cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getobjformat.3 src/lib/libc/stdlib getenv.3

2006-11-03 Thread Tom Rhodes
trhodes 2006-11-03 08:38:26 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) lib/libc/gen getobjformat.3 lib/libc/stdlib getenv.3 Log: MFC: o Note the value from getenv() should not be modified by applications[1]; o getenv.3: Put "is" on

cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getobjformat.3 src/lib/libc/stdlib getenv.3

2006-10-07 Thread Tom Rhodes
trhodes 2006-10-07 21:27:21 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: lib/libc/gen getobjformat.3 lib/libc/stdlib getenv.3 Log: getenv.3: Put "is" on a line with other words getobjformat.3: "takes precedence over" is not an envrionment variable. PR: