ired from the prefpane or some other technique to let the app know its
defaults have changed, how do I get the user defaults controller in the
headless app to apply the updates?
shamyl zakariya
- so much for pathos
nter for the signals.
That sounds quite elegant, thanks!
shamyl zakariya
- so much for pathos
On Jul 14, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Lee Ann Rucker wrote:
> On Jul 14, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Greg Guerin wrote:
>> Shamyl Zakariya wrote:
>>> If not,
ause bound values to update.
Any ideas?
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Shamyl Zakariya wrote:
>> Yes. The app that writes the pref should call synchronize and send its
>> signal, then the app that reads calls synchronize when it receives it. I
>> have a pair of apps that do that;
roblem (sort of, and in an ugly manner) solved for anybody searching
the list.
shamyl zakariya
- so much for pathos
On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:19 AM, Shamyl Zakariya wrote:
> I have written a dummy app which uses the CFPreferences API to write
> to the headl
rame for view %@ with collapse: %f to %@", v, [self
collapseForView: v], NSStringFromRect( v.frame ));
printf( "\n" );
layingOut = NO;
Any ideas?
shamyl zakariya
- so much for pathos
Cocoa-dev ma
I'm using an NSAffineTransform to scale and offset drawing a bezier
path into a view. The bezier path *vertices* are correctly
transformed. The oddity is that the line width sometimes is
transformed, and sometimes isn't.
Specifically, if the view is redrawn as a result of [self
window resize, but not during a draw
operation caused by a call to setNeedsDisplay.
In the same episode, the scientist suggests that the
debigulation can only be reversed by a rebigulator.
-- wikipedia
On Mar 12, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Shamyl
.66,1.0) ->
Also, I googled, and found the following thread:
It seems like the issue is one of color profiles, but what I don't
know is how to get CI to use a linear or generic profile.
Of course, I might
11:47 AM, Shamyl Zakariya wrote:
If this should be posted to another list let me know, but I didn't
see a Core Image list, so I figured Cocoa might be a good catch-all.
Anyway, I'm writing my first Core Image filter, a simple bump-map to
tangent-space-normalmap filter. I'
o, then that's fine.
But I feel like there's got to be some way that's a little more elegant.
Note: I'm not using core data -- my "model" is just an NSArray of my
image processing objects.
Thanks in advance,
shamyl zakariya
"authentic fronti
ectionView how tall
it wants to be, or how many rows its showing, etc etc.
Obviously, in the end I'm willing to just write a custom view that
does this manually but NSCollectionView is pretty nice in that I can
perform my bindings in IB and I get animation for free...
x27;m all ears. The docs for NSAnimationContext
describe pretty much exactly the usage scenario I'm in...
Note, the above code works *without* NSAnimationContext. I just want
to be able to simply set the animation duration to be nice and quick.
shamyl zakariya
- squamous and rugos
As a minor addendum, which may help anybody who wants to help me here,
I found that if I made my custom view want a layer ( [self
setWantsLayer:YES] ) the problem goes away.
So, does NSAnimationContext only work when animating layer baked views?
On Mar 24, 2009, at 7:26 AM, Shamyl Zakariya
I've written a subclass of NSImageView, and my intent was to set some
sane default values for some member vars in my initWithFrame:
( NSRect ) method.
However... initWithFrame simply isn't being called. I know the
instance is being instantiated ( it's the main view for a document
based app
To use it as a mutable array, you will have to create a mutable array
from the vanilla array returned by componentsSeparatedByString.
NSMutableArray *listItems = [NSMutableArray array];
[listItems addObjectsFromArray: [list componentsSeparatedByString:@",
Now, that being said, I'
That makes sense, thank you.
"Such a theory has to be bizarre and elaborate, as well as being
-- Jim Loy, regarding a hollow earth
On Feb 21, 2008, at 2:00 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Shamyl Zakariya
rchived, so you need -
On 21 Feb 2008, at 18:36, Shamyl Zakariya wrote:
I've written a subclass of NSImageView, and my intent was to set
some sane default values for some member vars in my initWithFrame:
( NSRect ) method.
However... initWithFrame simply isn
Well, to finish this off, I just made some calls to initialize from
windowControllerDidLoadNib and averything's peachy, and no dependancy
on initWithCoder.
Shamyl Zakariya
- The fantabulous contrapulation of professor Horatio Huffnagel
On Feb 21, 2008, at 2:30 PM, Shamyl Zak
OK, sounds like I'm not out of the woods.
Here's the trouble: I have some controls ( in my toolbar ) controlling
a couple properties of the image view subclass. Specifically, a zoom
factor and a tiling mode ( this is just a quick-dirty app for viewing
compressed DDS textures. I've already w
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