[Computer-go] PhD thesis on MCTS

2015-12-30 Thread Hendrik Baier
Hello list, I recently defended my PhD. Maybe it's of interest to some of you who are applying MCTS to one-player or adversarial two-player domains. You can download a revised edition (basically fewer typos than the printed thing) here: http://hendrikbaier.jimdo.com/research/ Cheers, Hendrik

Re: [Computer-go] PhD thesis on MCTS

2016-01-11 Thread Hendrik Baier
Hi Xavier, I have considered this, but even level-2 Nested MCTS requires quite a bit of thinking time. Let's say you can do 1000 playouts per second in your game, and you want to do at least 500 playouts on levels 1 and 2 for each move decision. Assume your playouts have 50 moves on average. Then

Re: [Computer-go] Go Aesthetics

2016-01-12 Thread Hendrik Baier
I like the topic of aesthetics in gameplay. I think the focus in previous studies in chess was more on compositions (artificial problems) than on actual games, so the question is not whether a player plays beautifully, but whether a problem is elegant and beautiful. And they did come up with intere

Re: [Computer-go] Time Policy

2016-11-04 Thread Hendrik Baier
Hi, you might want to have a look at our paper on time management for MCTS: https://dke.maastrichtuniversity.nl/m.winands/documents/time_management_for_monte_carlo_tree_search.pdf We used Go in the beginning and then also generalized to some other games; the most successful strategy was quite a lo

[Computer-go] Subject: Re: AlphaGo Zero

2017-10-20 Thread Hendrik Baier
ed, a pleasure to read. Hendrik Baier > So there is a superstrong neural net. > > 1) Where is the semantic translation of the neural net to human theory > knowledge? > > 2) Where is the analysis of the neural net's errors in decision-making? > > 3) Where is the