Re: NSTableView Popup Column issue

2009-02-06 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Thank you for your reply. See my commentary below. However, my question still remains unanswered. Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II Quoting Kyle Sluder : On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Jon C. Munson II wrote: Well, using "selection" didn't work (now that I've had an

Re: NSTableView Popup Column issue

2009-02-07 Thread jmunson
Namaste! After a little more digging, I figured out that the popup in question is displaying the object, not the attribute of the object I want to show. I have my app set up similar to the Event Manager Core Data example (only the names of things are different, but the model is the same).

Trouble with array controller -> array

2008-12-03 Thread jmunson
Namaste! OK, I'm confounded... I've got an outlet (tblUser) that's an NSArrayController. It is pointing at an Array Controller in my NIB called tblUser. That is point at an Entity called tblUser. The MOC is set up correctly. In my code, I've assigned an (NSArray *) aUser to [tblUser a

Re: Trouble with array controller -> array

2008-12-03 Thread jmunson
.com/mailman/options/cocoa-dev/ This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-a

Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-03 Thread jmunson
Namaste! OK, I'm beat for the day... I'm struggling with how to load an image into an NSImage via another field's value. I have a field that contains a path & name of an image file. The user can type it in or select it via OpenFile sheet. This works just fine and I'm setting the underl

Re: Determining unreleased objects after Quit

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! I never did figure it out *exactly*. Over time, as I made corrections/edits (mostly in the NIB), the problem simply ceased to exist. I think it was mashed some had gotten toasted for whatever reason. Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II Quoting Michael

Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: htt

Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Su

Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! OK, I've been playing around with this for too long now... NOTHING gets called when text in a control is set via code or a mechanism other than strict keyboard/mouse entry by the user from what I can determine. This, in a word, is not good. I've set up an observer, delegates, and

Re: Help Menu

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
com/mailman/options/cocoa-dev/ This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-de

Re: Help Menu

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
Hmmm... Maybe this will help? Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II Quoting David Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I searched the list archives to no avail. I do not believe that I am the only one to see this problem ... the code is vanil

Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
Great! Thanks! I'll take a look at at it. I'm still a Windows guy. Actually, I'm becoming dual-platform. Now that's a scary thought (but quite marketable if need be). But you are probably not in the Maryland area, are ya? Appreciate the help, I'll grab that zip now. Peace, Love, and L

Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Back so soon... :) OK, I took a look a what you have and have some questions. And, well, h... I'M A DOPE!! :D No questions! The reason for that is I was under the extremely mistaken impression that I couldn't load the ImageView from a simple path via a binding. I took a lo

Re: How to design / structure sheets

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
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Re: New to Cocoa and Objective C, and I need some basic pointers

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
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Re: How does MainMenu.xib get loaded in a Cocoa application?

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
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ICA stuff

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Is this the proper list to ask ICA-related questions? If so, I have a few...:) Thanks! Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator com


2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Namaste! OK, here's my first question: What is an ICAHandler? The compiler complains of it and I can't find it in the documentation anywhere. The ICA API Tester app lists it in the code it creates for ObjC Async. Any thoughts? Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II _

ICA Documentation issue

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Namaste! After having read through the ICA API documentation & looking at the sample apps, I've noticed: 1. The online dox appear to be ahead of anything else. 2. The sample apps employ deprecated calls and are written w/o conforming to the dox. 3. The ICA API Test app also does not qu

Re: ICAHandler

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Not sure. What I'm referring to in my post is this: [code] // - ICAGetDeviceListCallback void ICAGetDeviceListCallback (ICAHeader* pbHeader) { ICAHandler * obj = (ICAHandler*)pbHeader->refcon; if (obj) {

ICA Documentation issue

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
bscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - End forwarded message - ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not pos

Re: ICA Documentation issue

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Well, now, that's just plain...well, we won't go there... The deprecated stuff won't work under 10.5, will it? Quoting "A.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Namaste! After having read through the ICA API documentation & looking at the sample ap

Re: New to Cocoa and Objective C, and I need some basic pointers

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

Re: ICA Documentation issue

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
OK then...I'll proceed as "normal" and then work backward as necessary (this way I learn as well, despite the time problem). Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II Quoting "A.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: On Dec 5, 2008, at 7:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, now, that's just plain.

Various syntax errors and ICA kit

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Namaste! And so the fun ensues... I'm working with the (slightly, deprecated in 10.5) older ICA (as the newer doesn't work). I've brought over the code base from the SampleScanner application in the Carbon->ImageCapture->Examples folder and applied it to mine own form. Before I attempt

Re: Various syntax errors and ICA kit

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
r comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing l

Re: What are the limitations of Dot Syntax?

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa

Re: What are the limitations of Dot Syntax?

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
Of course that is true. No implication otherwise was meant or intended. I was merely establishing a point-of-reference. Hence the " least..." after "...Windows world...". Now, back to the coding... :D Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II Quoting Alex Kac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: cocoa class diagram

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
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Re: Various syntax errors and ICA kit

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
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Re: Array Controller Add method question

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
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Re: Array Controller Add method question

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
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Re: NSImageView gets stuck

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
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Device type list for scanners/cameras, etc...

