Re: [I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-21 Thread via GitHub
liunaijie closed issue #8538: [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the speci

Re: [I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-17 Thread via GitHub
RichardXu186 commented on issue #8537: URL: 我重新验证了下,不是连不上oracle,而是我的源表中有个字段数据有"/"这样的特色符号,例如“/html/cm/pe/custinfo/distribute/queryDistributeInfoHis.html",因为这个原因造成了上述错误 -- This is an automated message from the Apache Gi

Re: [I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-17 Thread via GitHub
sunxiaojian commented on issue #8537: URL: update title [Module Name]->[Oracle CDC] -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above

Re: [I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-17 Thread via GitHub
sunxiaojian commented on issue #8538: URL: click close issue. -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific

Re: [I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-16 Thread via GitHub
RichardXu186 commented on issue #8538: URL: 这个提交重复了,先关了 -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific commen

Re: [I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-16 Thread via GitHub
RichardXu186 commented on issue #8537: URL: [seatunnel.log]( -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, ple

[I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-16 Thread via GitHub
RichardXu186 opened a new issue, #8538: URL: ### Search before asking - [x] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### What happe

[I] [Bug] [Module Name]oracle source connector连接oracle 11g时失败 [seatunnel]

2025-01-16 Thread via GitHub
RichardXu186 opened a new issue, #8537: URL: ### Search before asking - [x] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### What happe