remko 2007-12-02 09:04:12 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6_3)
sys/pci if_rl.c if_rlreg.h
share/man/man4 rl.4
MFC rev 1.45 rl.4
Add the Planex FNW-3603TX card to the list.
MFC rev 1.172 if_rl.c
MFC rev
remko 2007-12-02 08:54:59 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6)
sys/pci if_rl.c if_rlreg.h
share/man/man4 rl.4
MFC rev 1.45 rl.4
Add the Planex FNW-3603TX card to the list.
MFC rev 1.172 if_rl.c
MFC rev 1
remko 2007-12-02 08:38:32 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_7)
sys/pci if_rl.c if_rlreg.h
share/man/man4 rl.4
MFC rev 1.45 rl.4
Add the Planex FNW-3603TX card to the list.
MFC rev 1.172 if_rl.c
MFC rev 1