cvs commit: doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles Makefile

2009-06-07 Thread Marc Fonvieille
blackend2009-06-07 13:26:03 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles Makefile Log: Hook to the build explaining-bsd article. Revision ChangesPath 1.19 +1 -0 doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles/Makefile

cvs commit: doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles Makefile

2008-10-23 Thread Marc Fonvieille
blackend2008-10-23 18:38:28 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles Makefile Log: Remove outdated article from the build. Revision ChangesPath 1.18 +0 -1 doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles/Makefile __

cvs commit: doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles Makefile

2007-12-12 Thread Marc Fonvieille
blackend2007-12-12 18:34:58 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles Makefile Log: Hook nanobsd article to the build. Revision ChangesPath 1.17 +1 -0 doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/articles/Makefile ___