You can move the table view to the bottom of the scroll view in an override of
-[NSScrollView tile].
Déjà vu
- Willeke
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[species count] == 1 && [species objectAtIndex:0] != self) {
NSTextField can have a delegate which can implement
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control isValidObject:(id)object
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s at the top, above the top row,
> instead of below the bottom table row.
> I hope I have expressed more clear what I 'm looking for.
> --
> Luc Van Bogaert
Override -[NSScrollView tile], call super and move the document view to
ngs and save as….
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ss and Search field calls setSelectedRange: of currentEditor in
- Willeke
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>NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, editor.string.length);
>[editor setSelectedRange:range];
>[super mouseDown:event];
> }
> @end
You're almost there, do [super mouseDown:event] first.
- Willeke
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How do I programmatically create the $x.firstname and .@count parts of this
SUBQUERY(residents, $x, $x.firstname == "Jane" && $x.lastname == "Doe").@count
When I create a subquery predicate with predicateWithFormat:, the class of the
$x.firstname and .@count expressions is NSKey
logic and the model-related logic.
If each NIB has its own owner, awakeFromNib is only called once.
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Contact the mode
compare method. In
IB you set the selector of the table column to this method.
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> Would that be a good approach?
> Other alternatives?
Can't you just set the sortDescrip
Is "Auto Rearrange Content" of the array controller switched on? The array
controller can't observe to-many relationships.
Does NSPredicateEditor work with to-many relationships? I don't think so, but
I'm not sure.
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't be observed for key
"value". What happens if you switch "Auto Rearrange Content" off?
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I'm sorry, I didn't see your answer yet when I sent my previous message.
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ted to me.
the predicate should be something like
name IN {"Jones A.", "Williams S.", "Brown M.", "Tobias S."}
what is persons in this statement?
[fetchRequest setPredicate: [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"name IN %@",
Op 15 okt 2012, om 02:05 heeft Koen van der Drift het volgende geschreven:
> On Oct 14, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Willeke wrote:
>> the predicate should be something like
>> name IN {"Jones A.", "Williams S.", "Brown M.", "Tobias S."
I don't know why but it doesn't leak if you do readInBackgroundAndNotify only
if [data length]!=0.
- Willeke
Op 20 feb 2013, om 23:56 heeft Mr. Gecko het volgende geschreven:
> Looks like every pipe is leaking. I cannot see a way to prevent the leak
> myself as I know the N
Op 2 sep 2013, om 13:01 heeft Dave het volgende geschreven:
> Is this advisable?
Yes, it's in the Core Data FAQ:
to be independent of each other.
You could bind Selected Object of the popup button to something like a property
of the windowcontroller. Or give the popup button its own arraycontroller.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.ap
sed a view based table view and it looks too simple
but maybe it helps.
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You have to disconnect the NSColorPanel and the NSTextView. You can do this by
switching off "Font Panel" of the NSTextView.
- Willeke
Op 3 feb 2014, om 20:45 heeft Leonardo het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Willeke,
> Yes, I click on the oForeColorWell, it gets activat
Thanks a lot
> Dave
Maybe this is what you are looking for?
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Bind the Selection Indexes of the master collection view to selectionIndexes of
the BoardArrayController.
I would bind the Contents of the detail collection view to arrangedObjects of
the ListArrayController.
Op 18 jun 2014, om 03:40 heeft Hajder Rabiee het volgende geschreven:
Perhaps I don't see the problem but what is preventing you from creating the
second inverse relationship?
Op 10 jul 2014, om 22:00 heeft William Squires het volgende geschreven:
> I'm trying to convert the following. I have two tables in a database,
> "TransactionEntry", and "ReasonCode". A "
23 matches
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