cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.dsl

2008-05-24 Thread Marc Fonvieille
blackend2008-05-24 16:16:20 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml freebsd.dsl Log: Update vendor branches for the manual pages. This should unbreak links to ports manual pages. Revision ChangesPath 1.94 +2 -2 doc/share/sgml/freeb

cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.dsl

2007-07-30 Thread Marc Fonvieille
blackend2007-07-30 09:52:43 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml freebsd.dsl Log: Update various manpath definitions to match current available versions Revision ChangesPath 1.93 +4 -4 doc/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl ___

cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.dsl

2006-10-10 Thread Yar Tikhiy
yar 2006-10-10 22:55:40 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml freebsd.dsl Log: On 2004/07/12 we grew 5 more callout images, but the default value for %callout-graphics-number-limit% remained 10 in docbook-dsssl and the new images were not used.

cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.dsl

2006-08-21 Thread Marc Fonvieille
blackend2006-08-21 07:51:30 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml freebsd.dsl Log: Update ports manpath to something that is really working. While I'm there, let's update manpath to NetBSD and OpenBSD manual pages. Revision ChangesPath 1.9

cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.dsl

2006-02-21 Thread Hiroki Sato
hrs 2006-02-21 19:23:30 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml freebsd.dsl Log: Add separator support to rendering when there are multiple copyright holders. Spotted by: yar Revision ChangesPath 1.90 +7 -0 doc/share/s

cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.dsl

2006-01-05 Thread Pav Lucistnik
pav 2006-01-05 08:48:41 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml freebsd.dsl Log: - Switch manpage vendor "ports" to point to "FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE and Ports" collection in cgi; the existing link lacks the manpages Fixes: docs/89081