I am rendering sound sonagrams as contents of CALayers which have dimensions of
height 1024 pixels and width above 3 pixel. No problem as long as you don’t
use CIFilters. With them roughly 12000 pixels will work and larger images won’t
get the filters applied to. I have solved that by using
have you changed the binding conditionally sets enabled respectively
conditionally sets editable ? That did the trick before on 10.5
Am 31.08.2009 um 20:21 schrieb Gerd Knops:
Seems that in Snow Leopard the "editable" setting in the column
attributes is ignored for Check Box Ce
NSArray *selectedRow = [treeController selectedObjects];
you get an NSArray -> so you should enumerate through the objects of
the array
NSInteger childrenCount = [selectedRow.children count];
Does not get the children count of anything but the NSArray, which it
doesn't have.
release is necessary, as others already told you. One clarification
that I got on a similar post is:
-dealloc should always access instance variables directly; it should
not call accessor methods. Currently this is impossible to do with
synthesized instance variables, but that is consid
try to call representedObject on one of the items returned by
selectedObjects - this gives you the object as it sits in your object
graph (probbly still CoreData). Then you can use the keyPath for
children on the returned object. Et voila.
Am 16.09.2009 um 17:20 schrieb Joshua
best solution would be to update the datasource...
Swapping views just for the sake of displaying new data is not
something one should do. Have you read up on how to implement a
datasource for NSTableView?
Maybe you try to follow this old, but still useful tutorial:
Am 14.11.2009 um 22:25 schrieb David Blanton:
Should not the app be installed in a particular location so that it
starts when the user logs in?
You can add any app, located at any location (nearly at any) to the
Startup Items of a user and the app gets started. No need to be in a
without knowing how you add objects to the ArrayController - and when,
and without knowing what and how is bound exactly - guessing is most
that can be done.
It seems the bindings are okay from the beginning, but the changes to
the ArrayControllers content are only observed when the s
er (which is my NSDocument subclass). In the
document's init method, I make phases an empty NSMutableArray, and
in the document's windowControllerDidLoadNib method, I populate that
array with data.)
On Oct 5, 2009, at 9:40 AM, Volker in Lists wrote:
without knowing h
maybe it works even without these two lines - how are you populating
the array controller in code ?
Am 05.10.2009 um 19:19 schrieb David Hirsch:
That's right on the money: The array was indeed bound to the
contentArray in IB (otherwise it would never have been able to
depending on where you need to get a notification:
a) within the same NSManagedObject or a relationship:
see, how do you observe a CoreData Property?
From: Volker in Lists
To: Joshua Garnham
Sent: Wednesday, 7 October, 2009 8:11:48
Subject: Re: Triggering a Method when a Core Data Property is Altered.
you have to add an observer to the CoreData entity - which is
probably what you haven
add the Observer in an NSManagedObject sub-class and
call self?
Also in the email before last I sent the code that I had tried.
From: Volker in Lists
To: Joshua Garnham
Cc: cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
Sent: Wednesday, 7 October, 2009 16:09:55
Subject: Re: Triggering a Method when
Is this any better? See bewlo, and in addition: Did it work? It
shouldn't have worked :-/
On NSManagedObject side:
According to Apple the initWithEntity should not be overridden (http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdCreateMOs.html
problem A:
have you made sure you have set the class in the data modeler
correctly for that ManagedObject? When googling for your error message
I do receive such problems that were fixed by setting the proper
custom class name.
awakeFromFetch is only called when the object is loaded from the
persistent store (=fetched). So all newly inserted objects are not
this might be one reason for not getting triggered for rows 2/3 if
they were not fetched but created. Otherwise I have no idea why it
you need to add a NSNumberFormatter to the text field. Number/String
conversion does not happen automatically.
Am 08.10.2009 um 13:49 schrieb Rui Pacheco:
Problem A,
Yes, all classes are set correctly in the data modeller.
Also, regarding problem B, this is getting strange
I had to do that in 10.5 - I think - but that is vague memory
collected by my sieve-brain - it wasn't like that in 10.4.
Am 08.10.2009 um 15:07 schrieb Rui Pacheco:
True, that seems to be the problem.
Is this new? I've another NSTextField bound to a property of type
there a different roots to success
a) roll your own Tabs instead of Segmented cell in combination with a
tabless NSTabView
b) Add/remove tab items on demand
Both are fairly easy to achieve with some pitfalls like view retains
and such. I am using the b) route for something similar
Hi Rick,
any messages in the console? Usually you should get more information there.
Also, what happens when run from Xcode in debug settings? Maybe activate an
objc_exception_throw breakpoint in advance.
Am 14.10.2009 um 10:07 schrieb Rick Mann:
> I'm having some issues with m
which StoreType are you using? If it is XML it could be worth looking into the
raw xml. Otherwise more information on the model and any special methods (if
any) could be useful. Any changes to the standard CoreData template provided by
Is the file readable at all from finder usin
you can use po and than most of what you are used in Obj-C like you would use
in NSLog.
Or just use NSLog and any of the properties a NSError has.
Am 14.10.2009 um 19:30 schrieb Rick Mann:
> On Oct 14, 2009, at 09:57:58, Kyle Sluder wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at
you load the second nib from the main controller i guess. Thereby you
set the instance of your main ontroller as owner, thus it gets the
awakeFromNib call. Set your second controller as owner or nil (if you
have an instance of your second class in your NIB as file owner (!)).
Hi Fritz,
I have it running that way in one of my applications. The user base is
small (< 50 users), so I might not have yet had the chance to discover
magic not happening. I also invested a lot of time in the model
process, to avoid too many changes.
My changes, that worked well, include
for me it is: com.adobe.flash.video
acquired using the command line and the command: mdls path/filename
Am 11.11.2009 um 14:15 schrieb Shashanka L:
My application is failing to catch the .flv files while searching in
Snow Leopard (10.6.1). I am using the 'spotlig
I am using this and I guess it is the recommended way of doing. Works
well: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/BetterAuthorizationSample/index.html
Am 12.11.2009 um 18:44 schrieb JongAm Park:
I'm trying to copy a file from a desktop to a /Library/Applicati
when/where do you call [url path]? It may be released at that moment and thus
display garbage! What happens if you omit the call to autorelease when creating
url ?
Am 18.05.2010 um 13:52 schrieb Robert Monaghan:
> Hi Mike,
> This is pretty trivial.. I have a string that is c
Hi Shane,
try the special mailing list Apple has going for help authoring:
Probably full on topic there!
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator com
these all rely on the ResponderChain - so, if one of your ANalyzerDocuments is
front-most, it must implement these methods to enable the menu commands. If
your analyzer document is always coupled with a "normal" document, you may
relay the calls to that.
Am 21.02.2011 um 15:28 schr
some code may help! When using its own context for a NSOperation it works very
well for me. I never call save when in the NSOperation.
Am 01.03.2010 um 00:20 schrieb Rainer Standke:
> Hello,
> I have an document-based CoreData application that uses an NSOperation to
> manipulate
are you drawing ALL of your paths whenever the user scrolls or only the ones
that are within the visible rect? If the first, you may try to change that to
the second and gain lots of performance. I draw a sound wave view and when
drawing all of it while zoomed into it, it is sooowww. Bu
on startup check if you have already data in your data container. If
no - create data accordingly to your needs so it is displayed in the
You might consider phrasing your question differently, and describe
what you have tried already. It would make helping you more easy.
do you have any observers or such on objects inside the moc (speak on
entities)? I had a hard to trace down crash similar to yours and in my
case I just needed some cleanup work on -didTurnToFault for the
entity. Are there relationships established and not "destroyed" again
Hi Laurent,
when I faced a similar problem - in my case I needed to filter data acquired
fromCoreData in a TableView for a field value that wasn't part of the model,
but existed as an ivar in the NSManagedObject subclass - I used the following:
[self.sessionController setFilterPredicate:[NSPred
Hi Eric,
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)window
is the correct implementation with the method name implicating a
question that is answered either YES or NO. Your method in its current
form is not called, which you could have easily worked out using a
single NSLog(@"I do work sometimes"); wi
Hi Nick,
search for BorderlessWindow in general or narrow down your search to
CoriolisWindow or even better FancyAbout supplied by Apple. Sorry for
not including the links directly, but I have both examples on my disk
and was far too lazy to type them into Google. Which is another good
Hi there,
see this as an example:
Am 01.01.2009 um 15:59 schrieb vince:
Thanks for the help.
I would like to display the small blue circle and associated numbers
refer to the amount of entries
you can animate a NSSplitView easily to achieve this effect. I use the
following code to animate the resize of a split view after the users
clicks a button:
- (IBAction)toggleSplitDisplay:(id)sender
NSSize newSize = [detailSplit frame].size;
works for me on 10.5.5 just as well as via code and calling the
appropriate methods. At least that was my experience from before
christmas. Want me to retry on 10.5.6?
Am 15.01.2009 um 14:14 schrieb Chris Idou:
Is it just me or does the "enabled" checkbox in IB for
why don't you have an abstract class that holds the children/parent
relationships and make different subclasses for different data types
that all inherit from your abstract class. As far as I understand your
problem, that should solve it. I have a similar solution working well
for me.
one possibility, even so I doubt it is the most elegant, is to create
a BitmapRepresentation of the view and get the color from this image.
More elegant would be, if you would be able to use the information
from the "tiling method", for example by storing the random colors in
an array
you compare objects with == but what you really want is
isEqualToString: since you want to compare the string contents.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator commen
Hi there,
as a quick pointer - from one of my apps licensing code. Assuming that
MACAddress is the beasty UInt8 struct, the following should work:
NSString *addressString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%02x:
%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",MACAddress[0], MACAddress[1], MACAddress[2],
Hi Paul,
I recommend not use the add: / addChild: methods of the
TreeController, but create yur own methods for that. In each
instantiate an object of the entitytype you want as parent/child. See http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdCreateMOs.html#/
i am usually happy with the quick check if a file exists and don't
rely on any entity counts within the first view milliseconds of
startup. If you have a fixed location (say URL), the check is really
easy to implement. If you use a document based app, you have more
elegant possibiliti
Is there an easy way to access the existing Array Controller from
the code? I have a suitable Array Controller called Purchase Order
Items Array Controller in IB, but I don't see a way to reference
this in the code. The Array Controller is bound to the selection of
another Array Con
Hi Robert,
sounds reasonable, but no need to store any control states as far as I
can tell (they are not released, just "taken out of view"). There is
an example available demonstrating this w/ some nice CoreAnimation
transition > BasicCocoaAnimations found on the online developer
you need an formatter - NSUnarchiveFromData and then it works rather
well. I store supplementary information that each user can edit in
NSUserDefaults. The info is maintained in NSTableViews and stored as
an Array of NSMutableDictionary. Works really well.
Am 09.11.2008 um 20:
Hi Cem,
the CollectionView needs only to be pointed to the cars
ArrayController and uses a rather obfuscated way of binding each of
its subviews fields to the appropriate car entries. you will have to
bind your prototype view controls to
CollectionView.representedObjects."key". The Collec
you should be able to detect a double click and call a method then
that either temporarily allows the selection or directly starts the
edit mode. I do have a similar setup - don't do editing, but I use the
double click action via bindings to attach notes to such an
unselectable item.
Hi Steven,
as far as I know, the fect happens in the next run loop. So you would
need to set the selection then. This is possible for example via the
performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and a delay of 0.0 on self (?).
Ah, I understand. I've implemented the correc
does the detail arraycontroller show all categories and selects the
ones contained in the set of your selected master rows? Can't you just
display only the detail categories that are within the set of the
selected master? This would be easy to do even with multiple master
objects sele
when you build your app in Xcode with the Release target setting, you
will get your app with the standard app icon in the build folder. This
folder usually resides within your project directory. Via the targets
Get Info panel you can set app icon - which you have to supply
yourself, t
do you have an example? A good source for information might be Apple
Guide to the UI or HIG -> available through your Xcode installations
Am 11.12.2008 um 18:41 schrieb Arun:
How to create a blunt corned window edges? Is there any control
which wi
the message says that the data model in the file you try to open is
different than the one you have in your app. As far as I can follow
you, both apps use the same file type and the former is always trying
to open the others file. Of ocurse, then it complains about the
different model
retainCount is not in anyway useful when debugging - I had many cases
of rc > 5 with the object being gone the next instance. your error
sounds like you loose the image at some point in time. retain it and
use Instruments to see if you leak or over alloc.
Am 14.03.2009 um 01:2
Hi list,
a similar problem was already reported with no answers in january (?)
2009 - layers with CIFilter animations running may crash the app on a
window close call. If the animation is not running, no crash happens.
I have a Layer-Backed NSScrollView displaying a couple of layers with
Hi Martin,
I archive the selectionIndexes of the array controller and store them
within thecore data document's metadata. I think you need to serialize
(archive) the selectionIndexes to be able to save it either in
NSUserDefaults or anywhere else.
When loading a CD document I check if the
Hi Gerriet,
I recently played around with NSDictionaryController and it was
simpler than I thought. You should be able to use the selection of
your array controller as source for your Dictionary controller, and
then bind the columns of a table view to "key" and "value" of your
Hi Torsten,
do you have more details on what the main thread implements and what
you expect it to do, but doesn't do? I am using similar constructs and
they work .
Am 22.04.2009 um 18:13 schrieb Torsten Curdt:
Hey folks,
Is this supposed to work or not?
- (void) setActivated:(B
from the code listed I cannot tell if you alloc'ed memory for your
NSString at all?
What is the goal you try to achieve? If you just want to store a
single file path... with a global NSString do as along the lines of:
[rawFileName release];
rawFileName = [[NSString alloc] initWithStri
are you using - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunch:(NSNotification
*)aNotification or - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:
(NSNotification *)aNotification ? The first is not a valid delegate
method, the second is. Have you connected your AppDelegate as delegate
of your app - can it rec
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