified a PLIST error while trying to build: avr-gcc-42-4.2.4_1 maintained by Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/devel/avr-gcc-42/Makefile,v 1.2 2009/06/17 21:21:30 joerg Exp $ Excerpt from

cvs commit: ports/games/gemrb Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/games/gemrb/files extra-patch-noportdocs

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 21:33:25 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/gemrb Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Added files: games/gemrb/filesextra-patch-noportdocs Log: - Update to 0.4.0 PR: ports/135399 Submitted by: Timothy Beyer (mai

cvs commit: ports/devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Joerg Wunsch
joerg 2009-06-17 21:48:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/avr-gcc-42 Makefile pkg-plist Log: Remove old files that don't exist anymore. Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +1 -1 ports/devel/avr-gcc-42/Makefile 1.3 +0 -3 ports/deve

cvs commit: ports/www/firefox3-i18n Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Beat Gaetzi
beat2009-06-17 21:51:51 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/firefox3-i18nMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 3.0.11 PR: ports/135658 Submitted by: Koji Yokota (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.38 +1 -1 ports/www/fi

cvs commit: ports/net-p2p/py-bittorrent Makefile ports/x11-wm/selectwm Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Wesley Shields
wxs 2009-06-17 22:00:06 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net-p2p/py-bittorrent Makefile x11-wm/selectwm Makefile Log: - Pass maintainer role to submitter Submitted by: (private mail) Revision ChangesPath 1.61

cvs commit: ports/games/spellathon Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2009-06-17 22:15:47 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/spellathon Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 5.40 PR: ports/135677 Submitted by: Girish (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +1 -1 ports/games/spellat

cvs commit: ports/Mk ports/editors/emacs-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
pgollucci2009-06-17 22:29:44 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: Mk editors/emacs-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: Part 3: - Update to 23.0.94 PR: ports/134875 Approved by:maintainer Submitted by: A

cvs commit: ports/graphics/iulib Makefile pkg-plist ports/graphics/iulib/files

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 22:31:37 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/iulib Makefile pkg-plist Added files: graphics/iulib/files Log: - Properly support SDL PR:

cvs commit: ports/graphics/ocropus Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/graphics/ocropus/files patch-ocr-utils__narray-i

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 22:33:19 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/ocropus Makefile distinfo pkg-plist graphics/ocropus/files patch-ocr-utils__narray-io.h Added files: graphics/ocropus/files

cvs commit: ports/deskutils/q4wine Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 2009-06-17 22:40:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: deskutils/q4wine Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.112-r1 PR: 135657 Submitted by: Sergey (maintainer) Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +1 -2 ports/deskutils/q4win

cvs commit: ports/lang/gambas2-base Makefile.components

2009-06-17 Thread Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
acm 2009-06-17 22:59:54 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: lang/gambas2-baseMakefile.components Log: - Fix with custom LOCALBASE (mysql, postgresql, qt and opengl gambas components) Reported by:QAT Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +11 -4

cvs commit: ports/graphics/php4-ffmpeg Makefile ports/graphics/php5-ffmpeg Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
acm 2009-06-17 23:08:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/php4-ffmpeg Makefile graphics/php5-ffmpeg Makefile Log: - Fix with custom LOCALBASE Reported by:QAT Revision ChangesPath 1.9 +2 -0 ports/graphics/php4-ffmpeg/Mak

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-local-lib Makefile distinfo ports/devel/p5-local-lib/files patch-Makefile.PL

2009-06-17 Thread Jun Kuriyama
kuriyama2009-06-17 23:09:35 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-local-lib Makefile distinfo devel/p5-local-lib/files patch-Makefile.PL Log: Upgrade to 1.004003. Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +1 -1 ports/devel/p5-local-lib/Makefile 1.4

cvs commit: ports/devel/apr Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
pgollucci2009-06-17 23:11:28 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/aprMakefile Log: - Fix the pkg-plist in the case when only GDBM was included Revision ChangesPath 1.84 +1 -0 ports/devel/apr/Makefile

