Re: Malloc error: GC operation on unregistered thread...

2009-09-08 Thread Nick Zitzmann
u still need to target Leopard. If you do, then just ignore the warning, or create the thread with NSThread if that would be possible. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

Re: How to remove the "Special Characters..." menu item?

2009-09-08 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On Sep 7, 2009, at 7:54 PM, H David Goering wrote: XCode automatically adds the "Special Characters..." menu item to applications, but mine doesn't need it, so I'd like to leave it off. That menu item cannot be turned off. Nick Zitzmann <ht

Re: XC & IB 3.2 overlapping siblings

2009-09-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
there. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)

Re: XC & IB 3.2 overlapping siblings

2009-09-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
; loading times. Or can you move them and then set their frames in code? Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact


2009-09-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
w that you can use a UTI here to set the category, but what's the UTI for the "general" category? I tried searching for NSServiceCategory and found nothing, and searching for UTIs gives me results for a different meaning of UTI... Nick Zitzmann &

Re: NSServiceCategory

2009-09-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:30 AM, Nick Zitzmann wrote: I'm aware of an apparently undocumented NSRequiredContext key called NSServiceCategory that manually sets the service category in the Keyboard preference pane, which is useful when the pane does not correctly categorize the service,

Re: NSServiceCategory

2009-09-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
re's nothing with "search" in its name. I'd also better file a bug report about the lack of documentation for NSServiceCategory... Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lis

Re: NSServiceCategory

2009-09-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
this, the radar # is 7213062. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)list

Re: authorization services

2009-09-14 Thread Nick Zitzmann
n't mention that the privileged process is actually a child of the process which executed this ? AEWP() actually does do a fork()/exec() internally; see < > for

Re: Shutdown/Restart computer

2009-09-14 Thread Nick Zitzmann
vents to the "System Events" application. You can do this easily using NSAppleScript, by running a script like "tell application \"System Events\" to restart". If you know what you're doing, you could probably make that even faster by using AE

Re: How to debug over-release of private Cocoa object?

2009-09-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann
need to do to reproduce the problem. When it triggers, you'll get a backtrace of both the offending access and everything that retained or released the object. If that takes too long, then have the instrument only record NSUndoManager objects instead of everything. Nick Zitz

Re: How to debug over-release of private Cocoa object?

2009-09-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann
turned on? If you launched Instruments from within Xcode, you don't, since it's not turned on by default since it generates a tremendous amount of data. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing

Re: What is the life of the c string returned by NSString's UTF8String method?

2009-09-18 Thread Nick Zitzmann
aned up at some point. In any case, if you want them to stick around, then you need to memcpy () them into a data buffer that is controlled by your application. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev

Re: automatically send the email from code using NSWorkspace

2009-09-22 Thread Nick Zitzmann
some sample code on ADC that will show you how to use the scripting bridge to send a message. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comm

Re: Exit screen saver programmatically?

2009-09-23 Thread Nick Zitzmann
sible; you'd have to discriminate based on the bundle identifier returned by the main NSBundle. BTW, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Quitting the screen saver engine programmatically can open a security hole, since it's quite possible that the computer was locked for a

Re: Exit screen saver programmatically?

2009-09-24 Thread Nick Zitzmann
r security (unless ScreenSaverEngine catches this and cancels the terminate message, I'm not sure). Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator

Re: Parsing error in NSEvent?

2009-09-25 Thread Nick Zitzmann
SE_TOUCH should be defined in the IOLLEvent.h header in the IOKit framework in the Snow Leopard SDK. You might want to make sure that the correct header is being imported by using the preprocess feature. You are using the 10.6 SDK as the base SDK for that architecture, right? Nick Zitzma

Re: Suggestions for debugging “EXC_BAD _ACCESS”

2009-09-25 Thread Nick Zitzmann
Use Instruments, use the object alloc instrument with retain/release counting and NSZombie detection turned on, and run your app. When it crashes, you should be told what caused the crash, and you should get a complete log of the retains/releases on the object. Nick Zitzmann <http://www.chrono

Re: Parsing error in NSEvent?

