Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master ac491c960 -> a5a65c7b5
CLOUDSTACK-8122. Handle NPE thrown during migration failures.
When migration fails instead of returning NULL, throw the exception.
Commit: http://g
Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master a5a65c7b5 -> 1c0bf3217
CLOUDSTACK-8123. VM re-install fails.
While moving root disk into VM folder during restore, look for folder based on
vCenter name.
Commit: http://
Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master 1c0bf3217 -> 7b32b8a26
CLOUDSTACK-8125. VM fails to start on the first attempt after a cold migration.
Update volume chain_info to NULL during cold migration.
Otherwise during VM start, CCP will configure and try to power-on the VM with
Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master 7b32b8a26 -> 974b0180d
CLOUDSTACK-8126. Cold Migration of VM is not working as expected. In case a VM
is cold migrated across clusters then VM fails to start.
1. If a VM by the same name exists on a different cluster in the VMware DC,
Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master 974b0180d -> ff7997a2b
CLOUDSTACK-8127. VM name not displayed after attaching data disk to a VM.
If user hasn't supplied a display name for a VM, default it to VM name in
listVolume response.
This behaviour is identical to listVirtualM
Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master ff7997a2b -> 5227ae227
CLOUDSTACK-8128. VM with Datadisk fails to start when storage is put into
While migrating a volume from primary to seocndary use a worker VM to perform
the operations if the VM associated with the v