cvs commit: ports/graphics/py-soya3d Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
acm 2009-06-17 23:21:46 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/py-soya3d Makefile Log: - Fix with custom LOCALBASE Reported by:QAT Revision ChangesPath 1.30 +3 -1 ports/graphics/py-soya3d/Makefile ___

cvs commit: ports/www/smarty Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Wesley Shields
wxs 2009-06-17 23:49:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/smarty Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 2.6.25 PR: ports/135496 Submitted by: Matthew D. Fuller Approved (maintainer) Revision ChangesP

cvs commit: CVSROOT modules

2009-06-17 Thread Edwin Groothuis
edwin 2009-06-18 00:09:13 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .modules Log: Ports modules update at Thursday 18 June 2009 at 00:09 Revision ChangesPath 1.20453 +14 -0 CVSROOT/modules ___

cvs commit: ports/emulators/stella Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
acm 2009-06-18 00:04:56 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: emulators/stella Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: - Update to 2.8 Revision ChangesPath 1.42 +1 -1 ports/emulators/stella/Makefile 1.19 +3 -3 ports/emulators/stella/disti

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-threads Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-18 00:52:30 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-threads Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.73 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.21 +1 -1 ports/devel/p5-threads/Make

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-PAR-Dist Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-18 00:54:06 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-PAR-DistMakefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.45 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.32 +1 -1 ports/devel/p5-PAR-Dist/Ma

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-AutoXS-Header Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-18 00:54:42 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-AutoXS-Header Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.02 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +1 -1 ports/devel/p5-Auto

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-Class-XSAccessor Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cheng-Lung Sung
clsung 2009-06-18 00:55:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-Class-XSAccessor Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.03 Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +2 -2 ports/devel/p

cvs commit: ports/graphics/py-soya3d Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
acm 2009-06-18 01:07:35 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/py-soya3d Makefile Log: - Fix an issue in my previous commit Revision ChangesPath 1.31 +1 -1 ports/graphics/py-soya3d/Makefile ___

cvs commit: ports MOVED

2009-06-17 Thread Mark Linimon
linimon 2009-06-18 01:15:56 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .MOVED Log: Be more descriptive about some removal reasons. Hat:portmgr Revision ChangesPath 1.1935+3 -3 ports/MOVED

cvs commit: www/hu/share/sgml events.xml

2009-06-17 Thread Gabor Pali
pgj 2009-06-18 02:23:38 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: hu/share/sgmlevents.xml Log: MFen: 1.73 -> 1.74 hu/share/sgml/events.xml Obtained from: The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project Revision ChangesPath 1.5

cvs commit: ports/net/p5-perl-ldap Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
pgollucci2009-06-18 03:20:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/p5-perl-ldap Makefile Log: - Pet portlint (swap build/run) Revision ChangesPath 1.17 +2 -2 ports/net/p5-perl-ldap/Makefile ___ cvs-a

cvs commit: ports/www/p5-Apache-Clean Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
pgollucci2009-06-18 03:21:49 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/p5-Apache-Clean Makefile Log: only versions 0.x Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +2 -0 ports/www/p5-Apache-Clean/Makefile ___ cvs-all@freebsd.

cvs commit: ports MOVED ports/mail Makefile ports/mail/mailrep Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist

2009-06-17 Thread Marcelo Araujo
araujo 2009-06-18 03:36:37 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .MOVED mail Makefile Removed files: mail/mailrep Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist Log: - Project abandoned. Revision ChangesPath 1.193

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/zetaback Makefile distinfo

2009-06-17 Thread Cy Schubert
cy 2009-06-18 04:33:22 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/zetabackMakefile distinfo Log: Update 1.0.3 --> 1.0.4 Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +1 -1 ports/sysutils/zetaback/Makefile 1.3 +3 -3 ports/sysutils/zetaback/distin

Re: cvs commit: ports/graphics/py-soya3d Makefile

2009-06-17 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 01:07:35 + (UTC) Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez wrote: > acm 2009-06-18 01:07:35 UTC > > FreeBSD ports repository > > Modified files: > graphics/py-soya3d Makefile > Log: > - Fix an issue in my previous commit > > Revision ChangesPath > 1

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