cvs commit: ports/science/fastcap Makefile ports/science/fasthenry Makefile

2011-08-20 Thread Brendan Fabeny
bf 2011-08-20 11:28:54 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: science/fastcap Makefile science/fasthenryMakefile Log: fix the clang build Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +10 -1 ports/science/fastcap/Makefile 1.5 +28 -1 ports/sci

cvs commit: ports/science/fastcap Makefile ports/science/fasthenry Makefile ports/science/oases Makefile

2011-03-13 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-03-13 21:47:45 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: science/fastcap Makefile science/fasthenryMakefile science/oasesMakefile Log: Deprecate unmaintained ports from science where upstream disapear and/or where no distfiles can be f

cvs commit: ports/science/fastcap Makefile ports/science/fasthenry Makefile

2006-04-23 Thread Thierry Thomas
thierry 2006-04-23 21:06:48 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: science/fastcap Makefile science/fasthenryMakefile Log: Release maintainerships. Submitted by: Pedro F. Giffuni Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -1 ports/science/fastc