Re: cascading windows in document architecture

2008-02-25 Thread perego
I have a small, relatively simple document based application that I created using Xcode 2.4 and Interface Builder 2.5.4 on a Mac running Tiger. Recently, I moved it to my new iMac running Leopard. On the old Mac, document windows cascade, just as expect, but on my new Mac running Leopard an

Re: Creating a NSView with Interface Builder

2008-02-26 Thread perego
Hello, i'm currently working on a Plugin. My problem is that i have to provide a preference View. I have to give a NSView to the programm. Currently i wrote a NSView Subclass, but its to much work to do every button an textfield by code. My question is, how can I design an View in Interface Builde

Re: Cannot Debug

2008-02-28 Thread perego
This is just a wild guess, but in the past, when I used to swap my projects between computers by means of a zip drive, sometimes such weird things happened. In my case, I was usually able to restore everything to normality by applying one of these procedures: 1- discarding the build folder and com

Re. Cascading windows in document architectures

2008-03-03 Thread perego
ady displayed. After that, I had to follow the sequence and find where exactly the window came on screen. Andrea Perego Univ. of Florence - Phys. Dept. On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Jacob Lukas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I had this problem as well. The fix for me was to