2009-09-26 Thread Nick Zitzmann
recommended so you can see what is being included in the build. Did you check that to make sure the correct header was being loaded? Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post

Re: Parsing error in NSEvent?

2009-09-26 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ould get a window/view showing you the preprocessed but not compiled output of the file. In there, it'll show you exactly what went into the compiling of the file, including full paths to imported headers. You can use this to figure out what headers are really being imported. Nick

Re: Suggestions for debugging “EXC_BAD _ACCESS” - followup

2009-09-29 Thread Nick Zitzmann
e are flagged as leaked memory... When running the leaks instrument with NSZombieEnabled, _everything_ is flagged as leaked memory, because technically zombies count as leaks. To do proper leak checking, you need to turn off zombies. Nick Zitzmann <http://www.chrono

Re: Subclassing NSPredicate

2009-10-02 Thread Nick Zitzmann
, etc.), objects in Foundation are not made to be subclassed, unless you really know what you're doing. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? If you're just trying to add methods to the class, then make a category instead. Nick Zitzmann <http://www.c

Re: NSHTTPCookieStorage

2009-10-02 Thread Nick Zitzmann
use it, but others generally don't. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at coco

Re: Autorelease pool

2009-10-07 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ocumentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/MemoryMgmt/Articles/mmRules.html > Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact

Re: How to parse unpredictable date strings [WAS: Two digit dates with NSDateFormatter]

2009-10-08 Thread Nick Zitzmann
"not recommended" natural language formatting? Use a 10.0-style date formatter. They're much better at parsing user- generated date strings than the newer 10.4-style formatters in my experience. Nick Zitzmann <> _

Re: dealloc and finalize

2009-10-09 Thread Nick Zitzmann
it before the object goes away. Check the documentation for more information. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to th

Re: Thread Safety - A Theoretical Question

2009-10-12 Thread Nick Zitzmann
thread safety at all? Yes. It pays to plan ahead for what could happen, because the alternative is to be stuck with a dumb design decision that can't be easily taken back later. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev

Re: Zombies instrument for iPhone?

2009-10-13 Thread Nick Zitzmann
lator, but not the device. Since the device doesn't have any swap space, and only so much memory, and since zombies make it so that memory will not be deallocated, your app would have a super short lifespan if you could run it with zombies turned on in the device. Nick Zitz

Re: Zombies instrument for iPhone?

2009-10-14 Thread Nick Zitzmann
won't let me select Zombies as an instrument, even when the target is set to Simulator. Don't use Xcode to launch Instruments. Launch Instruments and set things up manually; you'll find there's a zombie instrument there you can choose when you look at simulator instrumen

Re: Programming Style: Method Definition with or without a semicolon.

2009-10-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann
at you can write ObjC methods that way... Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at coc

Re: NSInvocationOperations and background Threads

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Zitzmann
an NSInvocationOperation run in the same thread in which it was added to a queue; in fact, this should not be possible in Snow Leopard and later. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

Re: Extract plain text content from a Text View

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ses/NSAttributedString_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/2166-string > Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments

Services keep activating themselves?

2009-10-21 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ow do I get it to stop this? I don't want this to happen, and I suppose I can resort to hackery to stop this, but I'm hoping there's a better way. And making this LSUIElement app into an LSBackgroundOnly app is not an option here. Nick Zitzmann <ht

Re: Using dealloc method in a class that have only class methods

2009-10-21 Thread Nick Zitzmann
need to implement -dealloc if you create instances of a class that retain certain objects or register as observers of something. If you create a class method-only class, then there will be no instances of that class, so there's nothing to deallocate. Nick Zitzmann <http://www.chrono

Re: NSNotificationCentre very slow - normal?

