cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2008-02-26 Thread Maxim Konovalov
maxim 2008-02-26 10:30:19 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: o Backout rev. rc.conf and rev. rc.conf.5: there is TCP_DROP_SYNFIN in RELENG_6 still.

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2008-01-19 Thread Maxim Konovalov
maxim 2008-01-19 17:18:57 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: MFC rev. 1.322 rc.conf, rev. 1.332 rc.conf.5: TCP_DROP_SYNFIN has gone. RevisionChangesPath 1.252.

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2008-01-19 Thread Maxim Konovalov
maxim 2008-01-19 17:18:17 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_7) etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: MFC rev. 1.322 rc.conf, rev. 1.332 rc.conf.5: TCP_DROP_SYNFIN has gone. Revision ChangesPath 1.318.2

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2008-01-12 Thread Maxim Konovalov
maxim 2008-01-12 20:52:30 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: o From the Problem Report: the TCP_DROP_SYNFIN kernel option is now included in the kernel by default. Remove reference to this option

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 src/etc/rc.d nfslocking

2007-04-04 Thread Matteo Riondato
matteo 2007-04-04 13:16:18 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 etc/rc.d nfslocking Log: Add rpc_statd_flags and rpc_lockd_flags options to allow options to be passed to rpc.statd and rpc.l

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2007-03-14 Thread Yar Tikhiy
yar 2007-03-14 14:19:42 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: MFC: As suggested more than once in the lists, drop -M from flags to mfs for /tmp and /var. This make

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2007-03-06 Thread Yar Tikhiy
yar 2007-03-06 13:13:54 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files: etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: As suggested more than once in the lists, drop -M from flags to mfs for /tmp and /var. This makes the memory discs swap-backed instead

cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

2006-01-16 Thread Doug Barton
dougb 2006-01-17 07:02:04 UTC FreeBSD src repository Modified files:(Branch: RELENG_6) etc/defaults rc.conf share/man/man5 rc.conf.5 Log: MFC rc.conf 1.269 and rc.conf.5 1.275 - clear_tmp_X variable, to support the cleanup of etc/rc.d/cleartmp