05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
Page edited by Nikita Fernandez
Changes (3)
*Start Screen:*
!Start ScreenNF.PNG|border=1,
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
Page edited by Nikita Fernandez
Changes (4)
*Logo:* !NF-ProposalLogo.PNG|width=300!
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
File removed by Nikita Fernandez
Start ScreenProposal.png (143 kB image/png)
Stop watching space
Change email not
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
File attached by Nikita Fernandez
Start ScreenProposal.png
(143 kB image/png)
Stop watching space
Change e
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
Page added by Nikita Fernandez
Logo: Unable to render embedded object: File (NF-ProposalLogo.PNG) not found.
Splash Screen:
Unable to render embedded object: File (splashScreen Proposal.PNG) not found.
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
File attached by Nikita Fernandez
(75 kB image/png)
Stop watching space
Change email n
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
File attached by Nikita Fernandez
Start ScreenNF.PNG
(153 kB image/png)
Stop watching space
Change email n
05-Nikita Fernandez Design Proposal
File attached by Nikita Fernandez
splashScreen Proposal.PNG
(54 kB image/png)
Stop watching space
Change e
AOO4 - Logo
File attached by Nikita Fernandez
(75 kB image/png)
Stop watching space
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