2009-10-21 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ver call in the code and sure enough it goes a lot faster. Trouble is, I do need that notification. Any ideas? Don't add thousands of observers. Re-do your design so that one observer can process the thousands of objects that need processing instead. Nick Zitzmann <ht

Re: Getting a handle on inf

2009-10-26 Thread Nick Zitzmann
#define that's in math.h... isinf() is in the same header. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact t

Re: Moving from standalone apps to some internet related programming

2009-10-26 Thread Nick Zitzmann
th the key "hw.cpu64bit_capable". If the key value is set to 1, then it's able; if it's undefined or set to 0, then it isn't. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.appl

Re: programmatically determining whether a system would run a GC only app

2009-10-27 Thread Nick Zitzmann
chitecture. And it's unlikely GC support will ever be taken out. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Cont

Re: Double-clicking a screensaver

2009-10-31 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On Oct 31, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Gabriel Zachmann wrote: Is there anything wrong? Why do you have two different Deployment configurations with vastly different settings? Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailin

Re: NSDate / NSXMLParser

2009-11-03 Thread Nick Zitzmann
NSCalendar with the desired NSTimeZone. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at coc

Re: NSDate / NSXMLParser

2009-11-03 Thread Nick Zitzmann
date & time as if they were in your time zone. If you need to encapsulate a time zone in a date, then use NSCalendarDate instead. NSCalendarDate is deprecated, but as of now, it's the only built-in date class that uses time zones. Nick Zitzmann <http://w

Re: NSDate / NSXMLParser

2009-11-03 Thread Nick Zitzmann
o do that for some reason on the iPhone OS, then you might have to subclass NSDate, override its primitives, and add a timeZone property. I wouldn't recommend this unless you really know what you're doing, though, since NSDate is a class cluster. Nick Zitzmann <http://www.chron

Re: Creating a small timer?

2009-11-09 Thread Nick Zitzmann
s the part that needs to be redrawn using the - setNeedsDisplayInRect: method. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the l

Re: CALayer subclass allocation problem

2009-11-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
stainable in the long run on Leopard, because that option takes huge amounts of memory, and Instruments will crash once it's hit the 4 GB VM limit, but it still might be useful to you if the problem is not very deep. Nick Zitzmann <> ___

Re: Localization of System Preferences Pane

2009-11-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
since I have run into one with them that does not happen when using colloquial names (#7163744), and I wouldn't be too surprised if there are others. In any case, it won't help the GP if the bundle is localized but the app isn't.

Re: Localization of System Preferences Pane

2009-11-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
t's a missing feature. File a feature request at <> and if you're lucky, your language might be supported by System Preferences in a future cat. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev

Re: Close/Minimize the app

2009-11-11 Thread Nick Zitzmann
to keep it in the Dock when it is not running. Please do not programmatically add inactive applications to the Dock. Even if there was an official way of doing this, Mac OS X has a long tradition of making this choice opt-in instead of opt-out like on Windows. Ni

Re: [Q] copy operation and authorization

2009-11-12 Thread Nick Zitzmann
e an external > command like "cp"? > I think it should be possible to copy files with proper privilege with Cocoa > calls. Yes. Apple actually wants you to use AEWP() to run your own helper tool for security reasons, though it's highly unlikely you'll run into pro

Re: [Q] copy operation and authorization

2009-11-12 Thread Nick Zitzmann
hat, then you need to invoke AEWP() with a wrapper that sets the uid. Search the archives for details. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or mode

Re: [Q] copy operation and authorization

2009-11-12 Thread Nick Zitzmann
t if there is a chance that you need to call AEWP() more than once. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact

Re: Authorization Samples for Cocoa?

2009-11-16 Thread Nick Zitzmann
Then you use AEWP() with the AuthorizationRef obtained from the SFAuthorization to do whatever it is you need to do. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post ad

Re: opening a document via Finder without NSDocument

2009-11-16 Thread Nick Zitzmann
Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008592-CH1-SW37> Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moder

Re: Scanning

2009-11-17 Thread Nick Zitzmann
his method in Snow Leopard! Not only does it not work, but it ends up crashing at some point if you don't have GC turned on. Yes, I filed a bug. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

Re: Help needed in Writing network usage monitor application

2009-11-17 Thread Nick Zitzmann
. > I have look in libpcap that pretty much gives the packets but i dont know > how much it helps in notification kind of things. It doesn't. You'll have to parse the packets manually. Good luck. Nick Zitzmann <> __

Re: Help needed in Writing network usage monitor application

2009-11-18 Thread Nick Zitzmann
this is OT for the list, so I suggest you ask further questions elsewhere... Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. C

Re: mySQL client lib linking problem...

2009-11-23 Thread Nick Zitzmann
t a whole lot of love from developers or users, because it was never turned on by default, the PPC64 frameworks had a lot of problems early on that were later fixed, and it was discontinued in Snow Leopard... Nick Zitzmann <>

Re: Best approach to write an uninstaller for osx

2009-11-23 Thread Nick Zitzmann
bsolete paths for bundle resources, which may or may not be significant depending on what your app has to do just before it quits. At least this was as of Leopard. I haven't checked this under Snow Leopard. Nick Zitzmann <> ___

Re: Multiple nibs for this application?

2009-11-24 Thread Nick Zitzmann
oad in MainMenu.nib. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)lists.ap

Re: IKImageBrowserView selection notification

2009-11-24 Thread Nick Zitzmann
egate_Protocol/IKImageBrowserDelegate_Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004710-CH3-DontLinkElementID_5> Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderat

Re: 10.6 Base, 10.5 Target, runs fine on everything except Intel 10.5 [KIND OF SOLVED]

2010-03-12 Thread Nick Zitzmann
the 64-bit version to Snow Leopard unless you know what you're doing... Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Conta

Re: Float constants

2010-03-17 Thread Nick Zitzmann
for 64-bit, so I just keep them as double constants and use that flag to make them into float constants on 32-bit builds. Of course, I don't think there is any one true way of tackling this problem... Nick Zitzmann <>

Re: FREED(id)

2010-03-19 Thread Nick Zitzmann
atching the double-free. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)

Re: about 3D sound

2010-03-20 Thread Nick Zitzmann
one and volume of a sound? Use OpenAL. It's available for both Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to

Re: Standard input/output in Objective-C

2010-03-23 Thread Nick Zitzmann
e file into an ObjC++ source file, change its extension from .m to .mm. > Feels complicated. My conclusion: I'm making it more complicated than it > should be??? If you feel more comfortable using stdout/stdin or cout/cin, then go ahead and use them instea

Re: [Xcode 3.1.4] "Step Into" broken on Leopard

2010-03-24 Thread Nick Zitzmann
gger operations on PowerPC? Switch to an Intel Mac, or revert to an older version of Xcode. This was unfortunately broken in the last release of Xcode for Leopard, but only on PPC Macs, and I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a fix. Nick Zitzmann <ht

Re: Creating WebView in code

2010-03-28 Thread Nick Zitzmann
u'll have to create a dummy window as well, though you won't need to open it. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to th

Re: Saving jpeg data

2010-03-30 Thread Nick Zitzmann
the NSCachedImageRep into an NSImage if it isn't in one already, calling -TIFFRepresentation on the image, and using the resulting data to create a new NSBitmapImageRep. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing lis

Re: Creating WebView in code

2010-03-31 Thread Nick Zitzmann
the > NSRect should be. I'll be printing so is there an NSRect I can grab > from NSSharedPrintInfo somewhere?? Not an NSRect, but you can get an NSSize from [[NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo] paperSize]. From that, you can build an NSRect with that va

Re: NSArrayController selectedObjects

2010-04-01 Thread Nick Zitzmann
d you try something like this: (written in Mail, untested but it ought to do what you need) NSMutableArray *unselectedObjects = [[[controller arrangedObjects] mutableCopy] autorelease]; [unselectedObjects removeObjectsInArray:[controller selectedObjects]]; Nick Zitzmann <htt

Re: Creating WebView in code

2010-04-02 Thread Nick Zitzmann
:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL > URLWithString:@"";]]]; > NSView *printView = [[[myWebView mainFrame] frameView] documentView]; You must place the WebView in a window or else it won't render. It's a dumb but necessary requirement. So you'll n

Re: Creating WebView in code

2010-04-02 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ueue:YES]; [pool drain]; } [webView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; When this loop is done, any print operation you perform on the web view ought to work. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

Re: NSMutableURLRequest: How to change Request URI?

