On 19/07/2023 15:32, Martin Castillo wrote:
I noticed an asymmetry between head and tail regarding the -n +N syntax
of tail.
For context, I was calculating checksums of 1 GiB chunks of a big file a la:
for i in $(seq 500); do head -c 1G | sha1sum >chunk-$i.sha1; done < bigfile
This was int
On 2023-07-19 16:32, Martin Castillo wrote:
This should be documented a bit more clearly and maybe be included in
the gotchas list.
I just prepared a patch that improves the way this behavior is
documented. I'll send this patch as part of a patch series I'm
currently working on.
I assume,
On 2023-07-19 16:32, Martin Castillo wrote:
I assume, this is because lines are numbered one-based, so this is
more intuitive to use. But when working with bytes, one usually uses
offsets. Is there a more intuitive way to get the last part of a file
given an offset?
You may want to have a look
I noticed an asymmetry between head and tail regarding the -n +N syntax
of tail.
For context, I was calculating checksums of 1 GiB chunks of a big file a la:
for i in $(seq 500); do head -c 1G | sha1sum >chunk-$i.sha1; done < bigfile
This was interrupted and I tried to continue by prepend