[If this is redundant, please excuse me. I'm wondering if I ran into some
kind of filter the last time I sent this.(?)]
Pseudoliberties, as someone here explained recently, are a count of how
many adjacent empty spaces a program would find around a chain of stones

if it didn't bother to correct for how many times the same space gets
counted from different directions.

0 0 . .
X X 0 .
.. X 0 .
.. 0 . . The X's have two pseudoliberties at the one breathing space
'a2' , arrived at by counting how many X's boarder on a2.
Another potentially useful concept... the "liberties" of an empty point.

Two kinds, black and white. ie, If a black [white] stone were played at
the point, how many liberties would the resulting chain have?

A little more complex to compute, I'd expect, but it ought to be a
useful tactical heuristic.

Forrest Curo

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