Live updating user defaults from a prefpane to a running app

2010-07-14 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
ired from the prefpane or some other technique to let the app know its defaults have changed, how do I get the user defaults controller in the headless app to apply the updates? Thanks, -- shamyl zakariya - so much for pathos ___ Coc

Re: Live updating user defaults from a prefpane to a running app

2010-07-14 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
nter for the signals. That sounds quite elegant, thanks! -- shamyl zakariya - so much for pathos On Jul 14, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Lee Ann Rucker wrote: > > On Jul 14, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Greg Guerin wrote: > >> Shamyl Zakariya wrote: >> >> >>> If not,

Re: Live updating user defaults from a prefpane to a running app

2010-07-15 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
ause bound values to update. Any ideas? On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Shamyl Zakariya wrote: >> Yes. The app that writes the pref should call synchronize and send its >> signal, then the app that reads calls synchronize when it receives it. I >> have a pair of apps that do that;

Re: Live updating user defaults from a prefpane to a running app

2010-07-15 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
roblem (sort of, and in an ugly manner) solved for anybody searching the list. -- shamyl zakariya - so much for pathos On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:19 AM, Shamyl Zakariya wrote: > I have written a dummy app which uses the CFPreferences API to write > to the headl

Minor resize trouble with NSScrollView

2010-02-19 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
rame for view %@ with collapse: %f to %@", v, [self collapseForView: v], NSStringFromRect( v.frame )); } printf( "\n" ); layingOut = NO; } @end Any ideas? -- shamyl zakariya - so much for pathos ___ Cocoa-dev ma

NSAffineTransform & bezier path line widths

2008-03-12 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
I'm using an NSAffineTransform to scale and offset drawing a bezier path into a view. The bezier path *vertices* are correctly transformed. The oddity is that the line width sometimes is transformed, and sometimes isn't. Specifically, if the view is redrawn as a result of [self setNeedsDi

Re: NSAffineTransform & bezier path line widths

2008-03-20 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
window resize, but not during a draw operation caused by a call to setNeedsDisplay. [EMAIL PROTECTED] In the same episode, the scientist suggests that the debigulation can only be reversed by a rebigulator. -- wikipedia On Mar 12, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Shamyl

Gamma problem (?) with CIFilter output

2009-02-25 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
.66,1.0) -> BAD! Also, I googled, and found the following thread: It seems like the issue is one of color profiles, but what I don't know is how to get CI to use a linear or generic profile. Of course, I might

Re: Gamma problem (?) with CIFilter output

2009-02-25 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
11:47 AM, Shamyl Zakariya wrote: Hi, If this should be posted to another list let me know, but I didn't see a Core Image list, so I figured Cocoa might be a good catch-all. Anyway, I'm writing my first Core Image filter, a simple bump-map to tangent-space-normalmap filter. I'

NSPredicate & live filtering question

2009-03-13 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
o, then that's fine. But I feel like there's got to be some way that's a little more elegant. Note: I'm not using core data -- my "model" is just an NSArray of my image processing objects. Thanks in advance, shamyl zakariya "authentic fronti

Extending NSCollectionView

2009-03-22 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
ectionView how tall it wants to be, or how many rows its showing, etc etc. Obviously, in the end I'm willing to just write a custom view that does this manually but NSCollectionView is pretty nice in that I can perform my bindings in IB and I get animation for free...

Trouble with NSAnimationContext

2009-03-24 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
x27;m all ears. The docs for NSAnimationContext describe pretty much exactly the usage scenario I'm in... Note, the above code works *without* NSAnimationContext. I just want to be able to simply set the animation duration to be nice and quick. shamyl zakariya - squamous and rugos

Re: Trouble with NSAnimationContext

2009-03-24 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
As a minor addendum, which may help anybody who wants to help me here, I found that if I made my custom view want a layer ( [self setWantsLayer:YES] ) the problem goes away. So, does NSAnimationContext only work when animating layer baked views? On Mar 24, 2009, at 7:26 AM, Shamyl Zakariya

initWithFrame not being called on my NSImageView subclass

2008-02-21 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
I've written a subclass of NSImageView, and my intent was to set some sane default values for some member vars in my initWithFrame: ( NSRect ) method. However... initWithFrame simply isn't being called. I know the instance is being instantiated ( it's the main view for a document based app

Re: NSMutableArray Problem

2008-02-21 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
To use it as a mutable array, you will have to create a mutable array from the vanilla array returned by componentsSeparatedByString. E.g. NSMutableArray *listItems = [NSMutableArray array]; [listItems addObjectsFromArray: [list componentsSeparatedByString:@", "]]; Now, that being said, I'

Re: initWithFrame not being called on my NSImageView subclass

2008-02-21 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
That makes sense, thank you. [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Such a theory has to be bizarre and elaborate, as well as being stupid" -- Jim Loy, regarding a hollow earth On Feb 21, 2008, at 2:00 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Shamyl Zakariya <[EM

Re: initWithFrame not being called on my NSImageView subclass

2008-02-21 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
rchived, so you need - initWithCoder: Mike. On 21 Feb 2008, at 18:36, Shamyl Zakariya wrote: I've written a subclass of NSImageView, and my intent was to set some sane default values for some member vars in my initWithFrame: ( NSRect ) method. However... initWithFrame simply isn&#

Re: initWithFrame not being called on my NSImageView subclass

2008-02-21 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
Well, to finish this off, I just made some calls to initialize from windowControllerDidLoadNib and averything's peachy, and no dependancy on initWithCoder. Shamyl Zakariya - The fantabulous contrapulation of professor Horatio Huffnagel On Feb 21, 2008, at 2:30 PM, Shamyl Zak

Re: initWithFrame not being called on my NSImageView subclass

2008-02-21 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
OK, sounds like I'm not out of the woods. Here's the trouble: I have some controls ( in my toolbar ) controlling a couple properties of the image view subclass. Specifically, a zoom factor and a tiling mode ( this is just a quick-dirty app for viewing compressed DDS textures. I've already w