Re: Use of blocks

2010-07-12 Thread Marcelo Alves
On 12/07/2010, at 04:34, Giannandrea Castaldi wrote: > I've also looked for a solution with NSExpression and NSPredicate with > the function min/max but if I've correctly understood the use of > NSExpression and NSPredicate with such functions is only for CoreData. > Thanks. See the "Set and Ar

Re: UIKit newbie user confusion with connections and touch events

2010-07-16 Thread marcelo . alves
Download the UiGestureRecognizer tutorial from wwdc 2010. Probably is named "Gesture Recognizers", or something like that. It's way easier and more standard with the rest of the operating system than working with UIEvents. Sent from my iPhone On 13/07/2010, at 06:35, rramage wrote: > I'm

Re: Implementing Ken-Bun Effect

2010-07-16 Thread marcelo . alves
You can place your image inside a scroll view and animate it, using Core Animation. Check the UIView class methods to begin an animation context and commit it. Sent from my iPhone On 16/07/2010, at 09:09, Kalyanraju M wrote: > Hi All, > I have a image with size 480 * 320 (iPhone Landscape mo

Re: Encrypting data in a Core Data SQL store for a Mac desktop app

2010-07-18 Thread Marcelo Alves
On 18/07/2010, at 20:22, Kyle Sluder wrote: > On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 3:42 AM, Darren Wheatley > wrote: >> Can anyone give me a pointer on how to encrypt (and use) the data in the >> Core Data sql store of my Mac desktop app? My application has a data store >> that on its own has a value, and I

Re: Recursive search for files

2011-05-23 Thread Marcelo Alves
Why not use spotlight (NSMetadataQuery / MDQuery) instead of recursion ? On 23/05/2011, at 00:00, James Merkel wrote: > I would like to add a capability to an application to search directories and > sub-directories eventually opening all image files (basically using > NSDirectoryEnumerator).

NSTableView, NSCollectionView or CALayers?

2011-05-23 Thread Marcelo Alves
Hi, I have to code a table visually like the UITableView on iOS, but with one caveat : it should support some kind of animation in each cell, like the swipe in Twitter.ipa (the text disappears and a row of buttons appears underneath the cell). Looks like NSCell does not support Core Animation

Re: UIView embedded in UIScrollView hides scroll indicators ?

2013-05-18 Thread Marcelo Alves
Did you forgot to set the contentSize for the UIScrollView? On 18/05/2013, at 14:43, Koen van der Drift wrote: > In IB I created an UIView embedded in an UIScrollView. They both fill up > the screen and are 320 px wide. Scrolling works just fine, but the scroll > indicators are invisible. I

Re: Widgets for HUD

2008-06-29 Thread Marcelo Alves
On 27/06/2008, at 16:48, Erik Verbruggen wrote: I know this has been asked before on this list (somewhere earlier this year), but I couldn't find the posting back. So sorry for repeating the question, but I'd like to use the HUD of Leopard and with "fitting" widgets. Somebody mentioned som

Re: exec(uting) Safari - How (newbie)

2008-07-01 Thread Marcelo Alves
Why not use [NSWorkspace launchApplication:] method? 2008/7/1 Barrie Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi all, > > I want to

Re: Deploying application with Growl support

2008-07-09 Thread Marcelo Alves
Read the growl documentation. There's a chapter explaining how to bundle a growl installer inside your app. Sent from my iPhone On 9 Jul 2008, at 13:27, "Matthew Gertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, Perhaps this isn't the right place to ask this, but I have a Cocoa application that use

Re: JDBC Frameworks?

2008-07-10 Thread Marcelo Alves
Well, Java-Cocoa Bridge is deprecated and not supported on 10.5. You can use PyObjC, RubyCocoa, Perl, etc. On 10/07/2008, at 22:14, Tom Jones wrote: Hello, I would like to write a app to be able to talk to a couple of different types of databases (MySQL, Oracle). I'm thinking that JDB

Re: Interface Builder, tree view like Mac Mail or itunes

2008-08-03 Thread Marcelo Alves
look at [1] in NSOutlineView Class Reference and use an attributed string to draw the icon or use a custom NSCell. [1]: - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isGroupItem: (id)item :: marcelo.alves On 03/08/2008, at 21:11, Sandro Noel wrote: Hello! I would like to know how t

Re: What's the use of the Z_UUID in the Z_METADATA table?