2008-12-07 Thread jmunson
Namaste! I'm working with ICA. Does anyone know any of the following: 1. What the list of device types are for connected devices? 2. Where I might find that list (in case you don't want to disclose it)? 3. Or, just the keywords for a scanner (I assume "scanner" but want to be sure) and a m

Re: NSPredicateEditor and date comparisons

2008-12-07 Thread jmunson
ony Bravia TV. Enter now Start your day with Yahoo!7 and win a Sony Bravia TV. Enter now ___ Cocoa-

Re: how to manage two nib files

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson
or comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-

Re: What does 'DO' mean?

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson
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Re: Shell tool with GUI

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson
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Re: best practice to create Custom Objects represented by a image in a d-n-d operation

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson
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Re: how to pass arguments by reference

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson
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NSTextField setStringValue not updating properly

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson
Namaste! I've written a simple interface for ICA as part of my application. In that interface I have an NSTextField which holds a default path & filename. Next to that field I have an NSButton for changing that information. It opens an NSSavePanel. I also have a Preview button that grabs t

Re: How Can I Notify DrawRect Method?

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson
ist. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@list

Re: Detecting the Enter Key

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or m

Re: Can't launch a new Window at click of a button

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson
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Tracking down issue; Bad call?

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson
Namaste! In my app I have the following (a Save Panel call): [sp beginSheetForDirectory:sDefDir file:@"" modalForWindow:[self window] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(didEndSaveFileSheet:

Re: Tracking down issue; Bad call?

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson
Thank you for the reply. For clarification: - (void)awakeFromNib { //... sDefDir = NSHomeDirectory(); [sDefDir retain]; //... } I added the retain per a different response and that cleared up my issue. Knowing about the retain also added some clarity as to how the overal

[SOLVED] Re: NSTextField setStringValue not updating properly

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson
I am posting this for the benefit of those who are coming into this area as new folk. Thanks to anyone who provided help. This is a short description of how I solved my issue and not meant to be a tutorial of any kind. After staring at it for multitudes of hours, I decided a different a

Re: Using NSWorkspace's launchedApplication to detect running App

2008-12-13 Thread jmunson
st ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription:

re: Core Data: is fetching safe during validateForInsert:/validateForUpdate?

2009-03-28 Thread jmunson Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or mo

re: Core Data: is fetching safe during validateForInsert:/validateForUpdate?

2009-03-28 Thread jmunson
Guess that WASN'T off-list. Sorry for the noise! ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscri

RE:IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Still plugging away at this... I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to "my" Inspector subclass. Doing that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but no object in the middle pane... How do I fix that? A

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Thank you, that was/is a big help. I also found BGHUDAppKit which was/is also invaluable help. Between those two good examples I think I got my plug-in working (using it live is what remains to be seen). I have one more question: How does one replace the blue cube object icon th

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson
OK, now I have one more question. I'd like to "install" and use my plug-in. However, when accessing IB's preferences->Plug-ins and attempting to add the plug-in I get: 1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that states the file is missing necessary resources and to reinstall the bund

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Still getting "no action" after attempting to add my plug-in to IB. No error either. I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be sure I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there (I reverted my settings which were retrieved from someone else

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Well, I don't know that I did anything different as I haven't changed anything since the last email... But now the plugin is showing up in IB... ??? Oh well, hopefully that will be the end of the drama... Thanks everyone!!! Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C. Munson II Quoting j

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson
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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Thank you for your reply. If I run the plug-in in debug mode, I DO get an assertion failure: Assertion Message: Two plug-ins (com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiter and com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiter) both integrate a class description for the class JT

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Just want to pass on some further information. After that last post, the assertion error really bothered me. So, after a while of careful inspection (to the limits of what I know), I decided to and "clean[ed] all targets" of both the debug and release builds and re-compiled. In

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Thank you Kevin and Josh! Josh: To clear up the assertion error, "Clean All Targets." There was some junk not getting dumped out of the project on successive builds. Also, you nailed it with the "TextLength" key. Doh! I took Apple's file comment of "MyFirstKey" literally. Whil

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Is this the proper way to do that: - (NSImage *)ibDefaultImage { NSBundle *myBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.MyCompany.MyPluginName"]; NSString *someString = [myBundle pathForResource:@"SomePic" ofType:@"png"]; NSImage *someImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWit

Re: SQLite 3 crash report - debugging help needed

2009-04-19 Thread jmunson
How did you come by this crash log? From the 0x48, it looks like it's attempting to dereference an int passed into sqlite3VdbeExec where a pointer should go, but that's a wild guess. The crash log came from one of my testers. It's dying in sqlite3 code, so you have access to the source. Take

Re: objc_exception_throw prior to launching nib file

2009-04-22 Thread jmunson
You shoul post your code as it is difficult to discern your problem with the way you are describing things. In other words: Cannot perform operation without a managed object context What operation is being performed that could require an moc? If I set a breakpoint: In what, on what?

RE: C language in obj-c

2009-04-29 Thread jmunson
cribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to t

Programmatic access to NSSearchField's Display Name?

2009-05-06 Thread jmunson
Namaste! Is there a way to programmatically access the Display Name attribute of the search field for a given predicate? I've got a number of predicates set up via IB and several of them I need to be able to change the display name at run time. Thanks! Peace, Love, and Light, /s/ Jon C.

Adding records to a child entity

2009-05-12 Thread jmunson
Namaste! I'm having a wee bit of difficulty adding records to a child entity. The situation is this: I'm implementing drag-n-drop of files onto a tableview I have on a window. The tableview holds a list of files that are related to the parent record. My program chokes on the line where I

Re: Core Data and ordered to-many relations

2009-05-24 Thread jmunson
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