git commit: updated refs/heads/master to f275eb1

2014-07-08 Thread sanjaytripathi
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 362f875a3 -> f275eb1ff CLOUDSTACK-7029: listCapacity fails when podid argument is specified. Project: Commit: Tre

git commit: updated refs/heads/4.4-forward to ef2cf13

2014-07-08 Thread sanjaytripathi
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/4.4-forward a83212afd -> ef2cf137a CLOUDSTACK-7029: listCapacity fails when podid argument is specified. Project: Commit:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 362f875

2014-07-08 Thread kelveny
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master cc8fc746d -> 362f875a3 Detach disks before cleaning up of VMware worker VM. Project: Commit: Tree: http://git-wip

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to cc8fc74

2014-07-08 Thread nitin
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master f4d203475 -> cc8fc746d CLOUDSTACK-6468:IAM - Templates - Admin user is not allowed to edit template and set isExtractable() paramater. (cherry picked from commit b6617843d258d9437a17d39e698edba430768f9a) Signed-off-by: Nitin Mehta P

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to f4d2034

2014-07-08 Thread alena1108
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 89a326a87 -> f4d203475 CLOUDSTACK-7081: db upgrade fixes - a) added description for cloud.volumes.iso_id field b) removed duplicated unique key "id_2" from cloud.storage_pool table Project:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 89a326a

2014-07-08 Thread mtutkowski
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 63ba1ddfb -> 89a326a87 Update to retrieve additional properties for testing. Signed-off-by: Mike Tutkowski Project: Commit:

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 63ba1dd

2014-07-08 Thread santhoshedukulla
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master a9b3ab089 -> 63ba1ddfb CLOUDSTACK-7010: Add domain to createZones in marvin Project: Commit: Tree: http://git-wip

git commit: updated refs/heads/master to a9b3ab0

2014-07-08 Thread likithas
Repository: cloudstack Updated Branches: refs/heads/master 62c18ca3f -> a9b3ab089 CLOUDSTACK-7077. Quickly attaching multiple data disks to a VM fails. [VMware] Synchronize the tasks of disk preparation and reconfiguration of a VM with the disk. This is to avoid attaching a disk with a wrong d