2010-04-05 Thread Nick Zitzmann
you want to happen. > But I need it to be "/submit.php?do=submit HTTP/1.1\r\n". So how do I make > these changes? Are you sure you're setting the URL correctly? That bit is part of the URL. What is the returned value of [request URL] prior to placing the request

Re: initWithObject Confusion

2010-04-08 Thread Nick Zitzmann
C_METACLASS_$_NSArray superclass 0x19d4a8 _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject [...] name 0x13597e initWithObject: types 0x139f58 @2...@0:8...@16 imp 0x101820 -[NSArray initWithObject:] Nick Zitzmann <http://www

Re: Selecting rows in NSOutlineView from menuForEvent:?

2010-04-09 Thread Nick Zitzmann
the event location, converting it from window to view coordinates, and then using -rowAtPoint: to get the row number. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin reque

Re: Selecting rows in NSOutlineView from menuForEvent:?

2010-04-09 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ezier path over the top of the row. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins

Re: Drag and drop (NSCollectionView)?

2010-04-11 Thread Nick Zitzmann
er to register the view's drag types? Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-ad

Re: using coregraphics with vector art from illustrator

2010-04-19 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ng Bezier paths, or use a vector-based font for the symbols. Just stay away from scalar graphics, such as compositing bitmap images or old-school fonts, and you should be fine wrt zooming or changing the DPI. Nick Zitzmann <> ___

Re: NSOperation and WebView

2010-04-20 Thread Nick Zitzmann
you observed doesn't surprise me too much... Of course, if you really want to know what's going on, then you can try downloading the WebKit source from <> and building your application against an open-source build of WebKit rather than the system's build.

Re: Simple low memory warning?

2010-04-20 Thread Nick Zitzmann
warning and then act on the warning. Does such a warning exist > for the Mac? Unfortunately no, but that would be a good idea, especially in 32-bit apps. Have you filed an enhancement request? Nick Zitzmann <> ___ C

Re: one button mouse right click

2010-04-21 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:31 PM, wrote: > when I ctrl-click should rightMouseDown be called or do I have to look at the > modifier flags in mouseDown ? No and yes. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Nick Zitzmann <http://www.chron

Re: one button mouse right click

2010-04-21 Thread Nick Zitzmann
own if > ctlr key is down The override you're looking for is actually -menuForEvent:, not -rightMouseDown: or -mouseDown:. Control-clicking is not the same as a right click. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ C

Re: NSOperation and WebView

2010-04-22 Thread Nick Zitzmann
caused > by things related to "thread-safe", linking a seperate WebKit might not help. No, but it would allow you to see what is really going on inside the debugger. That's much easier to do when you have the source code. Nic

Re: 'Build and Analyze' with XCODE 3.2.2

2010-04-24 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ed) > } I don't understand what you're trying to say. The static analyzer is telling you the truth, because you are leaking two objects in that code, unless that code will only be run with GC enabled. Nick Zitzmann <> _

Re: white screen windows at first

2010-04-26 Thread Nick Zitzmann
gt; does this ring any bells with people? Are you ordering your windows in the main thread, or in another thread or block? Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post adm

Re: -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (NSDictionaryController)

2010-04-26 Thread Nick Zitzmann
d or not, so perhaps this is an SL->Tiger versionitis issue? > But not-so-very-long-ago builds, from this same configuration, work for this > tester, so that seems ruled out. Is Tiger simply not expected to grok Snow > Leopard NSDCs? It's not expected to grok NSDCs a

Re: "-arch i386" -- Still useful?

2010-05-06 Thread Nick Zitzmann
t frameworks in Leopard had some interesting bugs that weren't fixed until Snow Leopard came out... * Tiger's 64-bit support was limited to programs that only used the standard C and C++ libraries. Nick Zitzmann <> __

Re: How do you set the text in an NSTextView?

2010-05-07 Thread Nick Zitzmann
close; you need to put the changes into the text storage, not the text container. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments

Re: 32/64-bit transition and memory expansion

2010-05-10 Thread Nick Zitzmann
es as NSCFDictionary. Instruments suggests it is CFBasicHash. Is > CFBasicHash part of the internals for NSCFDictionary? Google doesn't have > much info on this. I think so. A lot of Foundation objects are actually class clusters, and NSDictionary is one of the

Re: Xcode 3.2 - Missing iPhoneOS 2.2.1

2010-05-13 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ropped support there? Xcode usually only includes SDKs for the current and previous two major versions of the OS. BTW, this is probably a better question for the xcode-users list... Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mai

Figuring out what's causing redrawing

2010-05-13 Thread Nick Zitzmann
e value of -[NSView needsDisplay], but the value never changes, and it keeps getting redisplayed anyway. Apparently the value is a perpetual YES... Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please d

Re: Figuring out what's causing redrawing

2010-05-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann
ifferent place that is constantly getting redrawn for no apparent reason. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact

Re: Figuring out what's causing redrawing

2010-05-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On May 15, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Uli Kusterer wrote: > override its drawRect: ? How else would you get the dirty rects to see what > is dirtied? Right, but what is causing -drawRect: to be called? That's what I want to know. Nick Zitzmann <http://www.

Re: Project Builder Files -> XCode

2010-05-17 Thread Nick Zitzmann
s list, but anyway, you must use Xcode 2.5 to convert pbxproj bundles to xcodeproj bundles. Xcode 2.5 was intended for Tiger and Leopard; it works under Snow Leopard but not very well (it is not supported, and might crash at some point or another). Nick Zitzmann <http

Re: My program causes MacBook Pro to use NVidia graphics

2010-05-18 Thread Nick Zitzmann
lf by using otool. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)

Re: Notifications on main thread

2010-05-18 Thread Nick Zitzmann
and then call the invocation's -performSelectorOnMainThread:... method to invoke the invocation on the main thread. This works any time you need to call something on the main thread, but you need to set more than one argument, or the method has arguments that take primitives instead of object

Re: Detecting modifier key down when opening a menu?

2010-05-18 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On May 18, 2010, at 11:38 AM, Laurent Daudelin wrote: > What's the best way to detect if a modifier key is held down when the user > click to open a menu? [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] ought to work... Nick Zitzmann <http://www.

Re: Calling allObjects memory allocation problem

2010-05-20 Thread Nick Zitzmann
t; Can someone explain to me why this happens please and how to solve it? Have you tried using the object alloc instrument in Instruments? That will show you what is really going on with your application's memory usage. Nick Zitzmann <> ___

Re: Crash trying to unarchive webview from IB document

2010-05-25 Thread Nick Zitzmann
roject for a Cocoa > app, nothing fancy, then opened the MainWindow.xib in IB to add the text > field and the webview. > > Anyone has any idea? Did you remember to link your target to the WebKit framework? That's where the WebVi

Re: removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndexPath EXC_BAD_ACCESS

2010-05-27 Thread Nick Zitzmann
u're going to do something like that, then you need to work on a copy of the enumerated array. You cannot mutate collection objects that are being enumerated. Nick Zitzmann <> ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Coco

Re: posted notifications are sent twice

2010-05-30 Thread Nick Zitzmann
g twice on the same observer after the notification is posted? If so, are you sure the object is the same twice ("self" has the same address when both breakpoints are hit)? Nick Zitzmann <> ___

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