the games of the Havannah tournament in Jena
can be replayed at
Cheers, ingo.
PS: Both bots involved (DeepFork by Thomas Reinhardt
and Gambler by Richard Pijl) used special types of
DSL-Preisknaller: DSL
> I am running some public available bots on KGS now and than ( MoGo,
> GnuGo, Fuego, ...) under Windows (precompiled builds).
> Where may i get information about the format of the opening databases
> of these bots ? Is there a common format for opening databases so far
> ?
I don't think there
Hi, im new to this list and i am no develloper.
I am running some public available bots on KGS now and than ( MoGo, GnuGo,
Fuego, ...) under Windows (precompiled builds).
Where may i get information about the format of the opening databases of these
bots ?
Is there a common format for opening d