svn commit: r927100 - /websites/production/cloudstack/content/

2014-10-27 Thread pdion891
Author: pdion891 Date: Tue Oct 28 01:16:17 2014 New Revision: 927100 Log: Publishing svnmucc operation to cloudstack site by pdion891 Added: websites/production/cloudstack/content/ - copied from r927099, websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/

svn commit: r927098 - in /websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content: ./ who.html

2014-10-27 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot Date: Tue Oct 28 01:08:27 2014 New Revision: 927098 Log: Staging update by buildbot for cloudstack Modified: websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/ (props changed) websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/who.html Propchange: websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/cont

svn commit: r1634759 - /cloudstack/site/trunk/content/who.mdtext

2014-10-27 Thread pdion891
Author: pdion891 Date: Tue Oct 28 01:06:07 2014 New Revision: 1634759 URL: Log: Update Commiter and PMC list Modified: cloudstack/site/trunk/content/who.mdtext Modified: cloudstack/site/trunk/content/who.mdtext URL:

svn commit: r1634754 - in /cloudstack/site/trunk/content: archives.mdtext downloads.mdtext index.mdtext

2014-10-27 Thread pdion891
Author: pdion891 Date: Tue Oct 28 00:34:51 2014 New Revision: 1634754 URL: Log: Update Download for 4.4.1 Modified: cloudstack/site/trunk/content/archives.mdtext cloudstack/site/trunk/content/downloads.mdtext cloudstack/site/trunk/content/index.mdtext M

svn commit: r927097 - in /websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content: ./ archives.html downloads.html index.html

2014-10-27 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot Date: Tue Oct 28 00:38:28 2014 New Revision: 927097 Log: Staging update by buildbot for cloudstack Modified: websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/ (props changed) websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/archives.html websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 609951f

2014-10-27 Thread edison
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 20fdc93a5 -> 609951ffe fix kvm agent upgrade issue: kvm agent needs to use java 7 instead of java 6 after upgrade Reviewed-by: Sheng Project: Commit:

[1/2] git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to 8acdd7f

2014-10-27 Thread mchen
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 2423f2c79 -> 8acdd7fbf CLOUDSTACK-7797: listSupportedNetworkServices API takes more than 1 second to complete, slow compared to previous 4.3 release. Project: Commit: http://git-

[2/2] git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to 8acdd7f

2014-10-27 Thread mchen
CLOUDSTACK-7798: requestHasSensitiveInfo and responseHasSensitiveInfo annotation are missing from some separate Admin API commands. Project: Commit: Tree: http://git-wip-us.ap

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 20fdc93

2014-10-27 Thread jessicawang
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 37b9f91e5 -> 20fdc93a5 CLOUDSTACK-7796: UI > instances > detail view > data provider > remove unnecessary module check. Project: Commit:

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to 2423f2c

2014-10-27 Thread jessicawang
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 dd7026b20 -> 2423f2c79 CLOUDSTACK-7796: UI > instances > detail view > data provider > remove unnecessary module check. Project: Commit:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 37b9f91

2014-10-27 Thread mchen
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 307a35a61 -> 37b9f91e5 CLOUDSTACK-7798: requestHasSensitiveInfo and responseHasSensitiveInfo annotation are missing from some separate Admin API commands. Project: Commit: http:/

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to dd7026b

2014-10-27 Thread yasker
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 1b535e20e -> dd7026b20 CLOUDSTACK-1771: Fix VR IP change when restartnetwork with cleanup=true in basic zone In basic network, the correct network id associate with IP is source network id rather than network id. Project: http://git-wi

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to 1b535e2

2014-10-27 Thread frankzhang
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 1b0a0d68f -> 1b535e20e fixing build because missig ListBaremetalRctCmd Project: Commit: Tree: http://git-wip-us.apac

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 307a35a

2014-10-27 Thread yasker
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 4f43839da -> 307a35a61 CLOUDSTACK-1771: Fix VR IP change when restartnetwork with cleanup=true in basic zone In basic network, the correct network id associate with IP is source network id rather than network id. Project: http://git

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 4f43839

2014-10-27 Thread mchen
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 2ae40237a -> 4f43839da CLOUDSTACK-7797: listSupportedNetworkServices API takes more than 1 second to complete, slow compared to previous 4.3 release. Project: Commit: http://g

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to 1b0a0d6

2014-10-27 Thread frankzhang
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 db6a0d65a -> 1b0a0d68f CLOUDSTACK-7795 Fix multiple baremetal rct configuraitons Conflicts: api/src/com/cloud/event/ plugins/hypervisors/baremetal/src/com/cloud/baremetal/manager/

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 2ae4023

2014-10-27 Thread frankzhang
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 95b9be0cb -> 2ae40237a CLOUDSTACK-7795 Fix multiple baremetal rct configuraitons Project: Commit: Tree: http://gi

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 95b9be0

2014-10-27 Thread anthonyxu
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 4f4595cef -> 95b9be0cb allow reentrance of disassociate ip , if vif is gone, return success Project: Commit: Tree

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to db6a0d6

2014-10-27 Thread sanjaytripathi
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 c5fa7cc49 -> db6a0d65a No need to log discrepancy resource count message for Primary and secondary storage. Project: Commit:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 4f4595c

2014-10-27 Thread sanjaytripathi
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 9bcf0e1bf -> 4f4595cef No need to log discrepancy resource count message for Primary and secondary storage. Project: Commit:

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to c5fa7cc

2014-10-27 Thread sanjaytripathi
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.5 88561e154 -> c5fa7cc49 Correct the error message when tried created VM Snapshot with memory on a vGPU Instance. "VM snapshot with MEMORY is not supported for VGU enabled VMs." Change VGU to vGPU. Project:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 9bcf0e1

2014-10-27 Thread sanjaytripathi
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 1cb218ad6 -> 9bcf0e1bf Correct the error message when tried created VM Snapshot with memory on a vGPU Instance. "VM snapshot with MEMORY is not supported for VGU enabled VMs." Change VGU to vGPU. Project: