Hi List,
I am running unit test cases to check the functionality. In this I am checking
createbackupPath of boost library. Its working well for windows platform but
not able to create backupPath for MAC. It throws some exception and later on
when I tried to copy some file on the same location
Sorry, I mean to say MAC OSX.
-Original Message-
From: Kyle Sluder [mailto:kyle.slu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 11:44 AM
To: Nikhil Khandelwal
Cc: Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
Subject: Re: createbackupPath from boost library not working for MAC
On Thu, Oct
I am using NSSavePanel in my application. I am using "runModal" on this to show
the save panel. The default location it shows to save the file is "Desktop"
which I want to change to "Document". I tried "runModalForDirectory" as well
however it uses the given file path as save location alway
Is there any way to to set the file name in NSSavePanel for 10.5.
I tried "setNameFieldStringValue" but this is available for 10.6 or later. Is
there any similar method available for 10.5.
This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information w
changed the location then "[savepanel directory]" and it is working fine for me
on 10.5 and 10.6.
Thanks once again.
-Original Message-
From: Corbin Dunn [mailto:corb...@apple.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:43 PM
To: Matt Neuburg
Cc: Nikhil Khandelwal; cocoa-dev@l
Is there any way to lock a file in cocoa? I want to lock a file on desktop
programmatically so that I can't move that file to trash until I unlock the
This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is the
property of Persi
In my application I am working with Dual monitor and I want to capture the
whole screen size. For this I am using NSScreen API to get the whole screen
size however this is returning me only with the screen resolution for single
monitor. So is there any way to get the size of combined screen
I want to get the path of /User/library/Preference to put the plist file over
there. For getting the path I am using
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES)
which gives me path to library. Is there anything which gives me directly path
to Preference fo
Hi all,
I am looking for books to learn Objective C and Cocoa. I have good knowledge of
oo programming. Also I did a lot of work with Objective C and Cocoa using
API's and reading through documentation. Please suggest some name of good books
for knowing Objective C and Cocoa deeper.
In my application I have a NSScrollView which has NSView s in it. When I drag n
drop the views inside the scrollview autoscrolling in scroll view doesn't
start from half of scroll point. It starts below from expected. Scrolling
should start from the black line while in my application it st
In my application I have -(void)mouseDown: (NSEvent*)theEvent method
implemented. When I double click on my view it calls the mouseDown event for
two times with 1 and 2 click count respectively. So it gives a single click and
a double click instead of, I just double clicked on my view.
I wa
I have override a mouseDown event. Now I am trying to locate the [theEvent
locationInWindow] points in the superview which is flipped. So this is giving
me just opposite NSpoint so is there any method to flip the points or to check
for points in particular view.
How can I end the editing session for NSTextField forcefully. I tried
abortEditing however it does not accept the changes made to NSTextField.
I want the changes made to NSTextField acceptable when I quit the editing
Thanks in advance.
This e-mail
Is it possible to rearrange items in customize toolbar ?
I want to change the order of NSToolbarItem in NSToolbar.
This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is the
property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended only for th
-Original Message-
From: Filip van der Meeren [mailto:fi...@code2develop.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:32 PM
To: Nikhil Khandelwal
Cc: Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
Subject: Re: Find default application for file of particular extension
On 28 May 2009, at 16:36, Nikhil Khandelwal
Hi List,
I want to change the name of application in the main menu programmatically.
Using the following line of code I am able to get reference to other menu items
like File, Insert, draw etc but not getting reference to application menu.
[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTitle:@"File"];
By name of ap
Thanks Rick.
Its working
-- Nikhil
-Original Message-
From: cocoa-dev-bounces+nikhil_khandelwal=persistent.co...@lists.apple.com
On Behalf Of Rick C.
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 2:55 PM
To: cocoa dev
Subject: Re: Changing Menu item under application menu
On 05/06/2009, at 6:46 PM, Nikhil Khandelwal wrote:
> I want to change the name of application in the main menu
> programmatically.
> Using the following line of code I am able to get reference to other
> menu items like File, Insert,
Hi Everyone,
How I can set the icon for files created from my application?
--- Nikhil
This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is the
property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it i
Hi folks,
In my application i am using ABPeoplePickerView. Search field in that
ABPeoplePickerView is not working.
How i could make it working ?
This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is the
property of Persistent Systems Ltd.
Hi all,
In my application, i m using ABPeoplePickerView on NSPanel to show the
addresses. It is showing the addresses properly. But search field works
properly if i show the panel at launch. If i launch the panel later on clicking
on some button search field is not working.
I also used the [MyP
Hi List,
In my application i am running a Modal for a window and in that window there is
a button which calls another Panel (Modal is still running). In that Panel i
include ABPeoplePickerView to show the address. AbPeoplePickerView is working
but the search field in ABPeoplPickerView is not wo
HI All,
In my application I am setting shortcut key for a menu item as
[Menuitem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSAlternateMask];
[Menuitem setKeyEquivalent:@"1"];
But it is not working with alt key though it is working fine if I press "Fn +
option + 1" or "control + option + 1".
Is option key i
Hi List,
In my application, I am running a process for copying files from one location
to another. In this I select number of files from panel and then showing a
progress bar which shows progress of copying. In this window I have a cancel
button to cancel the copying process but clicking on the
Hi all,
I want to disable the complete menu item means it should not show any submenu
when clicked on. Like in any application if I disable the file menu it should
get disabled and not show any submenu related to it.
Please reply ASAP.
This e-mail may cont
I want to make my application as default for file of particular extension
Please reply as soon as possible.
This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is the
property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended
Hi all,
I want to find out which application is the default one for .x extension file
in my application and to make my application the default one for that extension.
Its an urgent project requirement, so please reply as soon as possible.
This e-mail may con
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