2008-08-12 Thread Marcelo Alves
It is a implementation detail. You should not look inside the sqlite file. 2008/8/12 Gustavo Vera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > What's the use of the Z_UUID in the Z_METADATA table? > Is some kind of check sum or something like that? > CoreData uses this value for something? > Why is this value differe

Re: What's the use of the Z_UUID in the Z_METADATA table?

2008-08-13 Thread Marcelo Alves
2008/8/13 Gustavo Vera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Maybe I should not, but I'm doing it anyway :D > I'm looking inside and also I'm manipulating the structure and data of the > sqlite file since about 200 revisions in my project. I'm doing this to > provide newer versions of the app that has the possibi

Re: monitoring file system

2008-08-25 Thread Marcelo Alves
>> Hi, >> I am developing an image browser in that user can watch photo from chosen >> directory. >> In this application I want to give functionality that whenever user add or >> delete any photo from storage media application should know it. >> Could any buddy give me idea about it . You can use

Re: How to get a "Normal" button in iOS 7/IB

2013-10-04 Thread Marcelo Alves
Why not enumerate each subview, detect if it is a UIButton and add the capped images? -- :: marcelo.alves > On 04/10/2013, at 11:37, Alex Kac wrote: > > Just my two cents - its not much work at all. Create a UIButton subclass. > Have it use images or code - who cares. Then you just go and ch

Re: High-quality offscreen rendering of text?

2013-10-06 Thread Marcelo Alves
I don’t know if you know it, but “ClearType” / antialiasing in fonts works only on opaque images, you won’t have the best rendering method possible if your background is transparent. (From CATextLayer documentation, but I think it applies to the entire OS as well, because it makes sense : "Tex

Re: Infinite Scroll View?

2013-10-07 Thread Marcelo Alves
There’s a WWDC video from 2011 : “Advanced ScrollView Techniques” which explains one way to do infinite scrolling. Look at 18:08 if it is what you want. On 07/10/2013, at 13:21, Dave wrote: > Hi, > > I'd like to be able to Scroll Infinitely in a Scroll, e.g. when the scrolling > is past th

Re: Infinite Scroll View?

2013-10-08 Thread Marcelo Alves
Did you check the StreetScroller sample? it is the same code that was demonstrated in the WWDC 2011 I told you before. -- :: marcelo.alves > On 08/10/2013, at 17:30, Dave

Re: NSInputStream vs GCD's Dispatch Sources

2013-10-13 Thread Marcelo Alves
Check the CGDAsyncSocket project. -- :: marcelo.alves > On 13/10/2013, at 19:18, Todd Heberlein wrote: > > I’m building a new Cocoa client app that will asynchronously receive data > over a TCP connection from a server. I was reviewing my options, and I am a > little uncertain. > > On one

Re: iOS screen physical size (or px density)

2013-11-26 Thread Marcelo Alves
> Then why the hell in the five years of public iOS API, Apple always decided > against a public API point for that? > Probably because there’s no way to accurately know the physical screen size of a device attached via AirPlay or HDMI cable. The API would break in such cases. (And the same

Re: Best way to put a fixed view in a UITableViewController scene?

2013-11-26 Thread Marcelo Alves
> Dynamically at runtime, I'd like to put a fixed banner across the top of a > UITableViewController scene with some status information. I want this banner > to remain fixed at the top, and for the UITableView to live in a frame below > it. > Probably I’m missing something or I’m just naïve (

Re: Best solution for game loop on OSX?

2013-12-16 Thread Marcelo Alves
You can use CVDisplayLink (Foundation, OS X) / CADisplayLink (iOS) with pretty good accuracy or a time dispatch timer. The dispatch timer approach is more portable (no changes in your code), a bit cleaner (block based, instead of function pointers in the case of CVDisplayLink), but it is up to