git commit: updated refs/heads/4.4 to 8db1b21

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.4 80f269444 -> 8db1b21cc CLOUDSTACK-3540: Fix on matching tag (cherry picked from commit 46f2b61374c2012bca251c1de58fb1250e50b755) Project: Commit: http://git-wip-us.apac

svn commit: r5709 - in /dev/cloudstack/4.4.0: apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2 apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2.asc apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2.md5

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Author: dahn Date: Sun Jun 29 09:52:37 2014 New Revision: 5709 Log: Committing release candidate artifacts for 4.4.0 to dist/dev/cloudstack in preparation for release vote Added: dev/cloudstack/4.4.0/apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2 (with props) dev/cloudstack/4.4.0/apache-cloudstac

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.4-forward to f7417d6

2014-06-29 Thread duffy
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.4-forward 46f2b6137 -> f7417d622 CLOUDSTACK-7005 - Failed to start MS with latest 4.4 RPM builds Project: Commit: Tree

Git Push Summary

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Repository: cloudstack Updated Tags: refs/tags/4.4.0-RC1 [deleted] de09998dd

Git Push Summary

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Repository: cloudstack Updated Tags: refs/tags/4.4.0-RC1 [created] de09998dd

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.4 to 6aef8bd

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.4 8db1b21cc -> 6aef8bd90 CLOUDSTACK-7005 - Failed to start MS with latest 4.4 RPM builds (cherry picked from commit f7417d622a15c9ff6a5d6e5e7284bd220bc647ee) Conflicts: setup/db/db/schema-430to440.sql Project: http://git-wip-us.a

svn commit: r5711 - in /dev/cloudstack/4.4.0: apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2 apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2.asc apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2.md5

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Author: dahn Date: Sun Jun 29 19:53:36 2014 New Revision: 5711 Log: Committing release candidate artifacts for 4.4.0 to dist/dev/cloudstack in preparation for release vote Added: dev/cloudstack/4.4.0/apache-cloudstack-4.4.0-src.tar.bz2 (with props) dev/cloudstack/4.4.0/apache-cloudstac

Git Push Summary

2014-06-29 Thread dahn
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.4-RC20140629T1149 [deleted] e0f2f5bd1

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.4-forward to bfba6d4

2014-06-29 Thread girish
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.4-forward f7417d622 -> bfba6d4a1 Disable testcases Project: Commit: Tree:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 2fedc28

2014-06-29 Thread girish
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 563934c98 -> 2fedc281b Disable testcases Project: Commit: Tree: