Good day, everyone,
The situation is simple, I have two instances of the same class (MyClass).
This class has a connection instance variable and a declared property for
that variable:
@property (readwrite, assign) MyClass * connection;
So basically an object has a reference to another object of
OK, perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but if you are simply trying to set
the label of the NSTextField you may wanna do this. You do not need to
allocate NSTextField programmatically, it will be loaded automatically.
@interface TestAppDelegate : NSObject {
NSTextField * _textField;
el de Haan wrote:
> On Oct 11, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Karolis Ramanauskas wrote:
> OK, perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but if you are simply trying to set
>> the label of the NSTextField you may wanna do this.
> Well...what I was **really** trying
object is not pointing to the now deallocated object without doing what I
- (void)dealloc {
if (self.connection) {
self.connection.connection = nil;
[super dealloc];
On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Greg Guerin wrote:
> Karolis Ramanauskas wrote:
> - (voi
Thanks, Kai, Greg, Jens,
> It's generally a bad idea to have two objects each retain the other. It
> produces a reference loop, which means neither object can be deallocated
> without manually releasing each side of the relationship.
As was stated in my original email these are all weak referenc
Thanks to everyone! Reading all this I realized that there is a little more
to GC than I know... or should I say a lot more. at this point I'm unable to
choose exactly what may be the best solution. I will have to read
documentation and interpret that information through the prism of my
> For example, if I were creating an application with documents that
> consisted of connected nodes, I’d have the document own (retain) the nodes
> and have the nodes just reference (assign) each other.
Actually, that's what I do ;)
Good day,
Would you like to share some of your code? It would be a lot easier to see
what may be going on...
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:31 AM, Harry Sfougaris wrote:
> I have placed a NSSplitView inside a NSScrollView in code.
> However, when the user resizes one of the views so part of
Good day,
I was running my app with Instruments -> Leaks. This is a
document-based-application. Whenever I save or open a file I get this leak:
Category: Malloc 4.50 KB
Event Type: Malloc
RefCt: 1
Address: 0x103108000
Size: 4608
Responsible Library: ImageIO
Responsible Caller: du_block::set_max_b
Thank you
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Ken Ferry wrote:
> Hi Karolis,
> That one's a false positive. The JPEG2000 library allocates memory at
> pointer p, but holds onto a pointer q and constant k such that q + k is p.
> Leaks cannot tell that the app can still get at the pointer, so it t
This may be a false positive. I recently had a similar leak:
> Category: Malloc 4.50 KB
> Event Type: Malloc
> RefCt: 1
> Address: 0x103108000
> Size: 4608
> Responsible Library: ImageIO
> Responsible Caller: du_block::set_max_bytes(int, bool)
Ken Ferry on this list explained it was a false pos
Good day,
For the last few days I've been working on my own "2D Scatter Plot View" all
is going great and it looks nice:
At this point I started optimizing drawing, so I implemented some cacheing,
etc. and I see
attached is the .m file with relevant code...
Description: Binary data
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Just noticed I forgot to lock:
[plotBitmaps addObject:bitmap];
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list.
Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)
Good day,
I'm trying to set up a single static library, I only need it to link against
Foundation, for both iPhone and Desktop applications. I can easily configure
one library for iPhone application only, same with desktop application.
However when I try to make one static library work with both e
...also I wanted to ask, in case this is not possible how do I avoid copying
existing classes I have written for desktop and using them in iPhone? I can
easily create two versions of static library and keep copying/pasting files
between them, but it seems cumbersome.
Thanks again
Thanks to you both, I'll look into my options more deeply. Sorry about the
wrong list...
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Hello there,
Thought I'll share a little observation I just made, and that cost me about
an hour to debug. This is in hope that, using my experience, you may check
for similar bugs.
Look at this piece of code:
NSNumberFormatter * nf = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[nf s
You need to use CG structs on iPhone. CGPoint, CGRect... Don't forget
different make function naming conventions either: NSMakeRect -> CGRectMake.
On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Patrick William Walker <> wrote:
> Why do I get an "E
Good evening,
My question involves the code below:
NSNumberFormatter * nf = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[nf setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle];
NSLog(@"'%@'", [nf numberFromString:@"one"]); // <- LINE A
NSLog(@"'%@'", [nf numberFromString:@"one two"]); // <
Just a note, kCLLocationAccuracyBest will use the most battery power because
it is actually, most likely, gonna be using GPS radio. If you need just a
general location and not the precise spot, use less precise settings which
will make use of wireless towers and Wi-Fi spots.
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 a
Good day,
Does anyone here have pointers on how to implement syncing of my iphone
application with the desktop version. I am interested in the way "Things" on
iPhone does it, for example: They use wi-fi. The
biggest problem I have digging up any information is that looking for
Good evening to everyone,
I'm in a (extensive) planning stage of a project and an issue of
synchronization is forcing itself on me, I asked a question this morning
about a networking side of things, and I got some info from nice people here
about MYNetwork:
Ha! I just saw that book Amazon a few hours ago, but for some reason didn't
bother looking through the contents. I assumed I need an iPhone book.
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Martin Hewitson <> wrote:
> Apple's API for Persisting Data on Mac OS X
hat is, on the same local
network), they would automatically update each other. Talk about a pleasant
user experience!"
As you can see they do not talk about actually implementing synchronization,
so my original question stands. Any ideas are appreciated.
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 a
> Would you create IBOutlets or properties + binding in that case?
You will need to give an example of exactly what you want to accomplish.
What values do you need?, etc. Then, perhaps it will be easier to answer.
- Hide quoted text -
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 5:48 AM, Christian Ziegler
Arghh... I was beaten to an answer! :) Slow typing...
Yeah, with bindings you will get a two-way connection. If you change your
property's value programmatically, the stepper will update also.
Instead of target-action you could set up an iboutleted property, connect
stepper to it and observe that
Let me see.
The way I understand what you want to do is this:
You have some controls in your window: c1, c2, c3, c4...
You don't care to be notified when they change. Only thing you care about is
to read their values when you click a button. I thing the best thing to do
here is just create a bun
I don't see an example of how you are creating cells in your first post. But
in case you were using the same string for the reuse identifier then when
the cell is loaded the second time it will not switch to a different style.
Because whatever cell was cashed the first time it will be reused. That'
I think your dylib file has been compiled under debug only. When you compile
your app under release, the compiler complains that dylib is compiled under
debug. Recompile your dylib under release then compile your app under
release. Better yet you should add you dylib project (drag and drop) to your
b is the one that comes from the OS X build of mySQL - I did not
> build it myself :o(
> On 23 Nov 2009, at 16:50, Karolis Ramanauskas wrote:
> I think your dylib file has been compiled under debug only. When you
> compile your app under release, the compiler complains that dylib
I guess you found the answer as I was typing my correction. Do you have the
source to dylib you are using?
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Karolis Ramanauskas wrote:
> I made a little mistake. It's not a debug/release issue, although that
> would give you similar problems. The dyl
Glad you found your solution... This is out of my league. Quite interesting
though, so I will creep this exchange.
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:32 AM, Michael Davey wrote:
> Well, it may not have been the most elegant of solutions, but it works...
> Basically I downloaded the binary tarbal
Perhaps not quite what you need but I am working on code for iPhone and OSX
in parallel and I am using one main.m, one Prefix.pch. I believe you will
need several info.plist files because target specific stuff lives in them,
this is easy though because you point to info.plist from the target info
Good day,
I have an NSFetchedResultsController set up with an entity, ENTITY. ENTITY
has a to-one relationship called REL. Now, in my table view, cells display
some data that are the attributes of ENTITY and some data that are the
attributes of REL. When I change the values of the attributes of EN
Good day,
I have an NSFetchedResultsController set up with an entity, ENTITY. ENTITY
has a to-one relationship called REL. Now, in my table view, cells display
some data that are the attributes of ENTITY and some data that are the
attributes of REL. When I change the values of the attributes of EN
Agreed, no network connection no graph! ;) What if I need to update my graph
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Philip Vallone
> This post is very misleading. The tutorial is called "Using VVI for
> Graphing on iPhone" however there is no graphing. The graph is pulled in
> from the webs
Dear developers,
I do not have an iPhone, so I may be wrong since Calendar is not available
on the simulator. UITableView needs to know the number of sections and rows
for each section beforehand. However, Calendar allows repeating events that
do not end, correct? If this is not correct, then my q
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Luke the Hiesterman wrote:
> You can tell the tableView that you have a very large number of rows.
> tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: is only called when a cell will actually
> come into view, so even though you claim your table to be very large, not
> all cells ar
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Luke the Hiesterman wrote:
> Yes, eventually the calendar list view will come to an end. I'm able to hit
> that point easily by scrolling fast for several seconds on my phone.
> Luke
Ah, I see! So it's all an illusion! ;) Thanks. Just to confirm, you have
declare 30k rows and there's no reason a user should ever get through that
> many rows.
> Luke
> On Dec 17, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Karolis Ramanauskas wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Luke the Hiesterman
> wrote:
>> Yes, eventually the calendar lis
Luke helped me with this a little bit, but, after experimenting, it seams
there is more to it.
I guess there is still something I do not understand about this. Yes, I can
set a huge number of rows. But I want them to be grouped into sections.
However, UITableView wants to know exactly how many row
blem if you want potentially large
> numbers of sections but it isn't easy to calculate the size of said
> sections. What are you really trying to do?
> Luke
> Sent from my iPhone.
> On Dec 17, 2009, at 8:01 PM, Karolis Ramanauskas
> wrote:
> L
> By formatting the dates as MMDD and keeping them in strings you can use
> simple string comparison to sort, compare and filter. They are also very
> easy to format for display purposes. If you want to go standard then use the
> ISO 8601 date format. It's -MM-DD. See
> NSDate conceptually store time relative to Jan 1, 2001, GMT.
> When it is formatted for display, it uses the current time zone (or more
> correctly, the NSDateFormatter uses whatever time zone has been specified,
> or the current system time zone). If your time zone changes (such as by
> day
Good day, everyone,
I have a core data document based app. There are two windows for each
document. One is the "Inspector" window with mostly NSTableViews
representing objects and their relationships. Another window consists of a
custom view which draws graphical representation of the objects. In
OK, I managed to replicate my problem in this example project:
If you are interested download it, only 44KB. It contains two core data
entities: BigBagOfFruit and Fruit.
1. Run the program
2. Add a bag
3. Now add some fruit in it ;)
4. Move your mouse around
if this is the file you are talking about, I had no problem downloading it.
Here I uploaded it to my site:
If it's something else, let me know...
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
>Lesson: Don't change model data in a -draw method. I really can't think of
>any reason why you'd want to do this. -draw is for drawing.
Yes, perhaps, but I have to change it, perhaps not in a draw method
itself, but in another method that get's called before it. In my real
program I have one,
> Is locationY the model attribute which you "have to" change? If so, I
> suggest that this is not rightfully a model or managed object attribute.
> Obviously, it's more of a 'view' thing than a 'model' thing. Remove it
> from your data model. Make it a regular instance variable instead or,
> b
Good day,
First of all I would like to thank to everyone who helped me with my
previous question, I'm passed
NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification ;)
Here is the scenario, I've looked at the archives, but I am still confused
of the correct plan of action:
I have a custom view that s
Hello, thnaks for your help, Jon,
So I have a lot of this working now, but I have a problem!
I created a XIB with one window, several views. When a user clicks on the
object in the main view this happens:
- (void)showPropertiesWindowFor:(KRSimFlowElement *)flowElement {
You have to set up how you will save your files first, this is not core
You will have to, for example, create an array that will hold the objects
that you will be archiving and unarchiving to. Then you will have to modify
the dataOfType and readFromData methods:
- (id)init {
self = [su
Good Day,
I'm in a MVC-induced contradiction here. I've read the archives and found
good answers to many of my questions, however it seems one thing kind of
escaped from being answered. I have Core Data Document Based app. Core Data
model contains entities that describe graph objects (nodes). Of c
Thanks Sean, Benjamin and I. Savant for your responses so far,
>You could use the various setMetadata: methods of NSPersistentStore
and NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.
I thought metadata was meant to make stores searchable with spotlight? Is
this the correct usage? I claim ignorance here :)
>You co
> That's right. Stop it.
> No no, just just stop it.*
I needed that, ;) I can't come up with a better way either, I've been
sitting and reading all this morning, my platonic MVC ideal a little
diminished... Perhaps this could be one-to-many relationship so I could
> Most of my Core Data entities have a Data blob attribute which is actually
> and archived dictionary of "extra data." Each user's per-document view
> configuration is stored under keys within each blob. The Data blobs start
> out nil which just defaults to something reasonable in each view.
I happily used ActiveRecord
Look how nice it is to connect:
NSDictionary * databaseConnectionInfo = [NSDictionary
@"", @"host",
@"obama", @"user",
@"supersecretpassword", @"password",
@"databasename", @"da
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